
Chapter 3: Prophecy through "Nobody"

The atmosphere seems peaceful, the sound of the birds chirping in the sky, hearing bombshells being dropped from the sky. Luckily, I saved my sister and her daughter, but yet again she's not my adopted nor relatives.

Yui: Oi... What'cha doing?

Tomioka: (packing the bag) I'm off to find our squad members. Wanna come too?

Yui: I wish, but I got a lot of tasks to settle here. Why not bring your girlfriend with you.

Tomioka: Huh? Is that a command?

Yui: Yup. (smiles)

Tomioka: From who?

Yui: "From who?", well of course me!

Tomioka: Not funny at all. I am not gonna bringing her to this task. Plus, it's gonna be a long way ahead of me.

Yui: Well... it is still your responsibility to take care of her, right? I don't even have any other people in this god-forsaken place to take care of her.

Tomioka: I still refuse. She'll either have to face...

Aiko: The pain that I must endure? I'm sure I can take it.

All out of nowhere, she suddenly interrupts the conversation that makes us shocked.

Tomioka: Aiko... No, you can't be serious.

Aiko: Couldn't hold of myself to do that.

Tomioka: You don't have to go with me. You might get yourself killed in the process.

Aiko: I...Want...TO FOLLOW YOU (CRYING).

Argh...dammit. That face again. I guess she didn't change at all. It's just for her safety. Yet, she still wanted to follow me so bad. Ah!!! Think... think...think!!!!

Tomioka: F-fine... but the risk is your responsibility.

Aiko: Yeay... Finally, I can go with my future husband.

Tomioka: Hey, say that quietly, please?

Aiko: (giggles) You like it?

Tomioka: Uh... snap out of it.

Yui and Aiko giggle at each other. I know what I thinking. Nevertheless, think about yourself if you want me to be your "man".

Tomioka: So, what are you guys waiting for? Aiko, pack up your things then if you wanted to follow me so bad.

And she rushed to pack her things up. She seems so excited to be with me. So do I, well, just a bit.


Daisuke: (Woke up) Where am I?

Hiroto: Daisuke-Kun... is that you?

Both of them didn't know what happen to them. But, all of a sudden, a mysterious man comes in.

Daisuke: Hello? who's there?

The man keeps going towards them while he brings something in his bare hands.

Hiroto: Hey... don't get close to us.

Daisuke: I can't get up, omae.

???: I'm gonna treat you like I treat my guest.

Both of them scream and start to fade outside of an eerie house full of dead souls.

( Day 1)

While I was driving the jeep, witnessing the chaos happening outside, with a lot of disturbing things. Mostly women and children. Drops of blood everywhere, screaming could be heard from a mile away, It's too late for us soldiers to save them partly. For now, my sister and her daughter are sleeping in the back seat. They snoozed off for a while because they didn't want to see the miseries. Driving along the road, avoiding detection from those things.

Aiko: (Wakes up) Hey, Oniisan. Are we there yet?

Tomioka: No. We'll be there soon. Plus, we just pass by those scumbags.

Aiko: Ah, okay.. (stares outside.)

Thinking those scenarios reminds me of her being molested in the past. I can still feel her feelings. Nevertheless, how I can regain my ability again? I guess God gave me back my ability once more. Anyway, I must focus on the road then.

(10:00 pm)

Argh, f**k. I'm so tired. I haven't slept since yesterday. Maybe I should park it near the store to get something to fuel up for me and my wife... What the hell did I say? Were not married yet. Meh, what could go wrong with that?

It's been a while, where me and my "girlfriend" with her daughter resting at the motel. I have this one dream, but I don't think it's my dream, yet it is my nightmare. Nevertheless, neither is both. I felt much different from both of them.

???: Tomioka!!! Stay away from this man.

Tomioka: What's going on!?

???: Stay away from this man!! Don't let him touch your wife and your daughter!!!!

Tomioka: Wait!! Who are you?! I think I know your voice!

After that, I saw both my girlfriend and her daughter get raped by someone. His body is tall, with bright skin, long reddish hair, red eyes, and cover with chains. I was saving them but it's too late. They're gone. Then, he went close to me and smash me with his finger.

Soon, I woke up with a shocking face. I look at my girlfriend and her daughter. I felt relieved that they are okay. But, I still need to know who is that man talking to me and this unusual entity is. I must find out as soon as possible.

(Second day, 6 am)

The next day, I and Aiko go to the store next to our inn to buy some supplies.

Tomioka: Hey. Aiko-San.

Aiko: Yes?

Tomioka: I'm wondering why I'm naked and you too? What are you doing last night?

(Aiko got embarrassed when her face turned red.)

Aiko: Uh... Mmmm...pardon?

Tomioka: Hmm, never mind.

I saw her face quite embarrassed and shy. My sense never lies to me.

Aiko: Uhm... Tomioka-San. Which one do you prefer? ( Trying to change the topic)

Tomioka: Ah... I prefer the black one.

Aiko: Uhm... Why?

Tomioka: Because it's my favorite?

Aiko: hmm... Because you decide to risk yourself in the worse.

Tomioka: Alright. My turn. What do you prefer?

Aiko: Uhm. Red?

Tomioka: Do you know why?

Aiko still thinking.

Tomioka: Because you're beautiful and brave from outside, and lovely from inside.

Aiko: (Twitch excitedly) ok my turn...

???: (Scream)

The woman sound cracks our lovely date. I and Aiko search outside to find the sound and suddenly a flying car targets us. I managed to dodge with her. I keep searching then I saw a man that is similar to my weird dream along with a man.

???: Takeru!!!!! RUN!!!!!

So, without any second thought, I ran with Aiko to the jeep.

Tomioka: You guys stay inside. Don't go out.

Aiko: O-okay.

I go confront with that entity, ready to against his actions.

???: You want to against me, young maggot?

Tomioka: I guess you're a bad guy. You'll regret your actions.

???: Huh, try me...