
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 25

Walking back to the apartment, I explained to the two what I did.

I then arrived at the apartment and went to rest on the bed for a few minutes.

Next thing I knew, I woke up when it was night time.

I looked out the window and saw the street lights on.

I decided to go out at night to explore the city.

I looked around, seeing that the night felt a lot like the day.

Even the darkest corner of the city was illuminated.

I looked around and saw cameras had many blind spots.

In terms of security, it seems that this city doesn't need much.

The night was peaceful with only a few people walking around.

I walked around and found myself on the rooftop of a building.

Unlike the ground, there didn't seem to be cameras on the roof.

After exploring for a bit, I found myself in a minimart.

I ended up eating some chips.

It was the first thing I had eaten in four years.

Because of that, it was extremely tasty.

I then bought some sandwiches and a soda, and I ate and drank them all immediately.

I went on back to the apartment to try and catch some sleep.

Luckily, I was able to fall asleep almost instantly.

I woke up when it was day time.

I was really tired when I woke up, and knowing myself, I would probably go back to sleep again.

'Blitz switch,' I said as I switched with Zero.


Zero's POV

I yawned quite loudly as I started feeling tired.

I walked out the door and then went on to the mercenary guild.

I got there after a few minutes.

I was lead to a room that had a projector in the middle of it.

Once I sat down, the lights were turned off and the projector was turned on.

A man walked inside of the room and started explaining what a mercenary does.

It seemed that mercenaries were paid to mostly do odd jobs.

The jobs themselves varied in difficulty, and they were to be carried immediately.

They were to be done as quickly as possible so that the jobs didn't pile up.

After the briefing was over, I had to go to Samuel to state the codename I would be using.

The first name I chose was Crimson Phantom, but that name was being used by someone else.

I had to choose another one, so I decided to name myself Crimson Wolf.

With that finished, I went to a minimart .

Thanks to Kunai waking up a little bit late, I skipped breakfast and was quite hungry.

After eating something light, I handed the body over to Shadow.