
Crown Abandoned

TanvirSakil · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Urban Legends

Mysterious Feminine Voice:

"Have you ever thought that life was unfair?

The World is chaotic, irrational and unfair. It is devoid of meaning. The rules and objectives are completely inscrutable, yet sevan billion players making whatever moves they want without any thoughts. You can't pass your turn, and if you talk too much, you'll be shunned. There's no set parameters or guidelines to advance forward. No way to know the allies you trust, even trust you back. No way to even logout of it. No proper way to know how much you have progressed. You're penalized for winning or losing too much. The smoke will not ascend without fire as it's source. Even so as it expands and grows that longing is turned into a rumor. According to humans, there was something that intentionally wanted to create humans. So was the world not chaotic but rather ordered? From the earnest yearnings of those who realize this and refuse to accept it. Only to wish for the world to be a little less boring. And thus... urban legends are born."



Mysterious Feminine Voice in a excited tone:

"Well then, let me spice things up for you a little. For the time being I'll limit myself and watch from the shadow's. If it's you I'm sure..."


*Mc walking by a game shop suddenly he looks towards the store front and there seems to be something that locked the Mcs eyes to it.*