A man died from truck and got transmigated into a body of a young boy. Upload? Whenever I finished one. It can be one a week or more or even less because I'm quite lazy.
The following are the grades for Tier stats;
1. Below Average Human
2. Average Human
3. Athletic Human
4. Peak Human
5. Superhuman
6. Nuclear
7. Tectonic
8. Planetary
9. Stellar
10. Cosmic
11. Multiversal
12. Extradimensional
13. Boundless.
The following are the grades for the Strength, and Durability stats;
1. Below Average
2. Average
3. Athlete
4. Peak
5. Superhuman
6. Nuclear
7. Tectonic
8. Planetary
9. Stellar
10. Cosmic
11. Multiversal
12. Extradimensional
13. Boundless.
The following are the grades for the Speed stats;
1. Below Average
2. Average
3. Athletic
4. Peak
5. Superhuman
6. Subsonic
7. Transonic
8. Supersonic
9. Hypersonic
10. Sub- Relativistic
11. Relativistic
12. Speed of Light
13. FTL
14. Infinite.
The following are the grades for Intelligence stats;
1. Mindless
2. Animalistic
3. Below Average Human
4. Average Human
5. Above Average Human
6. Gifted
7. Genius
8. Extraordinary Genius
9. Supergenius
10. Nigh-Omniscient
11. Omniscient