
Crimson Gauntlets

"She's gone my Amy is gone—I don't care anymore, and this goddamn things started popping in portals and almost destroyed the world but they retreated—I think........ Look! i don't wanna go all sh*ty and this is just a recorded message so I'll be leaving this in the office now.....General Chris Tanaka signing off". A story of a guy who lost his girlfriend and ruined his life—and decided to join the military for fun.

Toumaflamefire · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The Reset

It was a fine summer, kids running running around, sun's grilling em' it's a weird thought okay well none of that matters tho cuz I have a "Super! Ultra! Beautiful! Girlfriend!"...

oh! wait why are the onlookers glaring at me! eh! even Amy too.

"Didn't I say not to say those embarrassing things". Amy said while pinching me,

'ah! she's even cute when she's angry'

"Oi! stop enjoying it!"

enjoying it? me enjoying a pinch?

of course I am, because the one pinching is Amy!....oh! looks like I thought it out loud look she's blushing hehehehe.

"A-Anyway! we need to head to the beach, hurry!"

Beach huh, Today summer was in full course and it's really getting hot—but it's also a treasure trove for me to peek at Amys' braless

breast at home 'hehehe'.

"Your thinking about something perverted again aren't you"


She pinched me! again! it's the 28th time today and 108th this week 1014th this month

and 11243th this year—not that I'm counting or anything hehe.

"It's not like I'm perverting other woman! the only woman that I will pervert is you!" I gave her my seal of approval!....Oh! look! she's all red how cute.....that red cheeks, also those cheeks are also pouting—oh! she's even pinching my cheeks now how cute.

"W-we better hurry!".

She grabbed my hand and ran, I can't see her face but based on the bystanders snickering faces the boys' jealous expression—she's probably embarrassed.


We arrived at the beach there's a ton of people here, the beach is full of umbrellas,


"there's a lot of people here" Amy said as she stepped closer to the railing.

"can you call them or something?" It's really hot out here and I don't really want her getting heat stroke—I better find a shade.

"right, I'm calling them right now" Amy is probably suffering right now! damn those classmates of mine.

'oh a shade finally' I found it a shade—under a tree although it's probably a bit too small for us both to use.

"I finished the call they said they're coming here to pick us up"

Finally they're coming—but in the meantime.

"nevermind that come here for a bit"


I grabbed her princess style and then epically rushed to the shade.

'what if someone gets there before us—better speed up'

I rushed Into the shade and roughly stopped and placed her in the shade causing her to squeal.

"W-what are you.."

"I was thinking that what if you get heatstroke

and ended up fainting you know and decided to find a nice shade—and I found it so yeah"

"Speak slowly!"

Hmm? was I speaking fast no nevermind that she's definitely thankful I can see that she accumulated some sweat during her exposure from the sun....it kinda seem hot!

"you look hot today Amy"


Again it slipped out of my mind! but kinda work though look she's blushing again!

"I-Isn't it hot there? L-Lets share the shade"

"but to fit in that small shade would be..."

"it's fine"

As she said that in such a cute voice something rushed out in me, the urge to protect Amy at all cost!

and also my blood russing out of my nose



we stated at each other for a while then my head started to heal heavy I feel like sleeping


I heard Amy rushing towards me calling out my name. then my vision blacked


I slowly opened my eyes

'what the hell happened'

the last thing that I remembered was that I probably fainted? that I got a nosebleed?

I dunno my memory is pretty hazy at that time

"oh, your awake now Chris?"


her face a few inches apart from my face beamed a smile.

'If I have to guess from this formation'

I checked the soft pillow that I've been using and..

'its a lap pillow!'

oh sweet Goddess of all that is holy! I'm really a lucky guy!

"H-Hey! don't move too much you just woke up you know!"

I hugged Amy whilst still using her lap as a pillow. I hugged her tight. She probably sensed me and gently careassed my hair

we did this for a while. And then it came to me.

"oh yeah that reminds me what happened"

"you got nosebleed and fainted pretty hilarious if you asked me".

hmm that voice.. that voice.. that voice!

it Mike!

"yo, Chris you awake now huh?"

