
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasie
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37 Chs

A short Dance

Having already determined that he wouldn't be getting anywhere if he tried using the energy within him, Randy decided to use just his physical; strength to go running in the direction he had seen the three men fleeing, enjoying as breezed past the scenery around him

Randy had a fun time traversing towards the village, but then just as he once again spotted the village and the few multiple burnt houses which were under construction, he also spotted a group of people heading his way.

"Nice," Randy thought and increased the speed of his run, adjusting his route so he was heading right for the approaching individuals.

It didn't take Randy long to meet up with the group which he was sure was looking for him, and when he reached a conversable distance between them and stopped, before he could speak, a loud shout sounded from the group.

"He's the one acolyte Roy, he's the one that killed them, he's the one that smashed the other to bits." A man in armour in the group said his finger shakingly pointing at Randy and his voice full of anger and fear.

"Smash them to bits, there were still arms and legs left you know, you shouldn't lie" Randy said with a stern and unhappy expression, but then just as everyone went silent at his words, the atmosphere beginning to get tense, he burst out laughing.

"Hey this isn't some joking matter kid" a man in green robes who was at the front of the group said, but Randy didn't listen to him and continued his laugh.

"Kid you better stop laughing and take this seriously or you might find yourself in some real big trouble. "The man further warned.

This time, Randy stopped laughing and stared at the man, observing his well-cut curly hair and his clean green robes.

"Welp, alright, he's in a way right you, I partially did most of what he said," Randy said with a shrug and raise of his hands

Hearing Randy's words, the green-robed man Roy looked at him from head to toe with a frown.

"You're saying you killed two villagers and a soldier just by running into them is that correct," Roy said his tone one of warning, the man giving Randy one last chance to rethink his words.

"I feel hurt knowing you don't see me as someone capable of such a little feat" Randy said accusingly, and then without giving Roy a chance to reply, he shot forward dialling his speed to one he could control and delivering a high kick to the man that had pointed him out.

Though this attack placed Randy right next to Roy, he paid no attention to the man who had a look of surprise on his face as Randy instead stared at the man his kick had sent spinning in the air and then dropping to the ground with a groan.

"Welp, though I didn't expect to splatter him, that kick should have killed him," Randy thought but then from among the several other people that were beside Roy, one out of nowhere swung a sword as fast as he could, looking to split Randy's head in two.

The attack had been completely unexpected by Randy, but then when it appeared, right from when the sword was in the air, it appeared slow to Randy and without hesitation, Randy quickly took a step back and dodged the attack.

"Damn," Randy cursed seconds later when he realized what had just happened.

"My entire body is enhanced meaning just as my body can move faster than normal, so are my eyes sharper than normal, I could have calmly sidestepped that attack and given the guy a punch to the throat."

Without even knowing it, Randy became lost in the many things he could have done at that moment, and it was only when the temperature around him changed that he looked up at his opponents.

"Ehh is that a fireball" Randy asked looking at Roy's palm which was holding up a spinning ball of fire.

Ignoring Randy's question, Roy went on with his business, muttering some incoherent words and just when Randy settled down to want to observe the man, the sword which he had dodged earlier came swinging at him once more, though this time was moving much faster towards him in a straight line.

"Welp, I'll do it right this time, I'll just calmly dodge it, and then...."


"Oww" Randy cried as he was forced to take a step back and rub his chin.

After he had dodged the attack, Randy had become quite excited thinking about how he should retaliate that he was stunned when a foot came flying towards his head and hitting it.

A look of shock flashed on the face of the sword-wielding man when Randy didn't flinch from the kick to his face, but then the man was quick to recover and then making a turn, thrust his sword at Randy who was still lazily standing with his right hand on his chin.

"ARGHHHH" was Randy's cry as the enemy thrust his sword at him, but by the time his cry ended, he had a wide smirk on his face and he looked at his opponent with superiority.

"Hehe, if you kneel down and beg for your life, I might just spare you," Rand said.

Though Randy hadn't anticipated a kick to come after he had dodged the sword slash, despite how agile the man had been, he had more than enough time to escape the kick, but then a sort of daredevil spirit rose within him and he decided to test his damage tolerance.

It went without saying that the strength of the kick was a disappointment and so when the man came to attack him again with his sword, Randy decided to just overpower him and he did that by reaching out and grabbing onto the man's sword mid thrust his right arm firmly clamping on the blade of the weapon

"Idiot, your hands are bleeding" the sword-wielding man sneered and when Randy innocently looked down to stare at his hands, the man let go of his sword and jumped away, smirking as a large fireball the size of an adult's head went speeding towards Randy.

Though Randy was surprised to see his opponent abandon his sword in his hand and jump away, other than being curious at how the fireball was made, Randy wasn't surprised to see it, and in retrospect, he tightened his fist and pulled as much of the warmth in himself as he could to his hand he launched a punch at approaching attack.

Everyone was all smiles as they watched Randy be caught up in the path of the fireball, and though the spike of energy from him did wipe off their smiles, it was only the sword-wielding man that had a look of dread on his face.

" Bam, Boooom"

First, there was the sound of a powerful impact, and then there was the sound of a blast

Other than the fact that his energy-covered fist had successfully blasted away the fireball, Randy wasn't sure what had happened and it wasn't until the dust cloud that had risen around him cleared and he came face to face with the blasted piece of land in front of him that he realised his accomplishment.

"Welp another accidental kill, anytime I use the energy in me, destruction and victory is assured," Randy muttered stretching his fingers and gazing at the completely upturned earth in front of him, an earth which was devoid of human life or a past sign of it.