
Crest of the Strongest Knight

In the Avalyne Empire, there is only one way to achieve greatness: exhibition matches. Those who possess the power to bestow god-given gifts known as Crests stand tall and proud as nobles, supporting their knights who wade into battle for the sake of glory, victory, and honor. Knights and nobles alike study and train at Avalyne Academy to hone their skills and participate in academy-level matches, all while forming lasting bonds to become fully-fledged pairs. Among those students is the so-called "strongest knight" Medrauta, yet despite her title, she hasn't managed to win a single match. Instead, she's impressively racked up over two-hundred losses within the course of the very first month. However, when she's faced with the prospect of expulsion due to various circumstances, her life gradually begins to change. As Medrauta struggles to truly become someone worthy of the title "knight", she gains new friends, hope, and experience. Chapters update every day! To support the series, gain access to Patron-exclusive side-chapters, or read ahead, please visit https://www.patreon.com/hungrysheep!

HungrySheep · Fantasie
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240 Chs

An Unexpected Visitor

"Um... Should we link arms?"

"...If that's what you want," Medrauta answered monotonously.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH! WHY DID I EVEN RUN AWAY LIKE THAT!? Viviane wore a noble's smile on her face even as she screamed internally. She wanted to go back in time and fix that excruciating mistake, but it was already too late for regrets.

It had been like this ever since she'd returned to the training hall with the dresses she picked out for the two of them, but now that they were actually about to enter the gala, it only grew worse

Medrauta wore a dark red dress that hugged her athletic curves beautifully, its off-shoulder top revealing the hard-earned definition of her chiseled shoulders and her muscular upper back. Its rich color complemented her silver hair perfectly, and honestly, Viviane couldn't take her eyes off her knight.

Even so, Medrauta hadn't even glanced at her once.

Despite Viviane's careful attention to her appearance tonight, the only person's gaze she wanted was now lost to her.

Viviane strode into the ballroom awkwardly, her arm linked with Medrauta's who had clearly done so out of obligation instead of emotion. She wore a beautiful white gown studded with countless small sapphires that caught the light as the fabric shifted with every step that she took. While her shimmering form certainly turned heads, Viviane couldn't help thinking that it was nothing more than a waste.

Worse yet, she only had herself to blame.

"You said you wanted to dance with me, yes?" Medrauta asked abruptly as they stepped into the ballroom. "Let's get it over with then, my lady."

"N-No, that's not what I..."

"No? You don't want to dance? Then I shall excuse myself. Have a good night, my lady."

At that, Viviane's eyes moistened, their glistening surface a prelude to inevitable tears. Medrauta avoided looking at her, fearing that she might be forced to tear down her facade of impassivity if she had so much as risked a glance.

Medrauta was well aware of the fact that she was sulking, and in an especially immature and hurtful way too. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to do. But she couldn't, and it left her so unbearably upset and frustrated. In the end, this was the only way she could express her displeasure.


"Sorry? For what?" Medrauta asked coldly. "There is nothing to apologize for, my lady. Your foolish knight simply assumed her idiotic dreams would become reality. Forgive me. It won't happen again."

It won't happen again...? Viviane stared up at Medrauta, unable to believe what she was hearing. Her whole body trembled with the effort of holding back her tears. It simply wouldn't do to cry in front of all these people, especially when their conversation was slowly drawing the attention of those around them.

The gala was a crowded affair with an enormous amount of refreshments and snacks all placed on various lengthy tables in the venue. Naturally, people congregated around those areas and it just so happened that the entrance Viviane and Medrauta had come through was located right next to one.

Did I go too far? Medrauta bit her lip. As much as she wanted to continue putting up this stony exterior, she knew she couldn't continue for long. Just seeing Viviane in her peripheral vision made her want to sweep the noblewoman into a tight embrace already.

"Medrauta, I never intended to upset you..."

Medrauta didn't respond. She didn't trust herself to. After all, her heart was already wavering, and hearing Viviane's sweet voice was already dangerous enough.

"...I just... I wasn't ready..."

"Will you ever be?" Medrauta's reply came sharper than she'd intended. She turned to face Viviane at last, expecting to apologize as the noblewoman would inevitably burst into tears.

Instead, she found herself face to face with a shy smile and the luminous golden eyes that she loved. Her heart leapt at the sight, threatening to burst from her tender chest.

"...Yes. I can promise you that, at the very least."

Medrauta couldn't help it anymore. Her expression softened, and she pulled Viviane's arm closer to her. "When?"

"Truthfully, I don't know. We're both girls, and you know how it is in the empire... Plus, there's the matter of my father." Viviane's answer was tinged with disappointment and melancholic longing, the forlorn tone only serving to tug at Medrauta's heartstrings even harder.

"We can simply make our vows in Higashi," Medrauta said. "I heard from Sir Riku that they're a lot more open to this sort of thing there."

"M-Medrauta! We're citizens of the empire! You can't just suggest something like that!" Despite her words, Viviane's heart skipped a beat at Medrauta's proposal. She'd certainly considered the same thing when Sakura made her offer.

"The only empire I need is the one where I can be with you."

Viviane blushed tremendously, and she wasn't the only one to do so. A few of the nearby noblewomen who had been stealthily following the conversation quickly unfurled their hand fans, shielding their flushed faces.

"Feeling treasonous today, are we?"

Medrauta scowled as she turned to face the woman who had inserted herself into the conversation. "Gwenhwyfar."

As usual, the princess wore an extremely lavish outfit adorned with countless gems and decorative pieces. It looked like this time, her attire was themed around a rose, and her bright red dress coupled with brilliant green gemstones interspersed along the fabric certainly contributed to the look.

"Oh my! Is that any way to greet an old friend, and the princess no less?" Gwenhwyfar smirked, extending her hand toward Medrauta with her palm facing down.

Deliberately misunderstanding the gesture, Medrauta took the princess' hand and gave it a firm shake, causing Gwenhwyfar to click her tongue in annoyance.

"How do you do, Your Imperial Highness?" Viviane curtsied.

Gwenhwyfar flinched as if she had been struck. "Oh, don't you start with me too, Lady Viviane! I've wasted the last fifteen minutes greeting nobles in the same monotonous fashion continuously. Absolutely dreadful. It's like they're reading from a textbook."

"Then I have your permission to speak casually?" Viviane asked. There were a lot of eyes on them now that the princess was here, and she thought it'd be better to err on the side of caution.

"Yes, of course."

Viviane curtsied again. "Thank you. In that case, might I ask the whereabouts of your brother? I believe Medrauta expressed interest in speaking with Prince Galahad."

Gwenhwyfar waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "I have absolutely no idea. That brother of mine was supposed to be my partner for the gala, but he was dragged away by some girls and I haven't seen him since."

"Seriously?" Medrauta laughed. "And here I'd been worried about him after what happened in the match."

"I suppose he'll reveal himself eventually. By the way, I was told that a knight by the name of Amelia Irvine was supposed to be in attendance, yet I've not seen her anywhere."

"Amelia? What do you need her for?" Medrauta frowned. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her in ages... What the hell's she been up to?

"She was scheduled to make the first toast after my opening speech. Dame Trista has been running around all night trying to find her. I almost feel sorry for the poor thing. Almost."

"Well, we'll keep an eye out for her."

Gwenhwyfar nodded her thanks before turning her attention to Viviane. "Speaking of my opening speech, we have a rather special guest who will be joining us tonight. I'm sure you'll be ecstatic."

"Huh? Is it someone I know?" Viviane asked.

"Indeed. Perhaps you'll even be so taken with them that Medrauta leaves you for me," Gwenhwyfar joked.

"Hah! As if I'd let someone I've never even met snatch her away from me!" Medrauta laughed.

"Bold words for someone who was giving Lady Viviane the cold shoulder mere moments ago."


Gwenhwyfar smirked. She'd won that exchange. "In any case, the time for my speech draws near. Please direct Dame Amelia to the side doors by the mezzanine if you spot her."

The two girls nodded and bade the princess farewell before turning to face each other once more. Viviane looked up at Medrauta, one hand clutching her knight's hand tentatively.

"Um... You're not still mad at me, are you, Medrauta?"

Suddenly, Medrauta pivoted on her heel, wrapping her arm around Viviane's lower waist as she did so. The couple spun in an elegant circle as Medrauta swept the noblewoman off her feet quite literally, gazing at her with a playful smile.

"My passion for you burns brighter than the flame of any anger, my lady." Medrauta's words had not been whispered, nor had they been shouted. They were spoken with just enough volume for all those watching to hear.

The nearby ladies swooned, but some of the onlookers sneered at the relationship between the two women, leaving Viviane unfathomably embarrassed in more ways than one. Within minutes, all the gala attendees would know of this incident. Yet... the thought was not particularly unpleasant to her. