
Chapter 1: Blackmail & Cherries

Standing in the courtyard just before school, a young high school girl with long strands of black hair let out a grunt as a pair of hands collided with her chest and sent her falling heavily to the ground.

The papers she had been holding scattered everywhere, all over the damp and cold ground. The other girls in the courtyard all turned to look in surprise.

Her classmate that had pushed her stared down at her with a large smirk on her glossy red lips— thanks to her cherry lipgloss— and hummed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fuyumi. I didn't see you there. Next time you should watch out and make sure you don't bump into anyone."

The girl was your cliche rich and spoiled brat that you would see as the main antagonist of a shojo manga. Her father was the school's Chairman so she was always swooned over like she was the hottest thing around.

Yasakabe Hideko, with her perfectly manicured fingernails, long lashes, and curly locks of dark blue hair, was a serious pain in the ass.

Her posse of other rich girls stood at her sides, smirking down at Fuyumi and whispering to each other. Hideko grinned as she flipped some of her hair off of her shoulder.

"That's what disgusting lesbians like you get, anyways. Running around with these girls like a bitch in heat— you're so pathetic."

Fuyumi stared up at her with a grin and slowly got onto her feet, brushing off her dirtied knees. "Aw, that's not very nice, Yasakabe-san. Just because I like girls, doesn't mean—"

Her eyes widened as a foot collided with her stomach and caused her to fall back to the ground.

Hideko placed her hands on her hips and clicked her tongue, glaring at her like she was nothing more than trash.

"Who gave you permission to speak? If I were you, I'd stay there and think about what a loser you are."

She turned on her heel, hair bouncing on her back as she went, and began strutting away. "Let's go girls. Leave her there like the dog she is."

Her friends all turned to follow her, giggling to themselves as they looked over their shoulders and sent kisses and winks Fuyumi's way.

"Bye-bye, lesbian-chan!"

"We'll see you in class. Pray your uniform isn't too dirty."

"Haha, what a loser~"

Fuyumi watched them go quietly, blinking. She looked down at her dirty homework and sighed. She grabbed one of the papers and stared at the dirt smeared on it, her expression growing sour. As she stood up and gathered her papers, she sent a glare to those that were gawking at her.

They all flinched when they met her icy gaze and looked away, quickly heading to class before the bell rang.

Fuyumi made it to class as quick as possible, trying to clean up her skirt and homework all the while. When she entered, she found that almost everyone was already sitting, and let out a sigh of relief, thankful she wasn't late.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid. These stupid rich girls are such a burden. Don't they see how spoiled and trashy they are?'

With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, she took a seat and fixed up her hair. After the bell rang, the teacher walked in with his folder and stood behind the desk.

Not long after he began his lecture, Hideko's minions began plotting ways to annoy Fuyumi. Like clockwork everyday, the muffled snickering started as they stared at her.

She felt something hit the back of her head and bounce off, causing her eyes to widen a bit. She pursed her lips and looked over her shoulder at the floor. A crumbled up paper ball laid there.

She looked up with a calm expression to where three girls sat around Hideko, snickering and pointing at the paper ball.

Fuyumi turned back around and then raised her hand in the air, the class falling silent as she did so. The girls seemed to grow nervous— most likely anticipating her telling the teacher on them.

The teacher looked up from his book at her and hummed. "What is it, Chouko-san?"

She hummed and let her hand fall back to her desk. "Could I please go to the bathroom? I'm not feeling very well."

He blinked at her and then nodded. "You may—"

He was interrupted as someone on the other side of the class shot up in her seat. Hideko stared at him with an innocent smile.

"Could I go with her? Just to be sure that she gets there alright. We wouldn't want her passing out in the hallway without anyone knowing."

The teacher gave a nod and closed his eyes. "...Yes, I suppose you can go with her. But try and make it quick you two, you'll miss the lesson."

Fuyumi pursed her lips as she stood up and reluctantly followed the blue-haired girl into the hallway. The teacher was unknowingly sending her to her doom— but it was no secret that Hideko was a bully, so maybe he did know and just didn't care.


Fuyumi let out a groan as she was thrown against the wall of the bathroom, the air leaving her lungs abruptly.

Hideko towered over her with her hands on her hips, smirking at her with a sadistic glint in her eyes.

"You don't feel well, huh? Really? Or was that a lie our cute little Fuyumi made up to get out of class?"

Fuyumi looked up at her with a grin and hummed. "And why did you follow me here, Hideko? Surely you don't want to make small talk."

Hideko's smirk fell as she grit her teeth and knit her brows. She walked over to the girl and grabbed her by her collar with both hands, glaring at her fiercely.

"Listen here, you perverted bitch, I don't appreciate you trying to taint my school's good reputation with your woman-loving ways. Just yesterday I overheard a few students from another school gossiping about a 'lesbian womanizer' from our school. Who do you think fits that description?"

Fuyumi grinned at her and reached up to brush a strand of blue hair from her face. "I never noticed how pretty you are until now, Hideko-san."

Hideko's eyes widened and her lips quivered. She wrenched her arm back and harshly slapped Fuyumi across her face, panting.

Fuyumi's hair fluttered as her head whipped around, cheek growing increasingly red.

"Don't even joke around with me right now! I'll make your life a living hell until you leave if I have to!"

A dark grin curled on her lips as she cooed.

"Perhaps I could have that sick daddy of yours fired. He's the janitor, isn't he? I'm sure he wouldn't be missed."

Fuyumi's eyes widened as the words rolled off of the rich girl's tongue. She grit her teeth and quickly sat up, taking Hideko with her (whom had practically been sitting on her lap.)

The both of them fell to the cold bathroom floor, Hideko grunting in shock. Fuyumi grabbed a fist full of shiny blue hair, pulling Hideko's head back.

The girl underneath her let out a cry and screwed her eyes shut, hissing.

"Ack! Let go of me, you crazy bitch! I'll kick your—"

She was cut off as her lips were sealed by Fuyumi's, her entire body growing rigid. She was like an animal playing dead as she processed what was happening. She was being kissed by Fuyumi.

She blinked a few times to slowly pull her self together, and began kicking her legs frantically, screaming into the kiss.

She broke away, panting, and leaned away from Fuyumi, hands pushing against the black haired girl's chest.

"G-Get off, you horny bitch! I'm going to—!"

Again, she didn't get to finish her sentence as Fuyumi forcefully pulled her face forward and smashed their lips together.

Hideko moaned into the sloppy kiss, feeling her cheeks and ears growing hot. This kiss, this kiss that was supposed to be unwanted and hated, was so much hotter than any kiss she had shared with a boy.

She could feel herself melting and growing weaker, limbs trembling, as Fuyumi slipped her tongue into her mouth.

Tears pricked at her eyes as her legs wrapped themselves around Fuyumi's waist to pull her closer, hips snapping up.

She closed her eyes tightly, tears sliding down her cheeks, and sighed into the kiss, her tongue feeling as though it were melting.

'What the hell am I doing? This is a girl I'm kissing..! Not just any girl, it's Fuyumi. I hate Fuyumi..!'

Although her mind was screaming at her to push this girl away and fight back, her body was telling her that this was the best thing it had ever felt. She hated it. Or maybe she loved it.

After what felt like ages of pure bliss and simultaneous agony, Fuyumi pulled away and allowed Hideko to catch her breath.

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The both of them panted, chests heaving as their tongues lolled out to allow a string of saliva to connect them.

Fuyumi's flushed lips curled into a smirk as she sat up and wiped the drool from her chin, eyes glittering darkly.

"You look so good like this, Hideko-san. I wish I could take a picture and keep you forever."

After having rode her high and then coming down, her mind clearing to make way for logical thinking, Hideko glared at her with rage and kicked her off.

She stood up and hugged herself, drool still sliding down her chin as her whole face turned a dark shade of red.

"W-What the hell were you thinking just now? I can't believe you..! I'm out of here..!!"

She turned on her heel, ready to stomp out of the bathroom in her flustered state, but Fuyumi grabbed her by her wrist and stopped her.

She whipped around and glared, still trembling. "What?!"

Fuyumi stared at her seriously and hummed.

"I want you to stop threatening me and leave my father out of this. If you don't, I'll tell everyone about what just happened and a huge rumor will spread."

Hideko let out a scoff and smirked at her, her hair hanging in front of her face messily. "Tell them what? That you pounced on me and ravished me?!"

Fuyumi smirked and flipped Hideko's hand around to press a kiss to her knuckles.

"I'll tell them all about how you were moaning and squirming underneath me like a— how do you say it? A 'bitch in heat'? You know yourself how fast word spreads..."

She grinned, her eyes shining with amusement.

"That would be so unfortunate for you."

Hideko fell silent and went rigid. After a moment, she snatched her hand away and pulled it to her chest.

"...Don't you dare utter a word about this. I-I'll leave you alone from now on, so keep your lips sealed!"

With that, she stalked away angrily, her face still red. Fuyumi watched her go with a grin and then turned to look at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair.

Fuyumi waited at the front gates of the school after the final bell had rang, her bag held at her knees. Her best friend since childhood ran up to her with a smile, short locks of hair bouncing.

"Fuyumi-san! I'm here, you don't have to wait up anymore."

Fuyumi sent her a warm smile and closed her eyes, tilting her head as she began to walk away from the school. "Let's go, then."

Her friend, Ichigo, followed her happily, her bag on her shoulder. The two of them chatted idly as they went.

Hideko stood with her group of friends in front of the school, getting ready to leave. Her best friend, a girl with pink haired name Miyuki, sighed.

"God, I'm literally so tired. School really took it out of me today."

Hideko stood there, looking down at the ground with a flustered expression, biting her lip. Her mind kept taking a trip back to the earlier events.

She could still feel her lips tingling and her inner thighs burning as she pressed them together, rubbing for some friction.

She hated to admit it, but she had been really hot and bothered since that make out session. She closed her eyes and took in some air, thinking about the sensation of Fuyumi's hot tongue.

As she stood there daydreaming, one of her friends suddenly jumped on her and hugged her, pushing the air out of her lungs.

As the air left her, so did a high-pitched moan. They all stood there silently, staring at her in shock. Hideko gasped and slapped her hand over her mouth.

"U-Um, that wasn't what it sounded like. She startled me and that was what came out..!"

Miyuki stared at her and then grinned, letting out a snort. "Pfft. That sure was a weird sound to make."

Hideko glared at her with a red face and hissed. "Oh shut up!!"

The girl that had jumped on her, a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail named Yui, smiled and stepped away.

"Sorry for startling you, Hideko-san. Anyway, what do you girls think about going to lesbian-san's house and egging it?"

Everyone grinned at the suggestion, seeming more than eager, but Hideko looked down with a deep frown.

"...A-Actually, let's leave her alone for a little while."

They all stared at her and gawked, jaws hanging open. "EHH?"

She flinched and knit her brows, clutching the strap of her bag. "W-Well, she doesn't even react anymore! Let's just find someone else for now!!"

Miyuki blinked and stared at her, looking her up and down with a frown.

"Whatever you say, Hideko."

Fuyumi walked up to the front door of her house and pulled the keys out of her coat pocket. She blinked as she looked down, suddenly thinking about the kiss.

A grin spread on her lips as she closed her eyes and unlocked the door. "She tasted like cherries."