

Alex had been busy lately with all the family drama and the two companies that he was managing.

He had been very tired since Blessing travelled and since then, he had just vowed to himself to try hard and sought everything before the girl finished her studies.

He was ready to do anything for her with the amount of love he harboured for her, he couldn't let her be sad at all costs.

He was happy to know that the girl was a fast learner and even her lecturers were praising her in just the shortest time she had been there.

How he prayed that all go well? He couldn't wait to see her again.

He was happy that the end month was close, that he could pay a visit to the girl.

Each time he remembered her beautiful face and her big brown eyes, Alex couldn't resist but smile to himself.

He parked his expensive car at the parking lot in his compound and stepped out of the car. He was happy that it was almost time to talk to his princess. Today he had vowed to spend more time talking to her in the video call. He couldn't wait to see that beautiful face burning because of blushing.

He gazed at his wristwatch only to see that it was half-past nine. He smiled mischievously and as he was about to turn and walk towards the massive main door of his house where he was living alone after moving out of his parent's house, his phone beeped.

He tried to ignore it but the messages rushed in many times made him curious and anxiety-filled his heart.

He finally decided to remove it from his pocket and checked at the person who was messaging him many times at this time of the night.

When he drew the password and opened the messages, what he saw next made him stand transfixed at the point.

He was frozen at the videos that were sent to him.

He tried to wipe his eyes to be sure if the person in there was who he thought was in his mind but everything was in front of him.

He clicked the play button at a bullet pace as his heart thumped like a speaker that he was sure if there was somebody near him, the person could hear it. His eyes were filled with anxiety as the first video started to play, "Touch me here! Please! I am..." Alex didn't know what happened next but what he saw next was his phone which had been broken into many pieces like his own heart.

He felt his own body weak so he wasn't able to stand anymore and collapsed to the ground while his eyes were already red.

He still couldn't believe what he had just seen with his own two naked eyes. 

That was her? Why? What did I do to deserve that? So I was wrong all along? I thought I was smarter than that! What? Blessing doing that to me? 

Words couldn't express what Alex was feeling right now. He was on the verge of breakdown as his chest rose at a bullet pace while his hands were clenched into fists that anybody who could try to joke with him right now, would just end up dying on his naked hands.

"Mum! You were right all along. I shouldn't have trusted her! Why did I even trust a person who I didn't know about? I thought I was brilliant. So she came to me so that she can use me? You will pay for this Blessing!" Alex exclaimed those words loudly with furry and hatred.

His eyes were blank as he gazed at nothing in particular.

"Riiiiiing! Raising!" So he had another phone in his back pocket? Without thinking of checking the caller's ID, Alex received the phone while anger was still boiling in his blood.

"Hi, Alex! How are you? I miss..."

"You miss me? Hahaha! Is this even a joke Blessing? Hahaha! I am sorry but this is not a joke at all! After sleeping with men now you can remember me? Listen, Blessing, I know everything about you! You are just a slut like any other that Jamilah used to say but I was too stupid to admit it. How dare you lie to me? I am now sure that poor people can go as far as killing anyone to get food on the table. You know what? You are lucky that I have paid all your fees for your years of studies there but nothing can stop me from terminating everything. Thank your stars because I am not that heartless. I won't go that far. But unfortunately, your game is over. We are over Blessing. Never call me again. I never loved you anyway. I can't love a poor girl and a dirty girl like you with no background. I was just repaying you for saving me that time. You know what? I have a fiance so it... Hello!" The phone at the other end ended suddenly making Alex to threw the second phone with a force that it bumped at the gate and shuttered into smaller pieces like the previous one.

"Nooooooooo!" Alex growled like a wounded lion and then collapsed to the ground with pain evident in his eyes. He was very heartbroken beyond imagination as he lay on the ground.

The pain was too much that he couldn't remember when last he felt the same.

When those lagoons harmed him that night, Alex didn't feel like this.

The pain was much but not like what he was feeling right now. When his father betrayed him by not supporting him, Alex did not feel like this, when his mother beat him because he fought with another student at school, he didn't feel like this too. Then why was he going crazy? 

He wished he was able to remove his own heart because the pain was much at that place.

Was he desperate? Did he love the girl so much that he forgot about his worth? Was he this stupid? Why didn't he listen to his parents? Why did he have to end up like this? No! And the way he respected the girl! The way he didn't want to disrespect her at all? The way he had sacrificed almost everything for her? The way he had gone as far as breaking his family ties because of the girl?

"Fuck! No! This can't be happening to me!" Alex gritted his teeth in fury and betrayal.

Was it bad to fall in love? Was it this painful? Why should it happen to him during his first experience in love? No! Alex felt like disappearing into thin air so that he could leave this painful world. 

What would he say now? Would he just admit that the girl died as he had tried to make people believe that she died? Maybe it was time now for him to move on. Maybe God was showing him the girl's true colours before she disappoints him in the future.

But why was it hard to believe that the Blessing he knew was capable of doing something like that? Was she faking her real identity all that time? And the way Alex was ready to investigate everything about her real family because he was sure that Richard and Sandra were not her real parents.

What was going on? At least somebody should try and explain something to him but who?

He had thrown those insults at the girl because of anger and furry so that at least the pain would lessen but that wasn't the case, the pain was even increasing. Where did he go wrong?

For the first time, Alex shed tears! Hot tears at that matter. He was blank. His heart empty. Love hurts! 

Why didn't he just fall in love with a person he knew well? But love never chooses where or who to fall for! 


Author's remark.

Five stars guys! God bless you.