
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Teenager
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13 Chs


Blue eyes indeed they shinw bright like the heavens, wait a minute I have once heard this oeh yes it was from the birds in the first chapter how crazy. For a moment one would think it is a repetition of the same phrase of words but this is what one saw at that moment. The eyes were blue but did you see it is a person or not well let us find out from these two...

"Lashwentie the bell is about to ring let us go and find this thing because I am so curious about it."

"Moe curiosity killed a cat so I won't go."

"But... I mean we... are not cats right so let's go now."

" What are you two conspiring about?" Nash asked in curiosity.

Bell rang....!!!


There was nothing of some kind but students rushing for interval to go and feast while conversing wuth their friends. It was just a dark corner with nothing at all, after a while a figure appeared as Moe and Lashwentie went closer to the corner to see who is there. The chills in their ears could tell their fear and horror of what seems to happen.


"This is so scary let us go back Moe."

"I shall not turn back after this exciting incidence. Finally something of amusement in our first day."

"Careful Moe your words shall not be a mockery to thee because it shall change to reality don't you think?"

"I think not"

Foot Steps (figure appears but it is a lurking shadow)

Closer they went into the lion's den not knowing what is out there to be seen or happen. A dark cloud shut infront of them, they see not the shadow but something is moving at a faster pace closer and closer it comes. They stood with horror and once more the footsteps were quite low and boom nothing. Boom it appeared something it was the footsteps coming closer and closer until it reached to the dark corner a place were it resides in.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"What is it Moe look out it is behind us something..."

They screamed giving all their lost voices to the world to hear, bam on the floor she fell, eyes started to cry heavily as dust was bear her sight. Then suddenly silence filled the room and...

"Booom!!! I got you guys. What are you doing here it is interval you're supposed to be eating unless you want to starve and then the crows will prey all over your bodies until you are decomposed not even a dog would eat you by then only the soil will eat you. You would become fossils" Nash shouted with a deep voice and laughing.

"At least we would be legends and you would do something with our bodies, fossils are important for your light that is no more in your head" Lashwentie said with a scared voice yet cruel.

"Let us go Lashwentie and leave this jerk Nash alone."

The ground was filled with students wating and laughing having a nice time. They joined and ate their lunch fast as the bell was about to ring. Seniors passed by looking so hot and handsome they are apparently our prefects. They carried themselves with dignity but some they just woke up on a bad side to bully kids around especially the kids from the 8th grade. It was terrible taking the food and books placing them far away from it's owner so that when the bell rings they would spend time looking for the book instead of reporting to class.

How scared they were to even speak out and tell their teachers because those seniors were sent from the death they were hollow with no remorse like a man who is killing and torturing people during apartheid era. Look at them busy taking until nothing is left for them to take but just scared kids eating in bathrooms just to run away from the monsters who were supposed to protect them.

The bell rang for everyone to go back to their assigned classes, however on Lashwenties way back to class she was walking as if she is a prefect she walked with pride and dignity. If she could become a head girl a lot would change in these walls of Sung Gromestus Hu (name of the school). She walked with hope for a better future, she wanted to put an end to all of this bullying but power was one thing she had not yet possessed. A girl who is smart and beautiful able to lure people into doing whatever she wants them to do and sooner it shall all be right.


There it was the figure but now she saw it clearly a boy he was a senior with blue eyes she did not know who it was but he was handsome. His body and posture was so perfecr, blue eyes were glittering as she came closer to ask the whereabouts of this lurking figure so handsome in the dark. The uniform was so perfect as of it was designed to be worn by him only and him just him no other boy wore it perfectly to her eyes. She starred at him with no blink and paused for a while words were cut out from her vocal cords.

Paused for 2minutes...

"Hello. Are you oukei?"

"I am oukei who are you and why are you here?" Lashwentie enquired

"My deepest apologise didn't mean to scare you. I am here for duty as I am a headboy. I am Luyeng Chi."

"Oeh oeh oukei sorry, I had no idea really thought you were a stalker or mysterious imagination of some kind. Please do forgive me if I was rude to thee master of our school. Nice to see and meet you under such forseen circumstances."

She stormed out rushing for class did not even wait for him to answer. The class was already settled, Moesha was so worried as to why would the mightly Lashwentie to be late in class especially in language class. She enjoys it and her accent is well developed so highly and rich.

"My appologies Madam something of horror happened and caused the delay of me entering the class late" Lashwentie pleading for forgiveness.

"Go on and sit down. Good afternoon I am Mrs Oscar's, open your books to page 67."


"What happened dude?"

"Moe I have met my soulmate he is the headboy. Oeh dear master, his voice, his looks how I yearn to be held by him. I shall not study today but rather dream of him as that is the least I could do."

"What no ways thee master, oeh Lady Ashwenti his voice must have killed your sense. What is there without education, perhaps slavery of his own kid at least what I have reached my ears."

The headboy entered her class looking for someone he asked the teacher to call out the person he seeks to have a word with.

"Everyone your headboy is here he would like to borrow your ears and eyes for a moment."

(Standing up and bowing as a form of salutations to their master of the school). Lashwentie's eyes feel on the floor when she saw him again in class. She was sp shocked and was scared if he was to call out her name.

Lashwentie's thoughts " It is too early my Lord to let your kingdom to know about how you have swept my heart and asked to marry me."