
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Prologue 10

Throughout the years Shadow made sure to upgrade his weaponry.

It was impossible to face a whole army of demonic beasts with only a sword or any other melee weapons, so he went with upgrading his fire arms.

He also made sure to make machineguns and bullets that he could mount on a building.

He made multiple machine guns so that he didn't have to reload the weapons when hordes of demonic beasts.

He also made sure to make enough bullets to combat thousands of demonic beasts.

Shadow also studied how to make gun powder and increased the amount of gun powder on the bullets to make them more powerful.

Of course he made sure that the fire arms were able to handle more fire power so that accidents didn't occur.

Then he made sure to test firing a weapon from a remote place to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

At first the bullets didn't fire out correctly, but after a couple of tests he was able to find the right amount of gun powder he could put in the bullet.

He also made modifications to both of his dessert eagles.

One he made it to be a lot more powerful, and the other he made into a secret weapon that he would use when he was pushed into a corner.

He took all the electronics he found and worked with them making the pistol into a mini railgun.

It could only shoot once and it took a couple of seconds to fully charge up.

It also couldn't shoot out more than once.

It wasn't because it was too powerful, it was because the pistol was set to be destroyed after one shot.

Shadow didn't want the 'railgun' to fall into the hands of his enemies.


After making the weapons he would need, Shadow decided to start building a barrier.

He made them tall enough so that he would be able to shoot down at the monster, and thick enough that no monster would be able to break through it easily.

Shadow also made sure to attach spikes onto the wall so that any beast that rushed in recklessly would die instantly.

After he had built it, many people tried to enter the city, but Shadow made sure to drive them away.

The people that went on in the direction of the military base, he made sure to make them spread rumors about him being there.

He already knew about the military looking for Shadow so he made sure to introduce himself as such to the people.


Quite a few years had passed since he began his preparations.

He also made sure to kill any demonic beasts that got close to the city during that time.

He also sharpened his skill with the blade he normally used.

Shadow closed his eyes and prepared himself mentally.

He stayed with his eyes close for a few minutes then he heard thousands of steps in the not so far distance.

He opened his eyes and saw thousands of demonic beast coming in his direction.

He stood up from where he was sitting and made sure to look into the distance, he couldn't see neither the Hero nor the demon king.

He went on to the first machine gun that was next to him.

They were all lined up behind the barrier.

The one Shadow was using was the right most machine gun.

Shadow waited for the demonic beasts to get close enough to him.

He then started shooting at the ones that were the closest to him and made sure to waste the least amount of bullets on each individual.

When they got close and some climbed the walls to get to him he took out a sword and slashed them while shooting the ones that were on the ground at the same time.

The ones that were able to climb up the barrier were wolf-like demonic beasts, who were also extremely agile.

He continued repeating this for a whole day.

In total he eliminated over a thousand demonic beasts, and he used all the ammunition in three machine guns.

The first wave had boars, wolfs, and ants.

For the second wave was filled with mantis-like demonic beasts.

The mantises could slice into the walls so Shadow prioritized shooting them down first.

After this no new type of beast appeared.

This meant that the Hero and her teammate, the demon king, were only able to defeat two other demon kings.

After three days of constant fighting the machine guns ran out of bullets.

Luckily the number of the demonic beasts were reduced to the point he could finish them off by fighting them with his sword and his pistol.

After he defeated the last of the demonic beasts, the Hero and the demon king decided to show themselves.

The battle between them lasted for a couple of days.

He used his pistol until he had no more bullets to shoot out.

He used his sword until it broke down.

He then resorted to use his fists until he was too fatigued by the fighting.

On the fifth day of fighting the Hero and the demon king, they were all pretty wounded and tired, but even then Shadow kept on fighting.

Once Shadow got fatigued to the point he could barely move a muscle he took out his railgun from his waist.

He decided to shoot at the demon king.

He hadn't killed any one of the two but he was dead set on at least killing one of them before he died.

He took out his railgun and aimed towards the demon kings face.

Since the railgun took a couple of seconds to shoot out the demon king noticed something was off and was able to doge at the last possible second.

The demon king's helmet was destroyed and white hair with hints of red were exposed along with a beautiful face that donned blue eyes.

"Were all the demon kings women?"

Asked Shadow before he fainted, never to open his eyes again.

"Found you narrator! Wait, what's this portal doing in my closet?"

-Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts