
Chapter 7

(The year 1982)

"What do you mean can't?" Anita ask.

" It's not like I barely can't, but I'm still concerned about it," Megumin said.

I, Anita Suzuki Itoh, 20 years old, daughter of Tomioka Itoh and Aiko Suzuki Itoh, a sister to Megumin Itoh, my little sister,14 years old, short-white hair, her facial is much similar to me but much cuter. Even though she didn't get a chance to see my dad, my mum still kept my late father's picture.

" (Phone call) Is ringing," Megumin said. Both of us often call Kazuto for some assistant, however, we are still concerned that his too busy. Kazuto is Tomioka's friend, sort of. He seems like a girl yet doesn't get fooled by his look because he has balls. Easy to say, Kazuto is too beautiful as a pure man. Besides, people get trapped on his look most likely often.

" He picked up the phone. What should I say!!??" Megumin freaked out.

" Just be calm, alright? Chat him like you used to," I said.

Then, Megumin asks him something. " Hello? Kazuto-sama?"

"What is it?" Kazuto said.

" Ah... can you tell me how ascension works?"

We heard that ascension is the deadliest ability move based on emotions and powers from Chunami, which is our mother's sister,

" Ascension can be used when you feel uneasy. Let us just say if you are in a situation with a lot of dead bodies. There, the core of ascension, burst out for releasing the aura that might be deadly, more often to call Poison Aura. After that, Your body will explode. However, it doesn't mean you'll die there, instead, you release the energy inside you. The move is quite intimidating but it's easy to use. Plus, it has many varieties of ascension," He explained.

" Well, how about time control?" Megumin asked.

" Time is the most powerful move if you might ask why, it's because time can manipulate a whole universe with just a small move. The closest move to time is Parallel," he explained again.

Then, I took Megumin's phone to ask more about Parallel. " Why Time is more common with Parallel?"

" Parallel has only two sub-moves, which is time itself and space," Kazuto said.

" How it works?" I ask again because I'm too curious. Since both of us train under Yui, Tomioka's ex-girlfriend, and Kazuto, we thirsty to learn more, although our mom didn't allow us to because she was afraid of losing us just like our father.

After all of the explanations that makes us dizzy, we thank him and ended the call. "Oneesan, what do you think?" Megumin said.

"I think our cousin was right," I said. Our cousin, Takashi Suzuki, two times older than me, has blue hair, brown eyes, a little bit taller more like 6'3 inch feet tall, has a good, well-built body, and...and... ahh f**k. I wish I'm with him. He is so handsome.

Anyway, I and Megumin work as an assassin. We order to kill the specific target, based on their case, especially VIP with a crime in their background.

"Oneesan, Takashi-san," Megumin said while holding the phone that rings. I quickly answered and things doesn't seem in common.

" Are you okay, Takashi-chan?"

"Can you make me a favor?" he said. I had no specific clue, so I ask him more.

"What's the favor?"

"Is to kill my father," he said.

"Wait, what!?"

"I'm serious. The dateline will be on 16,"

"16? Is it months? Days? Year?" I asked him again.

"Minutes. And he goes to your house right now," he said. After the intense chat, he hangs up. With no other thoughts, we get ready our equipment, arms, and vest. Everything.... everything must be ready to stay alert.

After 16 minutes, we check the front door but was open wide. We immediately close the door. Suddenly, Takashi calls again.

" Takashi, what's going on here?"

"Don't panic, I'm on the way to your house. Just stay put," Takashi said.

Yet, there is someone already inside our house. "Takashi, there's someone inside our house," I said.

" I want to check it out," Megumin said and goes to the sound.

" Hey, don't," I said.

"Don't worry. I'll be okay," she said. I have to follow her or otherwise, she'll get caught flat-footed. Soon, I searched for her but I didn't find her. I follow the sound, yet it's stopped. I need to find her. She is the only child, born under Tomioka's bloodline, which is Itoh's family, while I'm from Suzuki's family, Originally said by Chunami herself, the real Suzuki. I wanted to know more about how she got chosen from our grandma so accurately, yet, I need to find my little sister right away.

Don't know where it came from, I heard the scream right next to the door I stand. I quickly breached in and saw a mysterious man, trying to seduce my sister. Soon, he quickly teleports himself to an unknown place.

"Are you okay, Megumin?" I ask.

" He 'poked' me in..," she cries out loud.

"But, it seems fine. Your vagina's not disturbed yet," I calm her down. I wonder whose that. Maybe, Takashi's father?

I summon my spirit, starlight to heal her. My spirit ability is much similar to my father's, but it can heal every wound and pain. So, I took her to sleep. Then, Takashi just arrived.

" It's everything okay?" He said.

" Everything settled. But, I didn't kill him," I said with such a failure and disgrace.

" Don't worry, Anita. He's always difficult to be killed. By the way, is she okay?" he said.

"She's fine," I skipped the part that she's been seduced, almost.

"That guy must be controlling my father," he said.

"Who's the guy you mentioned?"

"Arioch, the low-rank Diablo's champion. He'll pay for this," he said in the fuss.

Although we failed, at least everything settled with no one critically hurt. The next day, we've planned to meet Kazuto for explaining what's going on yesterday.

After we explained everything, he gets confused.

"That's weird. I have known him for a decade. He never did that acted such a thing," Kazuto said.

"That's why we here to tell you that behind of this maniac is probably Arioch,"

" I guess you're right. He is the only diablo that can manipulate peoples minds,"

" So what should we do now?" Megumin said.

"Exterminate him," he said.

" Yeah, you sound easy but how. He's Diablo. A champion. And you said like it seems too easy,"

" I've got a plan," Kazuto said so confidently. Well, if he said so.

After all the strategies we made, we packed up and leave our place without our mother's knowledge. Plus, we brought Yui with us, to make sure she can assist us with some advice.


" Oi .. Arioch," Andras called.

"What is it," Arioch said.

"Such a coward. Why don't you just face them physically," Andras said.

" What do you mean? I didn't do anything yet," Arioch said

Andras got confused after hearing it. "So who did that?"

Arioch didn't know either.