
Crimson Sorcery: The Tainted Awakening

In the war-ravaged kingdom of Aveloria, a young and talented wizard named Ethan finds himself thrust into a cruel and unforgiving world. Trapped in a mundane existence, Ethan's life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon an ancient spellbook hidden within the depths of the Royal Library. Unbeknownst to him, this spellbook holds the key to a parallel realm known as "The Crimson Realms." As Ethan begins to decipher the arcane texts within the spellbook, he unwittingly activates a forbidden ritual that transports him to The Crimson Realms, a dimension teetering on the brink of annihilation. Here, dark and sinister forces have enslaved the land, plunging its inhabitants into despair and suffering. The realm is ruled by the malevolent Emperor Vexiron, a cruel sorcerer who has harnessed forbidden magic to achieve immortality. Initially bewildered and terrified, Ethan soon discovers that he possesses a unique power within The Crimson Realms—a bloodline inherited from an ancient witch clan thought to be extinct. This power, known as "The Cursed Witchcraft," grants him incredible abilities fueled by his own life force. But instead of using this power for good, Ethan succumbs to the allure of darkness, becoming a wicked protagonist who seeks to exploit his newfound abilities for his own selfish desires. Driven by the desperation to fulfill his wicked ambitions and gain control over The Crimson Realms, Ethan forms alliances with dangerous creatures and beings of dark magic. He encounters a witch, Lilith, who has survived the tyranny of Emperor Vexiron and seeks to overthrow him. Lilith becomes both Ethan's mentor and the catalyst for his descent into further wickedness. (Note: This Synopsis will change with every volume I complete)

SK_YUNJUN · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Light from afar

In the depths of Ethan's mind, a suffocating darkness held dominion, casting an oppressive veil over his consciousness. It engulfed his every thought and sensation, leaving behind an impenetrable void of blackness. As he delved further into the recesses of his own psyche, he was greeted by an abyss devoid of light and life.

A peculiar and inexplicable sensation coursed through him, unlike anything he had ever known. It felt as though an intangible force had breached the barriers of his mind, delicately navigating the labyrinthine corridors of his thoughts. Each touch, each audacious exploration, sent shivers of unease rippling through his being. It resembled a serpentine presence, stealthily slithering into the depths of his soul, in search of a sanctuary to claim as its own.

A desperate urge surged within him, compelling him to halt this disconcerting feeling. He longed to scream, to banish the unknown presence that had taken residence within him.

"Fear not, for I am your salvation," echoed the sinister voice, resonating through the abyss of darkness.

In response to those words, the entire space began to illuminate, its radiance reaching an intensity that could sear the retinas of any mortal. Yet, for Ethan, the light held a paradoxical effect, momentarily freeing him from the clutches of his current predicament. Despite the searing pain in his eyes and the anguish tormenting his soul, he found himself unable to avert his gaze, almost as if some unseen force compelled him to keep looking.

Gradually, the blinding light transformed into the shape of a spear, positioning itself directly in Ethan's line of sight. It became evident that the light intended to strike at the very core of his being, an unquestionably fatal blow.

Ethan's heart raced within his chest as panic and desperation consumed him.

Ethan: [!!!]

Then, in an unexpected turn, the spear destined for Ethan's soul was swallowed by a malevolent shadow, emanating an aura of darkness. The brilliant light that had once threatened to consume him vanished, replaced by an all-encompassing void of pitch-blackness, where sight failed and only deafening silence prevailed.

Yet, beyond the absence of light, in that moment when the strange radiance succumbed to darkness, Ethan's mind broke free from the clutches of the unknown. He could finally think for himself, liberated from the enigmatic presence that had held him captive.

?? : [Ethan, or should I call you Matthew?]

A voice emerged from the dark abyss, bewildering and instilling fear in Ethan.

?? : [Do not fear, for we are nothing like that woman. We are your allies. Do not be afraid.]

Although the situation left Ethan perplexed, he swiftly calmed his mind and analyzed his circumstances, his thoughts racing. He contemplated the entities conversing with him, seeking to comprehend their presence.

Ethan: [Where am I now?]

?? : [Where are you now, you ask? It's quite simple. You are inside the womb of the Great Tree.]

Ethan: [Great Tree?]

?? : [Valeria, that's enough. He's in the process of rebirth, and you're hindering it by sharing unnecessary information. He will find his answers when he wakes], said a new voice.

Ethan: [Am I going back to Earth?]

Ethan hesitated but asked nonetheless. After pondering for a few moments, he began to piece together the connection between the current events and the book that had consumed his soul.

As the question was directed at the voices, the space suddenly trembled.

?? : [I knew it.]

Ethan: [What's happening?]

Ethan's mind raced, an unsettling feeling telling him that whatever was transpiring was far from favorable.

Ethan's consciousness began to fade again, but he fought vehemently to hold on, unwilling to let go.

?? : [Fret not, Ethan. You are about to descend onto the Earth of crims—]

Ethan felt a surge of joy upon hearing the name "Earth," but before the unknown voice could complete its speech, Ethan's consciousness once again turned blank.


Just beside the expansive river stood the grand and majestic city of Astoria, the capital of The Grand Empire of Celesterra. Its beauty and elegance were unparalleled, and the city sprawled so vast that even from the sky, one would struggle to discern its boundaries. The city's opulent infrastructure showcased its immense wealth, with its most notable feature being the colossal castle positioned at its heart. At first glance, it appeared to be a heavenly abode for humans. But was that truly the reality?

Inside a spacious room within the castle, two individuals sat facing each other.

??: "Haha, Minister Michael, you amuse me. Despite the heavy casualties we have suffered, His Majesty insists on pressing forward. How cruel can one person be?" spoke the middle-aged man, clad in the military uniform of the empire, bitterness etching his face.

Michael: "I would kindly ask that you refrain from disrespecting His Majesty, General George. It is His Majesty's wish that we continue the assault on the Eastern border of The Unified Dominion of Mythosia, there is nothing we could do." responded the man wearing glasses, known as Minister Michael, responsible for the central affairs of The Grand Empire of Celesterra.

George: "You're not—Huh?"

Before George could complete his words, the ground began to tremble, and a blinding glow enveloped the room, as if the sun itself had descended upon them.

Meanwhile, on the highest balcony of the castle, stood a man radiating unmatched beauty, confidence, and authority. He gazed unwaveringly at the dazzling light, his eyes never blinking. It was unimaginable how powerful he must be to withstand such brilliance. For the person in question was none other than Emperor Vexiron, the individual considered the mightiest in the crimson realms, the one who had single-handedly vanquished thousands of transcendent beings.

Gradually, the intense light diminished until it vanished completely. As soon as the brilliance faded away,

Vexiron: "So, you have returned, Witches..." uttered Emperor Vexiron, his face devoid of expression.


In the depths of an unfamiliar cave, where echoes of dripping water reverberated against the stone walls, a boy with ebony locks lay sprawled upon the cold, hard ground. The flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows upon his naked form, while a solemn congregation of figures encircled him, their eyes fixated on his unconscious state.

A towering being of the fox race broke the silence, his voice resonating with a blend of reverence and uncertainty.

"Is this the one chosen by our gods?" he pondered aloud, his amber eyes piercing through the veil of uncertainty.

A dwarf, clad in menacing armor, emitted a throaty chuckle that bordered on the edge of malevolence.

"Kukuku, it appears so. The gods have seen fit to hasten their plans. Perhaps our suffering had grown intolerable in their eyes," he sneered, his smirk twisted into a grotesque mockery of amusement.

A stunning elf maiden, her fair skin kissed by the ethereal glow of moonlight, interjected, her voice filled with intrigue and wonder.

"Did any of you notice the immense power unleashed? It mirrored the emergence of our goddess Aria from the Great Tree," she mused, her pointed ears twitching with anticipation.

Silent nods rippled through the assembly, acknowledging the magnitude of the event that had unfolded before their eyes.

In the midst of their silent contemplation, the boy on the ground stirred, his eyelids fluttering with the promise of awakening. The very air seemed to hold its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in the cavernous space.

"It appears he is awakening. Be prepared, everyone," the dwarf commanded, his voice snapping the group into action as they rearranged themselves, poised for the dawn of their new lord.

In a burst of consciousness, the boy with obsidian tresses jolted upright, his eyes widening as he took in his surroundings. Yet, before he could fully comprehend the situation, he found himself stark naked, an uncomfortable blush warming his cheeks.

"Why am I... naked?" he stammered, his voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and confusion. Shaking his head with a resigned sigh, he muttered, "And this isn't the Earth, damn it."

A voice emerged from the crowd, breaking the uncomfortable silence and directing attention toward rectifying the boy's undressed state.

"Give the lord suitable garments swiftly," the commanding voice declared, prompting a swift response from a nearby individual who presented a set of clothes to Ethan.

Ethan, feeling a slight hesitation, accepted the offered attire, the fabric cool against his fingertips. Gathering his resolve, he addressed the expectant onlookers with a modest request.

"Hey, guys, it's rather awkward for me to change in front of you all, so kindly turn around," he requested, his voice laced with a touch of self-consciousness.

"Y-yes, as the lord commands," stuttered one of the individuals, transmitting the order to the rest of the group, who promptly averted their gaze, affording him a modicum of privacy.

Though a maelstrom of questions surged within his mind, Ethan curiously found himself surprisingly calm amidst the extraordinary circumstances. Having experienced the wonders of traversing to another world before, he harbored a strange sense of acceptance, an understanding that the realm of the unknown held both peril and promise.

"Maybe it's because this is my second time in another world," he mused, drawing upon his previous encounter to anchor his composure.