"Y-Yeah...wait! I fainted and you didn't even send me to a hospital!"

"well we figured you'd be okay? that you'll wake up right away?"

"what the hell are those questions anyway!"

the nerve of these guys!... wait does that mean that Amy...


She does!!!! Imma cry....I was forsaken!

so I did what any betryed man would do!

hug their girlfriend!


"well ain't this sweet"

shut up! I want to lovey—lovey with her she's mine!—even if she betrays me!

"oh could it be your angry at her? well you should be hearin' this story then"

"W-Wait Mik—"

"you got fainted and we just a arrived at the scene of the crime, and Amy was like crying as hell!".

wait really!? it's not like I'm happy because she's crying—well I am but she's crying because I fainted you know!

"well that's not all! when we all spoke that you'll be fine she forced us to take you to a hospital!"


"Yeah!, but she calmed down when we told her that one of us is a former [scarlet cross]


Oh a [scarlet cross] huh, what's more a healer...that's pretty rare even for psion borns

Oh! also and if your asking what's all this gibberish is, it's that basically the [scarlet cross] is the name of the special psion born military in "Kriestein"—the name of our country

and [psion borns] are special people who had well psion pulses recorded when they are born, basically these [psions] are a force that is generated by the mind to alter phenomenons at will—if your [psionic pulses]

are strong enough.

These [psion borns] do have classes—well weapons if you will, but they are generally known as classes they are basically weapons, unique to the [psion born] only—its more like a

fingerprint it consist of


[Fighters]- they are a flexible class mostly composed of [psion borns] with swords,spears,etc.

[Tanks]- these are the high defensed [psion born] they are often placed in the Frontline but

sometimes placed to protect the [Marksman]

they often materialize shield, but also in other cases greatswords.

[Marksman]- long ranged [psion born] often materialize rifles,bows,cannon,etc. They have weak defensive properties, but countries developed artifacts to fill up this defensive gap, and now currently the most powerful class.

[Assassin]- specializes in concealment this [psion born] is usually used on reconnaissance, espionage in recent years they are usually deployed to hunt Marksmans

in the battlefield but due to their upgrades it all change. They often materialize daggers but

there's also cases when they don't materialize any weapons at all.

[Mage]-or sometimes called Wizards Materializes unexplainable weapons, mythological weapons like a staff or a grimoire. This class is the most wanted class by any government because it's full of bounty to research—such unknown weapons can be recreated.

[Irregular]- The irregular something that is very rare to happen all [psion born] who have mysterious powers are categorized in this class, it's sometimes even called the most powerful class—depends on the "mysterious power" that the [psion born] holds the recorded irregulars are healers, necromancer,


At least of what I remembered anyway....


"Hey!" our conversation was cut short by a call a girls voice.

"are we going to continue the BBQ party or not?" the woman entered the room—more like it would be an overstatement if I call her a woman she looks like a twelve year old!

"oh great timing, Chris this is Valery a former

[scarlet cross] healer, Valery this is Chris..

well he's nothing special"


"Anyways, let's enjoy our beach then!"

...I would like to punch Mike in the face but,

I like—no I need to see Amy in the swimsuit that I bought her, she'll look gorgeous! hehe.

Amy and I got up and followed Celery and Mike outside of the room when it happened.

"W-What the!"

as we arrived outside the building we saw alarm holograms everywhere, atop the buildings, lined in the high way, even on top of the water.


It said although I don't even know what the "danger" is it's still very alarming it's an alarm after all.

"Tch, we need to get out of here, right now!"

Valery shouted and every one followed her—

well not everyone it seems that everyone in the beach already fled to safety and we are the only ones here. Looking at Amy she seems pretty scared so I grabbed her hand,

she looked at me with concern but I assured her with a nod.

the four of us ran....then a blinding light appeared in the sky and a loud explosion occured followed by a strong rattling earthquake.

"This is bad!" Valery shouted

"Take cover"Mike shouted

I can feel the earthquake getting stronger then I suddenly crouched making Amy crouch too since I'm holding her hands, and try to shield her...

I heard Mike and Valery screaming then I felt a burning sensation on my back as I tightly hugged the crouching Amy.

"I love you"

is what she said then my vision went all white

"Chris, live...." she then kissed me, I felt a terrible fain in my head I tried to get out of Amy's grasp but she held on, in the end I let her be.


As this situation is happening another situation occured—not in this world tho,

also not in this universe but a parallel world?

"*yawn* summer is about to start"

said the boy with wearing a certain school uniform walking in a certain side walk.

"And I'm still stuck in summer school *sigh*"

It seems like he wanted to enjoy his summer

but can't he has summer school after all

although he regretted it he looks like he doesn't? more like he's happy.

"Ah, wait!" as he was about to cross the pedestrian lane a voice urge him to stop so he stopped.

"Don't! cross" The voice was coming from a girl wearing light clothes it's summer after all,

her expression seemed.....scared? although it looks like she does have a reason as of why she's stoping him from crossing the road

'what's with this weird chick?' he thought he seemed confused but decided to hear her out anyway. "what's wrong?"

The girl opened her mouth and said something but she's speaking so timidly that he can't even hear it. "could you repeat that please?". he urged her to speak up but it was probably a mistake?

"Y-youll" she spoke again timidly but this time he can hear "Y-youll die..."

'eh did this chick said I'm gonna die? is she crazy' it was obvious that he was creeped out

of course who wouldn't someone just told you your gonna die.

"U-umm, I don't really want to be a bother so stop with the jokes okay? bye?" he bowed to the girl then crossed the road.

'what the hell is wrong with that chick' he thought the he took a peek behind her and saw the girls still standing.

But something's seems odd about her it's just that she looks scared her face full of dread.

"see nothing will happen to me okay?"

he assured the girl then.

*crash!* *Bang!*

The loud noices startled him he looked at his back again and saw the girl still standing and her face full of dread.

'shit she must be telling the truth!'

as he was about to run away.

"Wow! what the hell! I got powers!" yelled the man on the center of the small crater

"Hmmm. what should I do....it would be pretty cliche if I become a super hero or some shit"

he looked at the man at the crater, he doesn't seem strong well—his fat really really fat.

"Hmmm, how about enslaving all the girls in the world! but not ugly girls tho hahaha".

He was angry not because he didn't want to be cliche super hero also not because he became a cliche super villain instead!

but because he was insulting girls?


In his childhood he had an uncle who sadly passed away but a year after his uncle passed away his uncle trained him under a specific dojo and a specific style of marshal arts

the words of his uncle is

"do you want to be the strongest?"

"yes!" he answered

"then I shall call you the strongest when you do something that even I cannot do"

"what is it uncle!"

"Protect all the females! Don't discriminate them and only then you shall become strong"



And untill today he didn't break that vow!

'there is a girl behind me gotta protect her'

of course he noticed that the man just bore a crater on the road!

'just gotta buy time for her to run!' he dropped his bag and started on some basic warmups

"run!" he shouted on the girl

"But you'll die!"

"I know! just run okay!"

She hasitated but in the end she nodded and ran off.

'now that no girl is in my battleground let's do this!' the man seemed to noticed him because he turned to him.

"oh you'll be my first victim then!" the man then jumped really high and landed on front of him. he couldn't move but why he he waited for the incoming pain that would come but there's none.

He looked up and then saw the man's face it's sweating and it seemed as he can't breathe even reaching to his own throat.


"you just can't harm bystanders okay?"

the voice came from another man not another day man but those normal shaped ones but the normal man's face isn't normal at all its arguably handsome he got a blonde hair and blue eyes just like most western guys.

"oh...a boy I was really hoping to save a girl tho...oh well I'll just dispose both of you"

the normal man then conjured what seems like two daggers and then thrown it at both of them.

'Tch, what the hell is this situation' he looked at the fat man the on his surroundings it was chaos there are people screaming some people are literally summoning rifles, swords and shields and they're fighting!

Then he noticed that the daggers was thrown at them the fat man then summoned a shield

and the fat man blocked the dagger but he doesn't have any shield so he tried to dodge but the dagger was too fast so it plunged into his chest.

'its....warm' he felt the warmth of his own blood and his vision faded.