

Arianna Caster is a eighteen year old witch, from an old powerful family and coven. She has been known to be the weakest Witch in her Coven.. but maybe that has just began to change. She will go through trials of love, family and loyalty, but which is more important to her in the long road? Copyright Paige Evans 2022

PaigeEvans_Writing · Fantasie
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Chapter Twenty-Seven – THE RISING PART TWO

Agust walked into the Hallway and gazed into the Bedroom where his wife lay weakly, being treated for that wretched disease, The Rising. 

He smiled sadly; she already looked so much better than she had when she was first diagnosed with this cruel disease.. maybe, just maybe she would be able to fight it?

His and Dorothy's marriage may have only been to benefit his Coven in the beginning, but after they had their first child together they began to form a strong bond. Eventually when Dexter was born they even spoke of love.. But having Aria, tested everything that they had fought so hard for.. she was not an easy child to live with and despite all that he and Dorothy had been through, they soon came to love her.. maybe even more than the other two.

Anna knew this.. so maybe she was simply reacting to the jealousy she has always felt for her sister.. Dexter has a strong bond with Aria.. they rarely fought as children and even less as adults.