
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Prologue 05

The young man, having been woken up by the footsteps, stood up from his bed and listened to the footsteps carefully.

'There's three people... No, there's four people walking up the stairs.'

The young man was able to tell how many people were walking up the stairs.

He almost thought it was three, because only three people were talking.

But, heard one other person trying to shut everyone up.

He stared through the small hole he had previously dug on the wall.

From that moment he waited for the people to finish walking up the stairs.


*The previous day*

A soldier was on a watch tower with his partner.

"Maaaan, It's so boring having to keep watch!"

The young man, with binoculars in hand, complained to his partner.

"It makes it seem like you didn't mind the hordes that passed through the base. Everyone else is tired from the multiple hoards of demonic boars, including me."

Soldier B replied to soldier A's complaining.

"Yeah I would certainly prefer that over this... Hey!"

Soldier A was still looking through the binoculars when he spotted something in the distance.

"What is it?"

Soldier B asked his companion with an seemingly annoyed.

"There's someone walking over there in the distance!"(Soldier A)

"An ally?"(Soldier B)

"Nope. The person is not wearing a uniform and it seems he is heading to the abandoned city."(Soldier A)

What soldier A saw was a man that was unsteadily walking towards the abandoned city.

"I'll go and report to the commander what you have seen."(Soldier B)

"I'll go with you!"(Soldier A)

"No! You stay here and keep watching that person."(Soldier B)


Soldier A said unwillingly before he continued staring at the man.


Four soldiers were dispatched to the city.

The soldiers dispatched included two men and women.

The two men were the people who found the man: soldier A and B.

They were accompanied by a normal woman and the hero (Who both seemed to be silently following the two men.


"It seems to be this building riiiight here."

Soldier A said to the rest of the soldiers.

They climbed the stairs while carefully looking through each floor.

"You think other people will come to help us catch this man?"

Soldier A asked Soldier B while carefully searching the last room.

"I've got no clue."

Soldier B replied.

"A few probably arrived after a while to keep a lookout on the exits in case the man escapes."

Soldier C answered their doubts before getting close to the stairs.

"Shhh. It seems this is the last floor"

The Hero made them all shut up before going up the last flight of stairs.


The party arrived at the last floor.

The Hero stood at the front of the party with soldier B standing to her left.

They were followed into the corridor by soldier C and soldier A followed after that.

The Hero was approaching the first door and was close to opening it.


An arm burst through the wall and dragged soldier A into the room.

The Hero ran towards the broken wall and had soldier C stand behind her.

She looked into the room and saw soldier A unconscious, but found no one else in the room.

She quickly looked behind her and saw soldier C being dragged off to the air vents.

Soldier B was scared of the events unfolding in front of him and started walking backwards, further into the corridor.

He was about to scream for the guards stationed below but before he could do so, two arms wrapped around his neck and knocked him unconscious.

The Hero looked around just to find all her allies unconscious, and the person who did it all was standing right in front of her.


The young wasted no time at all and caught most of them by surprise.

He caught every person except one, because he thought the last person was the Hero.

He saw the orange hair, yellow eyes, and a surprisingly cute looking face.

He recognized all the other soldiers, but the person in front of him he didn't.

The young man didn't know if he could take on the hero, so he decided to try and talk it out.

"You saw how quickly I took everyone of yours friends down. I'll give you one chance, walk away with your friends and leave me alone. If you refuse I can't guarantee any one of you will make it out of here alive."

This, of course, was a bluff.

The young man tried to sound as villainous as possible to try and scare the Hero.

The Hero walked towards the young man and took out her claymore without a hint of being scared.

The Hero raised her sword as high as possible.


The Hero shouted while swinging down the claymore.

Since her movements were too wide, the young man easily dodged by jumping to the left.

The young man proceeded to measure the distance by punching her with a left jab.

Once he knew the distance, he took a small step forward and threw a right straight aiming it at the Hero's face.

The Hero let go of her sword and was sent flying a small distance backwards.

The young man's fists stung as it felt like he was punching a brick wall.

A light brick wall, but a brick wall none the less.

"Okay! Another chance."

The young man said to the Hero while hiding the pain in his hands.

The Hero stood up without responding and started once again walking toward him.

She picked up her sword and raised it up into the air.

Before the Hero was able to swing the sword down, the young man kicked her in the stomach, once sending her flying even further than before.

The hero stood up and went to pick her, before she could pick it up the young man hit her chin with an uppercut, which in turn knocked her out.


After the battle finished the young man picked up every person and tied them up together with the rope he had used to catch one of his enemies.

Afterwards, he took a small peek out a window.

He saw a couple of guards standing guard in the entrance.

He didn't bother wasting time looking at the other side of the building thinking there were guards there as well.

He took his bag that carried his stuff, which he always placed everything in in case of an emergency, and started walking.

The young man then went to one of the windows he had broken beforehand and silently jumped towards the next building.

He exit the building from a place he wouldn't be seen by the guards and dashed towards the clothing store.

There he picked two bags that were bigger than the one he was currently using.

He didn't stuff anything inside it yet, because he didn't want to waste any more time.

While running he took out the compass and the map.

The military base was on the south.

He used that as reference and decided to go north.

Since there seemed to be another city northeast from his current location he decided to go there.

It was pretty far, but it was the closest city to him in the northern direction.

I honestly thought it would take me about two chapters to finish the prologue, but here I am.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts