
Chapter 1

Everyone has a problem, Right?

It's someone no one has control over, other just happens. Which makes all special and unique in some way. But for me it was the total opposite.

Ever since I was a little girl, I'd witnessed so many people dying right in front of my own eyes. However, I didn't shed a single tear nor felt any other emotion.

Others noticed this and assumed it was odd for a girl to react like this to such deaths.

So I was sent to a therapist about this.

"What happens when you see someone die, what do you feel?" The therapist asked calmly.

"I feel... nothing. I just feel numb and my mind just goes blank." I replied dully.

She wrote that down on her notepad and frowned.

"I think I know what's going on." She finally said after a few seconds of silence.

My older brother, Zeke perked up.

"She is diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder." She announced.

There was an awkward silence.

" Uh, what?" I asked.

" Perhaps I wasn't specific enough." She said. "You can't feel any emotions at all and it will take time for you to feel them and that's okay."

I just nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Alright, thanks." Zeke said and we headed out of the office.

To be honest, I wished that everything was normal with me.

I didn't want to be extraordinary.

I wanted to feel emotions, to be normal, to be like everyone else.

It made looked so cold and emotionless and it showed.

Also noticed by others.

I would get laughed at, and bullied.

But I didn't care, not like I felt it.

Some people were jealous of me, saying that

I was lucky to not express myself but I would do anything to be normal.

Expressing emotions is not a weakness, its what makes us all human.

And I felt with this for the rest of my life.