
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime und Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 38 - How long?

How long? The question ran through his mind, unable to recall the time he felt his muscle aching when he felt alive and actually living rather than just existing. Erix's previous life back playing Yggdrasil was the only thrill that he ever felt like he was alive where every single moment he overcame an adversary without backing down. He never did ever back down when in combat always finds a way to win and if he loses then it is not yet a defeat and continued his path without rest thinking that everything was over. It is not over until he wins.

The burning passion and pounding beat of his chest started to turn him into a wild monster where he clashed against Violet where their attack caused a shockwave that parted the clouds and shattered the space itself that quickly repaired itself as Erix fought the little girl who was more monstrous than the other two. The explosive strike was a way for him to cut loose as he never had the chance to show his true power.

"Such power….as expected of Erix-sama." Noir shivered in delight watching her new lord clash against violet..

"I feel the same way." Vert expressed her thoughts on her new lord who had wide grinned crazily fought Violet who send powerful concussive blast towards him while he used his spear to cancel the attack and swung his spear sending an attack that she evaded before rushing back to Erix while he evaded the attack from his back where Jaune accidentally strike Violet surprised to see that he was able to evade and even control the trajectory of her attack and flipped to kick her chin but she evaded and did the same yet Erix change his movement then strike her face.

Jaune was shocked to see it and barely reacted enough to evade and the attack resulted in space distorted and she thought Erix missed only to feel invisible force hit her face and fling him server meters maging to hold her position.

"What the hell was that!? Did you use your unique skill!?" She angrily shouted where Erix just gave her mocking smile that annoyed her and attacked only for her attack to be used against her, flipping her then receiving a strike from his spear using the blunt part of the below tip. Erix speed, precision, dexterity, Etc had been amplified to ridiculous degrees and he was adapting rapidly.

"Isn't this a fine date!? Blood! Red! Yes!! Let's stain this world with scarlet red blood!" Erix roared manically where he recieve blow from Bleu but he caught her arm and she instantly tried to pull her arms then saw his face that cast shadow where only his eyes could be seen as Erix ripped her arms without hesitation.

"This guy…."

Bleu didn't even react that too much from her and being severed since she still doesn't have a physical body instead she felt something alien to her race. Fear. For the countless years that she lived this is the first time she felt hopeless against her opponent even fighting Primordial Red didn't cause this much "Fear" than before.

Erix didn't hesitate to absorbed it using his new skill and reuse for later then continued to fight them where in the end they couldn't fight anymore as he stood over them where they were at the edge of the dimension below having their arms and legs ripped with wounds that did not heal since Erix bypassed any barrier and resistance.

Of course he did not leave unscratched from how they fought with all they got where one of his hands had been utterly destroyed from Ultima's attack.

"That was really, really, really fun!!"

Ultima happily said having lost two of her limbs and an eye against Erix yet she didn't hold anything from what he did. Erix smiled and regrew his limbs back and closed all his wounds with ease.

"Hahaha thank goodness I didn't join in!"

Blanch laughed seeing her fellow primordial struggling to even move having been utterly defeated by their opponent who didn't go all out having fought 3 primordials with ease. He didn't even abuse his Ultimate skill and kept it under control with his technique and Arts. Erix regains clarity having released his stress. The fact he's too strong for his own good.

"Indeed that was enjoyable, now let me return everything to normal." Erix said shocking the Primordial when he used [ Lord of Deception, Lucifero ] deny the event to never happen with their memories and experience remaining.

"What an amazing display of prowess, Sasuga Erix-sama!" Noir reveredly said.

"Indeed, it was quite the show."

Vert joined their conversation having witnessed 3 primordials being utterly demolished by a single enemy. Erix nodded, walking towards his throne while Violet, Jaune and Bleu were checking themselves to see that their wounds had healed up and lost limbs returned. They look at Erix who sat down for a moment and saw their eyes had different light in them now. They never expected they would be beaten and recover instantly.

"Dammit! You're more of a Daemon than we are!" Jaune exclaimed in annoyances having been utterly defeated even though she couldn't deny that if she was the only one fighting him then she wouldn't last long.

"And one they all of you can reach a strength unmatched than anyone else! I'm willing to give you a physical body and a name in exchange for your loyalty and submission."

Erix said crossing his arms and putting the other pair on his waist looking at their shocked faces since naming a Daemon, especially a Primordial, was something extremely expensive and Erix realized it, deciding to make Rimuru into Demon lord for later. Their strength was far from what he expected and eager to find random worlds to bring them.

The chat group can provide tickets in search of world's to farm souls like The Boys since he doesn't care if that world ends. He was the Armageddon and ending that world or rather conquering it would be easy.

"Guess this will be better than fighting in the Daemon world. I, primordial white, Blanch, greet my Lord." Blanch bowed down before Erix showing her submission to him that made him smile having acquired more women.

"You're right and this was really fun! I, Primordial Purple, Violet, willing to serve you!" Violet said where Erix nodded, afraid that the FBI would be knocking anytime soon.

{ You'll eventually have Lolicon title hahaha. }

[ Indeed, at this rate thee shall have two pink Loli. ]

'Like hell I care, also she's already older than me by a large margin.'

As a Primordial, everyone existed at the dawn of time alongside the Seven Angel of Origin. Erix ignored their teasing and Jaune scratched her head annoyed before giving up.

"Fine, fine! I admit defeat and having a name with a physical body does sound a bad deal."

Jaune Kneel down in front of Erix where felt like he had collected the infinity stone having six out of seven Primordial where only Guy was left. Their descendent followed kneeling before Erix since if their progenitor submitted themselves to him then they would follow as the Daemon only recognized and submitted to the strong.

"Hahaha! I'm pleased to hear that all of you are on the same page as me! I vow that I'll lead you to a path of power and endless battle!! We shall trample this world to the ground and be the one on top!" Erix roared showing his charismatic demeanor as leader to them and he churned the endless sea of soul that he acquired.

"As follows, you shall be Misery, Rain, Testarossa, Ultima, Carrera and Diablo!"

In that moment everyone shrouded in mist with their color coating them like a cocoon while Erix felt his Magicule was drain but it quickly returned to normal since he has [ Magicule Breeder Reactor ] sub skill under the [ Lord of Dark Magic, Mephistopheles ]. He used the soul to complete the process as Magicule was too small and needed the soul to complete the process.

When the process of their finishes they broke through the cocoon and appeared wearing new clothes having a more military uniform except for Diablo who wore a butler outfit. He pondered how Sebas would react to having Diablo but decided to let him meet the Pleiades to help them.

Erix a felt a bit disappointed that he had to sacrifice all the souls to make them into a Daemon Lord instead of making Rimuru a demon lord but there is always a next time. He clapped his hands and laughed giving a pleasant smile watching them check their newly acquired body then immediately kneel before him showing their respect rather easily now.

"I am happy that your new body is to your liking now. From now on, every one of you will be part of my 18 Demon Warlord and I expect results for your next task but that can wait. For now let's continue naming your descendents."