
Crown Rule

Ring ring..

The phones rang.

•Notifications:Congratulations player Sitsumitchi you got the title of the New Prince.

A message suddenly sound out cause a young man who was asleep to wake up.


He try to find his glasses at the table in the left,grab it. After he wore the glasses he look at the phone which is the message appeared.

"Eh?"his first reaction was like unable to understand what's happening.

After a pondering a moment he can't help but feel shock.


'Wait is this real?one gosh it really is real!

Damn it I can believe it!'he can't contain his excitement well you cant blame him.

After all the crown game were popular in all over the world not only that but its all known worldwide but of course.

There was limitations because only the people were choosen to able to play this game. it was like Rpg,morpgh,etc like it can also apply on sorrounding scenery

This is also the best of all game even though not all of the people can play it.

All those lucky one was also treated special thats because all the chosen were have extraordinary abilities but to him.

"Uhm maybe they was mistaken"

'Yes it all mistakes how could they choose a loser and a weaking like me,moreover I am a nerd.'special talent then what makes me special?.


Instead of disappointment he was delight instead."nevermind,Well so what alteast I made it. its time to start the game."

A light shone and his surrounding changed. prince and princess player were everywhere.

Some even were chatting each other.

Even if there new player here they ignore it as if it was just nothing.

Lights were sparkling everywhere and fashion can be seen theres different decoration and others.

"Woah"he cant help but amazed.

'Crown lives by his name it was like a castle. no it is'

While he was gazing everywhere there a girl who was walking towards him.

"Prince?"he turned around and saw the cute girl infront of him.

She wore expressionless face,with short blue hair and blue eyes. She was shorter than him. That makes everyone live her.

"Prince Sitsu"he introduced.

"Princess Yurie"she look at him and nod after hearing his name.

"Uh."after seeing the ladder expression she immediately understand what his thinking.

"I am here for quest now kiss me."she directly say im straight words even the words were simple and short but these words contain something that makes him blush.

He scratched his face and dont know what to do "Wai-"

Before he can answer the girl stepped on his feet and kiss him quickly.

He was stunned for a moment and return to himself to react"what are you doing?"

That was first words he said after what happened.

Yurie didnt mind his complain,she was checking something and above sitsu head there were blue dot the same for yukie.

'It didnt have a dot when I was starting but it suddenly appeared when yurie kiss me Is this part of a quest too?'

"You are now my partner congrats prince sitsu."she smile a rare smile it was melting everyone's heart but of course with no exception even him feel warm.

'Wait is she crazy?what I am doing.'

But he didnt have a choice because right now yurie was holding his hands.

"Lets go"

While walking yurie start to explain her experience 2 days ago she was chosen too since everyone gather to the Towerlight for main quest she did as what the quest told so but after waiting the wholetime she cant managed to kiss the newbie player.

Thats why for him it was strange 'really changed why?then if you ask me why?!because she too damn cute even the player nearby can all look at me in envy.

I know something is wrong with this girl'

Even though he doubt her he can only follow her path since he was new here.

And that was his whole life started.

'Why I am here?'

Hello guys I just wanna say thank you and sorry because I will update 1 chapter a week

RookieMecreators' thoughts