
Second Commission

Another week and a few days passed, and it was the first day of the eight-month. There wasn't any class today since students must complete a commission for this month.

After selling our artifacts Livie and I gained seven platinum coins. We could have earned more but kept the valuable artifacts to ourselves cause why not. 

Nothing much had happened, and the days flew by. Livie and I were in bed waking up. "Livie, I'm going to pick a commission."

"Hmm." She nodded tiredly, not waking up. I didn't need her to go, so I cleaned myself and got dressed.

With everything ready, I went to the school premises to find a commission that Livie and I could do. 

The place was already filled with people from different grades. It was loud and crowded, something that I hated. 

I looked for the perfect request to get close enough to see what was requested on the board. There were many commissions that I would like, but they were taken when I found them.