
Criminal, Detective or Victim

Criminal, Detective or Victim is a choose your own adventure book surrounding the reader and an assortment of characters with three plot options and a plethra of endings. Criminal story line- after being kidnapped by a mafia crime boss, you decide to join their ranks and go on a mission to wipe out a competing crime family. Detective story line- after a party you have attended is crashed by the police, a detective takes you under his wing to help him bust a crime family. Victim story line- after being kidnapped from a party you've attended, you are held captive by a crime family and take your chance to escape.

Brisket_85 · Aktion
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20 Chs

Run out the back door

You quickly push past Clarice, heading for the door in the back of the kitchen. "Hey!" she calls out behind you.

You ignore her and push the door open, running out into the back yard. You stop short as three large figures step out of the bushes. "Who are you?" One of them calls.

You're quiet, until something silver shines and you recognize the police badge. You rush forward. "They're shooting the place up!"

There's a moment of quiet and then a radio static with a same message, and then the police rush inside.

You stand in the back yard, watching the house as screams and gunfire echo through the walls. You cover your mouth, eyes wide as the windows light up with flashes and then the house falls silent. There's a squealing of tires, a few more gun shots before police sirens erupt from the front yard and fade away quickly.

You stand, frozen behind the house, frightened. The back door opens and a man steps out. "You're who I'm looking for, I assume?" His voice is gentle and he moves slowly.

"What hapoened in there?" You ask, too shocked to process.

He steps closer, shoving a hand in his pocket. "I'm detective Daniel. Why don't you follow me to the front?"

You hesitate. "I want answers."

"I'll give you all the answers you need." He promises. "Just come with me. We can go for a ride in my car if you'd like?"

You look at the ground, your head is starting to ache. "I have a headache."

"We'll stop by the ambulance and get you a pain killer first." Daniel offers, and you look up. He next you now. "Come with me."

You feel him grab your hand and your legs begin moving, following him through the back yard. he doesn't take you through the house, instead leading you around the side out to the front yard.

You see cop cars and ambulances lining the street behind the guests cars. The guests cars are filled with bullet holes. You notice a few people laying still on the ground in front of a few cars, and some slumped over inside them.

You shake your head as you're lead between two cars and over to aj ambulance. "A pain killer?" The detective asks.

The paramedic nods and helps you sit down on the outside of the truck, stepping in to get you a pill. The detective watches you quietly. You take the cup of water and the small pill the paramedic hands you and take it quickly.

"So." The detective says quietly. "How about my offer? Want to go for a drive?"

Go on a drive with Daniel

Stay with the ambulance