
criminal master

Our mc is looked down upon by his peers. This is a result of him having a trash ability. One day he finds out that there is more to that ability than meets the eye. Follow the adventure of a young man on the road to power Novel includes some gruesome scenes(/text? idk) proceed with caution. English is not my native language, accept it. This is my first novel so expect mistakes, no one is perfect. I'm trying to improve my writing skills, if you didn't like it please give me feedback. Side note: I don't own the cover art. If you wanna check out the original go here: https://italojks.artstation.com/projects/EVnoEK If the original creator needs me to take it down pls contact me. Further i would love for you to enjoy this novel.

pj1508 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

ch1: trial

Out of fear and adrenaline, Johns body began to light up with a bright crimson red colour, this was his ability activating. It made a spectacular sight for people on the street as they saw a bright red light falling, like a comet landing on earth. John clamped on to Carl's legs to make sure he would go down to the very end. Carl yelled: "HEEELPP!!! DAD HELP MEEEE!". John was the total opposite, quiet and relaxed, he had long lost the will to live.

Out of nowhere, there came a ripping sound and john felt his body slow down. He looked up to see the horrifying spine that was attached to Carl by a few fibres. Carl's chest had been caught on a crane hook, breaking Johns fall as he was hanging on to Carl's legs. He fell again when the last pieces of Carl's flesh ripped from his body.


Although the fall wasn't lethal anymore, it still felt like falling from ten meters high. After landing, John yelled: "What's happening to me??!" as he saw Carls blood slithering like long and thin worms into his body. After a few seconds, the blood stopped moving and John felt the pain from the corrosion he had suppressed earlier. John felt his vision getting blurry and the pain increasing. "F*ck me..." he softly said before passing out.


Inside a hospital, a nurse intern was calling the family of a young man named John grey. "Hello, this is st. Peter's hospital we just got your son John in, he is unconscious but if you would like to, you can visit him." "Eeehm... lady could you please not wake me up with that garbage. I don't care who beat him this time, let him get out of his mess himself." And with that, she turned off the connection. Clack!! The nurse was bewildered, she couldn't believe a mother could be this cruel to her child. Naturally, she didn't know because she had a rare, and sought after healing ability, of course, no parent would discard someone like that.

In one of the hospital rooms, a teen was lying in a bed unconscious. This guy was of course John, who had just survived his suicide attempt. After a short week, John finally opened his eyes. He saw two police agents sleeping in the chairs of this unfamiliar room. He tried remembering what happened and he remembered the gruesome scene of Carl's body being ripped into two separate pieces. At just the taught of this, he puked all over the floor on the left of his bed, waking up the police officers inside his room. "Hey kid, take it easy. ok?" one of them said. After helping him calm down and asking the nurses in the hospital for help, John could finally think straight again. The police officer who showed the most compassion was a middle-aged bald man with green eyes and said in a very serious tone: "Look kid, it doesn't look that good for you. The father of the kid you murdered has pulled in a lot of favours to get you the worst possible punishment.". "What!??" John yelled with a scared voice, "Will I have to go to jail?" he asked the police officer. "No, that's illegal. Butt you will have to go to an institution for god knows how long." the man said "The reason you are in trouble is that our superiors think the old man ordered a hit on your head. That's why we are here, in case someone tries to kill you," he added.

A few weeks passed and John had still not been outside. In these weeks he prepared his case with a cheap lawyer he got from the government. John thought there was something weird with his ability, it felt as if he could activate something else inside of him, but because he was constantly being watched he couldn't try activating this new feeling he felt. "Hey, John you wanna play a game of chess?" Bill(one of the cops) asked. In the few weeks with him, he was surprised by his intellect as John had won almost every game they played. "Sure." John said as he put down his phone and went to the table with the chessboard on. "So are you excited for tomorrow?" Bill asked. "Of course, it's not like I go on trial every day right." John answered nonchalantly as he finished their game of chess with an overwhelming victory. After that, he went to sleep anxiously for the next day.

John had woken up pretty early and dressed in a fancy suit, he waited for his ride to the courtroom to arrive. "When will they arrive?" he asked, Bill replied with a shrug and said: "9:30 something.". When the transport arrived it was as though John was a celebrity. The two cops guided him to the vehicle acting as if they were bodyguards.

In the court, it felt like a one-sided beating, any argument that John's lawyer pulled up was refuted. The outcome was 6 years inside an institution and 2 years of communal labour. Any teenager would want to cry at this outcome but to John, it was more of a blessing than a curse, he could finally get away from his horrible family and he wouldn't be ridiculed anymore. Because the caretakers in the institution had the most authority, bullying wouldn't be ignored. John tried his best to look sad and wronged but inside he was one of the happiest men on the planet.

Once the trial was over he was escorted home where he had to pack his stuff for the move. He informed his mother of what had happened and she said: "Well at least you're not our problem anymore. And when you're done with your punishment don't think you are welcome back in here.". Although he had long prepared to cut ties with his family, John still felt pain after hearing those words.

When John's ride arrived at the institution he was excited to see where he would live from now on. "It's almost like a prison." John said as he looked at the giant fence and watchtowers in a hexagonal formation around the building. "Well, to keep a bunch of super-powered teenagers inside a building they don't want to be in, we had to resort to this layout." A voice said. An old-looking man in a fancy suit had waited for him, it was the director of the institution. He had short grey blackish hair and a ring beard in the same colour, palette blue eyes and wrinkles on his forehead. "I've heard about you John, welcome to this great institution. You can call me director Briggs." he said. John answered in his most polite voice: "The pleasure is all mine.". "Hahahahahah, I like this one." the director said with a smile on his face. "Let me give you a tour of the place, I truly hope you'll like it in here." He said while grabbing Johns hand as he dragged him through the giant gate that slowly closed behind them.

wanna know what happens in the institution?

Come back next thuesday.

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