
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 04

Zero went on to hunt goblins. He looked for some that were alone and far away from the others.

'There's one'

He quietly approached the goblin from behind. He made sure not to make a sound.

"Electro shock"

He softly spoke those words before stunning the goblin. He then proceeded to bring down his katana onto the goblins neck. It was a bit hard for an 8 year old, but he still manged to pull it off.

He repeated the same process multiple times before moving on to more challenging things.

"I don't think you should keep on stunning the goblins. You should start practicing on moving targets."

[I agree]

Kunai said first and Shadow agreed.

They knew that if Zero kept on practicing on an unmoving goblin his strike would get better, but it could also mean that in the future he would become much more reliant on stunning his enemies.

"I know. In fact, I've thought up of a few ideas to use lightning, so I'm going to practice that later as well."

Zero had intended to only stun enemies at the beginning. From now on he would make sure to fight more goblins at once. He would try to end almost all of them in one shot, and the last goblin standing he would practice against.

He also thought up of manifesting lightning by himself, without using the skill.

"Huh, a group of three."

Zero had found three goblins. They were all facing away from him so he was quite lucky.

He approached the goblin closest to him and sliced at its neck. The other goblins turned around quickly noticing him. One of the two goblins ran up to him and tried to swing its club. Zero easily dodged the club and aiming at the neck once again, he swung his sword. He sliced through the second goblins sword quite easily, having practiced quite a few times before.

'Despite having never held a sword, I am quite adept at using it. Perhaps it is this body's talent, but I am also pretty stable with my feet."

Zero thought before facing the third and final goblin.

This time he made the first move. He lifted up his sword and swung it down towards the goblin. The goblin, having seen his companions die from a single swing of Zero's sword, jumped back and managed to avoid it. Then, once the sword had passed by the goblin, the goblin stepped forward and tried to attack Zero by swinging its club horizontally. Zero, however dodged the blow by ducking below it. He then flipped his sword and swung it upwards, this time managing to hit the goblin. The goblin was now wounded, but it was not dead yet. Zero then stepped forwards and swung his sword at the goblin's neck. The goblin's lifeless body then dropped to the floor, its head clearly separated from its body.

"Phew! Not bad for my first spar."

"Spar!? That was a massacre!"

Retorted Kunai to Zero's comment.

[Yeah, I'll say. Despite it being your first combat, you were moving way too well.]

"Yeah, that's true. Specially when we take into account that he's in an eight year old's body."

Both Shadow and Kunai agreed on the fact that Zero was moving way too well.

"Perhaps it's this body's talent. We will have to try out different weapons to see if the results differ. If I'm able to wield them all then that would be weird, but if I'm only able to use the sword it would mean that this body has the talent for it."

After they all agreed to that fact, they went to the lake to wash themselves, and then went to the cave to rest up.

Before going to sleep Zero made sure to try to manifest lightning without the use of the skill. He succeeded in making a tiny spark. Thanks to small amounts of mana in the young body he couldn't do much, but even that little progress was more than good enough, since he didn't have to chant a single word for it. The skill let him use lightning more often, but it was limited in its uses. Manifesting the lightning, however, would let him use it more freely in the future and he wouldn't have to say anything cringey out loud.

Since Zero's mana was now depleted, he felt extremely exhausted and went to sleep right away.

Kunai, who didn't really need any sleep, kept watch on the entrance while conversing with Shadow a few times throughout the night. Ever since Kunaigai had become contracted with Zero, he was now able to hear Shadow.

[So how will you try to help Zero with his embarrassment in saying skill names?]

Kunai then proceeded to let out an evil laugh.

"Hahaha, I'll tell you, but don't tell Zero about this. Don't tell him about it just yet."

He then told his plan to Shadow, making sure that he wouldn't be heard by Zero.

[That is pretty evil, but it might work.]

"Oh, make sure to not say anything from the plan out loud."


"Because it seems that whatever you say ends up being recorded in the status window."

Shadow understood what Kunai was saying and agreed to not say anything about the subject.

They then proceeded to keep on talking while protecting the cave throughout the night.

-Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts