
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 06

Zero first looked for some wooden pieces that were long and thin. 'How am I going to shape this into a bow?', he asked himself. He then thought up of shaving the wood bit by bit, but he didn't have a knife. Zero then proceeded to look for some sharpened rocks. He didn't find any sharpened rocks, but he did find rocks that had an edge. He took some other rocks and used them to sharpen the rocks that had an edge.

Zero shaved the piece of wood into the shape of a bow. He tried to make it curved and made sure that it wasn't easy to bend. That way the arrows would shoot with more force, but he couldn't make it too hard to pull, if it were too hard he would not be able to pull the string. 'Now all I have to do is make something to use as a string.', thought Zero while trying to find something to use as a string.

Zero remembered the leaves he used as a blanket on the first night he arrived on this world. He looked for said leaves near the river. They weren't there, most likely the wind blew them away. He then looked throughout the forest for those leaves, taking out any goblins that appeared along the way.

After a couple of hours of looking, he finally found the trees that grew those leaves. He took a couple of leaves to the cave. Inside the cave he took the leaves and took apart strands of a leaf. After having tons of strands that were as thin as hair, he intertwined a bunch of strands together to make a rope.

Zero succeeded in making a rope and proceeded to attach it to the main part of the bow. He made some spaces to attach the rope on the ends of the bow. He tried to attach the rope, but the rope was too long to be of any use at the moment.

The next attempt he made sure to measure the size of rope he would be needing, and he adjusted the rope to be of that size.

"The bow's done. Now I need to make some arrows.", said Zero before walking out of the cave in search of materials. He looked for small rocks that had the overall shape of an arrow tip. He also looked for thin pieces of wood along the forest. That didn't work out as the thinnest pieces of wood were branches, and the branches were not straightened.

He thought for a while walking in the forest and saw a goblin walking around. Zero quickly sliced the goblins neck before it could take notice of him. He was about to walk away but quickly noticed the goblin's club. It was a relatively thin piece of would that was made to be held with one hand. It also had wooden spikes at the top of the club. Zero then thought of an idea. 'I can just thin this out with the rocks and use it as the shaft of the arrow.

Lastly he had to find materials to use as the feathers. There were no birds around him at the moment so he picked some leaves that were around the same size.

With all those items he made some arrows, using some leftover rope to attach the pieces together. He was able to make a total of three arrows.

After finishing everything he went on to test out the bow and arrows. Zero looked for a goblin that he could shoot from a small distance away. He quickly found one goblin that was alone. He picked up his bow and aimed it at the goblin. He pulled back the bowstring and shortly let go of it shortly after. The arrow flew through the air and landed on the back of the goblin's head.

Zero was about to celebrate his success. "Watch out! Behind and above!", screamed Kunai to Zero, signaling him. Zero turned around letting go of the bow and looked up, instantly noticing a goblin jumping at him from a tree, trying to use its club to attack him. "Crimson loadout: Crimson gauntlets.", murmured Zero said calmly. He then proceeded to block the goblin's club with one of his arms and then grabbed the goblin's neck with the other. He then proceed to use his lightning to stun the goblin. While the goblin was stunned he jumped back, picked up the bow that was behind, and shot the goblin in the head with an arrow.

Everything happened so fast, he now had to catch his breath. After a moment of resting he went back to the cave with Kunai. He left the bow and arrows there and left towards the river.

When washing himself up, Zero asked, "Why didn't you tell me about the goblin, Shadow?". [I left that task with Kunai and started searching for other things.", responded Shadow.

"What other things were you looking for?"

[I was looking at what we were going to do in the future.]

"What are we going to do in the future.", asked Zero, curious about what Shadow would tell him.

[We are first going to become adventurers and then we'll become students.]

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?", asked Kunai.

[Yes, but we can't really do anything in this world without any money.]

"That makes sense.", said Kunai.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's get going.", said Zero with excitement.

[Not yet.]


[You can't become an adventurer until you're 12. So in the mean time make sure to hunt down every single goblin you see. Train your body and your mana. Train with various different weapons, including guns. Make sure to get the hang of everything you can do until it becomes second nature.]

"How am I going to train with guns without any ammunition or gun powder?"

[Practice how to properly hold each weapon and how to reload them. Learn every aspect of the weapons you're going to use in the future.]

"So I have four... no, three years to get as good as I can with weapons. Should I also train how to fight bare handed?"

[Your hands are also weapons.]

Zero then went to the cave to rest. From the next day onwards, he would train for three years. The remainder he had of the last year he would use to travel towards his next destination.

-Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts