
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime und Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 5 - New World?

Looking at each everyone of them glimmering in reverence and utmost loyalty as if it felt like their faith to a devotee. He knew that if he ordered then any command they would heed them without any hesitation even if they may refute and doubt because in the end their goal is to please him. He was filled with joy seeing them in person rather than just pixels on screen.

"It seems everyone is here." Erix said, stepping into his self-made throne and tapping his spear while Demiurge spoke.

"Lord Erix, there are one more people who have not yet arrived,"

He said in a resonant voice that seemed to pour into one's heart.

"No. Those Fenrir are only to be moved under special circumstances. Therefore, there is no need to call her over at the moment."

"I see." Demiurge didn't press anymore.

"Then, everyone, let us pledge our loyalty to the Supreme One."

All the Guardians nodded as one, and Erix arrogantly rested his cheek on his knuckle watching them lined up before him. Albedo stood at their head, while the other Guardians formed a line behind her. All the Guardians had solemn, respectful expressions. They showed no sign of playing around.

Shalltear, who stood on one end of the line, stepped forward:

"Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the First, Second and Third Floors, presents herself to the Master."

She went to one knee, one hand pressed against her chest, and bowed deeply. After that, Cocytus stepped forward and said:

"Cocytus. Guardian. Of. The. Fifth. Floor. Presents. Himself. To. The. Master."

Much like Shalltear had, he knelt before Erix like a vassal before a lord. Then, it was the twin dark elves' turn:

"The Guardian of the Sixth Floor, Aura Bella Fiora, presents herself to the Master."

"Al-Also a Guardian of the Sixth Floor, Mare Bello Fiore, presents herself to the Master."

They knelt respectfully and lowered their heads to Erix. Shalltear, Cocytus, Aura, and Mare all had different bodies and thus they should have each taken their steps forward differently. Yet, the way with which they knelt was identical, and they lined up neatly. After that, Demiurge advanced in a dignified manner.

"The Guardian of the Seventh Floor, Demiurge, presents himself to the Master."

Following his crisp words, Demiurge went to one knee in a graceful descent, as though expressing his heart through his actions. Next was his daughter Slaneesh and spoke in reverence and joy.

"The Guardian of the Eighth Floor, Slaneesh, presents herself to my Lord Father."

Her voice was rather soothing yet seductive, that was what people call "Milf" and "One-san" voice that stiffen his nether region. Finally, Albedo stepped forward as well.

"The Guardian Overseer Albedo presents herself to the Master."

She smiled at Erix, and knelt like the other Guardians. However, Albedo continued speaking in a high and clear voice as she delivered her report to Erix.

"With the exception of the Fourth Floor Guardian Fenrir, all the Floor Guardians are gathered before you. Thus do we offer up our utmost loyalty to the Master."

Albedo remained kneeling while Erix grin released his aura that overwhelmed and cast pressure that was enough for them to know who was their ruler. He was their master and it was fair that he should act like one.

"Raise your heads."

Everyone raised their heads. Their coordination was so immaculate that Erix wondered if they had practiced that movement together.

"Firstly….I thank all of you for coming here."

"There is no need for thanks. We are all Lord Erix's loyal subordinates. To us, Lord Erix is our Supreme Overlord." Demiurge replied without hesitation trying to show that they were his servants and it's natural for them to obey.

"...Lord Erix, it is only natural that you should have doubts about us. After all, our abilities must be miniscule in your reckoning."

Albedo removed the smile from her face, and continue in a respectful tone that was laced with a stern strength.

"However, if Lord Erix gives the order, we — all the Guardians will accomplish any task set to us, no matter how difficult or arduous, with every fiber of our beings. We hereby swear that we will never allow the Forty One Supreme Beings of Ainz Ooal Gown, our creators, to be disgraced by our actions."

"This we swear!"

The Floor Guardians chimed in right after Albedo. Their voices were filled with power, and that adamant loyalty and determination would not be diminished by any number of foes. Erix smiled like Alucard from Hellsing showing his sharp teeth then another pair of eyes below his normal eyes and began to applaud making the Guardian to be filled with joy.

"Excellent. Guardians, I know that you will understand my aims and successfully carry out my commands. There may be some things which are difficult to understand, but I hope you will pay attention and listen. I believe the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has been caught up in some kind of unknown situation."

The Guardians' faces were still stern, and there was no trace of surprise on them.

"I somewhat predicted this event long before including the other supreme beings." Erix wanted to at least put at ease their mind about their creator and a way to respect them. Despite everything, they were still useful in accomplishing his goal.

"May you elaborate, Lord Erix?" Demiurge was quick to ask as he was the smartest among them and always prepared numerous plans beforehand. Everything is in the benefit of Erix.

"I'll elaborate once Sebas has returned from surveying our current location. However, I must ask if there have been any changes in your floors?" Erix pondered at the possiblity of certain changes had occured within Nazarick since certain things that should have been useless became useful.

"The Eighth floor remain as lively as ever, Lord Father."

"There are no abnormalities in the Seventh Floor."

"Same with the Sixth Floor."

"I-It's as Nee-chan says."

"The. Fifth. Floor. Is. The. Same."

"Nothing strange has been sighted in the First to Third Floors."

"Lord Erix, I shall investigate the Fourth Floors right away."

Albedo spoke for Fenrir who was not present and Erix nodded.

"Then, report me anything strange that may occure."

"It will be done!"

They said in unison while few minutes later, Sebas jogging over to them, until he reached the Guardians genuflecting before Erix and went to one knee as well. Erix noticed a familiar creature that was knocked out that was elderly goblin and a young one with clothes wrapped around his head.

"Lord Erix, forgive my lateness."

"It's fine. What a turn of events it is." Erix left his throne getting closer to the unconcious Goblin and rubbed his chin then glanced at Sebas.

"Great work bringing them without any harm."

"Your praise is surely an exaggeration for I'm your servant and it's natural for me to obey." Erix taps his spear into the goblin to dispel the spell waking them up and instantly their grogrily mind goes high alert and quickly kowtow planting their head into the ground while the other guardian watches in fascination.

"W-Who you may be, Great One?" Shakily spoke by the elder as he recognized the power of every individual around him. He was unsure how he arrived in such a place but knowing that he was still alive meant that he had some use.

"Remember it well, he is-"


Albedo was about to introduce him when Erix stopped her making the demoness docile while the scarlet king looked down at the goblin and said.

"It pleases me that you can be communicated with. I am the crimson monarch, Erix Khan, Sovereign of this place. May I ask, does the name Veldora sound familiar?"

"Y-Yes, he is our guardian that protected our home with his presence, however, he had been missing for 2 weeks now."

'Rimuru already here? Interesting.'

Erix thought for a moment looking at the Goblin and went back to his self made throne.

"Interesting indeed. *Snap*"

He knocked them out once more while Erix took a moment to think and consider all possibilities.

'I'm in tensura but the possibility of it being mixed is high. We need more information but I'm at least aware of who the enemies are. Information gathering is the highest priority before starting oru crusade.'

Erix burst out laughing, confuses the guardian and continued to laugh before it slowly died down and said to all of the guardians.

"As I've said before, I somewhat understand the situation and hope to share this to all of you. Once I told you to spread it to every denizen of our Nazarick." Everyone perked waiting for his next words.

"The other 41 knew the day would come, the day of Ragnarok was upon Yggdrasil."


"Yes, it was an Armageddon that even with all the might of the other 41 wouldn't be able to go against. They had no choice but to leave Yggdrasil for good and they weren't able to bring any of you along." They all suddenly feel as if their parents left them to die but still happy they still exist.