
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasie
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37 Chs


"I have the ability to quickly heal from any injury and even rapidly Regenerate my limbs, with my formidable strength and powerful energy, why am I fighting Baz according to his own terms, why am I letting him dictate the battle."


After being dragged from his joyful dream of squeezing and fondling the breasts of a really shapely woman, Randy had become irritated by Baz's choice of timing, and at that moment this thought had gone through his head.


Waking up from his lucid dream and standing up to face Baz's attack, Randy was filled with an intense desire to dominate, to express his power aggressively, and he did just that.


Whilst Randy hadn't been expecting Baz's change of tactic, the man's action played right into his desires as while he had to tightly grit his teeth to prevent himself from screaming after being consumed by the man's flames, it also gave him a reason to push his body to the max as every punch that he delivered to the captured man was done with his full strength.


Moving his demonic energy all around his body was how Randy got to keep himself from turning to ash after being hit by Baz's flame and now as he stood before the downed man he couldn't help but let loose a couple of tears while his body rapidly healed.


Though the dream world was the greatest thing that had happened to Randy, the boy hadn't always been so.


The initial time spent there had been rather very painful.


Getting caught by hordes of zombies, being eaten alive by them, and getting his limbs torn out, the dream world had given Randy a taste of horrors, and it was this experience that made him able to endure the pain of losing most of his skin and only go shedding a bit of tears as he calmly rapidly spun the energy within himself.


To distract himself, Randy went looking at the steam that left his cheeks as whatever tears he released evaporated almost instantly and he would have silently continued like this till his body fully healed if it wasn't for a certain arrival.


"If you take another step forward, I'll crush his skull," Randy said his gaze still on the white steam rising into the sky, while his right leg rose and rested on Baz's helmet.


After Randy spoke these words, he went silent and considering there was no visible creature for kilometres around him, his environment also went silent.


For a moment it seemed like the pain from being burnt had finally pushed Randy over the edge and made him insane, but half a minute later, just when the boy had begun thinking he would have to end the existence of a pair of boobies, a green-eyed beauty shimmered into existence about 10 metres from him her eyes looking at him pleadingly as she dropped to her knees.


"Please don't kill him, he's all I have," Melissa muttered her eyes going watery as she looked at the bleeding man beneath Randy's foot.


All this while, Randy had been staring at the steam, the stream of tears leaving his eyes seeming to not want to stop and even after Melissa finished speaking, he did not look at the woman but rather spoke.


"Stand up and jump"


"Excuse me, what did you say" Melissa said after a few seconds of trying to make sense of Randy's words.


"I said stand up and jump, and keep doing so till I tell you to stop"


After speaking Randy went silent, and while to Melissa who had gotten to her feet and began doing as he said it looked like he was lost in his thoughts, the truth was that Randy was testing out the capability of his sixth sense.


Just as he had in the real world, after being sent lucid dreaming by Baz's gigantic sword attack, Randy had unlocked the sixth sense ability, and now he was experiencing just how powerful the ability was in the hand of a powerful body.


Though Randy couldn't be sure, what he did know was that his sixth sense in this body could cover many times the distance it did in the real world perhaps even a kilometre, and that most importantly he could observe things a bit more clearly.


Poor Baz had decided to switch up tactics, wanting to take Randy by surprise, but unfortunately, the man had no idea how visible most of his movements were in Randy's mind.


"Hmm, surprising, while I can see the flow of energy within Melisa, even seeing that the woman has her energy pressured in her core, ready to be released at any time, I can sense nothing but scrambles from Baz, and this armour of his, it's full of energy, a sun-like energy which is steadily depleting


Oh, I see, sneaky bastard. As something which he somehow conjured, the armour should have disappeared after I knocked him out, but instead, it stayed on and is now slowly feeding the energy used to create it back to Baz.


I suspect the armour is healing him, I mean he isn't even losing that much blood from the injury I inflicted on his chest. "


Coming out of his mind, a smile climbed Randy's face as he finally looked down from the sky, the steam having long disappeared and looked at his hands.


"Well what do you know, I'm good as new" Randy muttered, but before he could check other parts of his body, he noticed his energy reserves.


"Damn, I'm almost empty." Immediately this thought went through Randy's head, he took his leg off Baz and fell to one knee and then not wasting a second he held onto Baz's armour and began ripping it off him.


Naturally, Randy's action had Melisa who was still jumping move to attack him, a blue hue threatening beginning to rise off her, but then a single gaze from Randy made her feel like a mountain had been placed on her back and she couldn't help but crash to her knees, her body pinned by fear.


"I don't plan on killing him, but I will kill both of you if you come closer."


After Randy said those words he let up on his aura, saving the little riatsu he had and then going back to stripping Baz of his golden armour.


"Urghh all this stress, I could have killed him and then be totally safe, but now look at me" Randy grumbled in his mind, but then he looked up at Melissa and catching the white of her breast which had become more exposed now that she was kneeling and bent over, he happily nodded his head.


"Yep it was worth it, first I'll make sure Baz is no longer a threat, and then I'll go have my pound of breasts" Randy chuckled already imagining Melisa without a top.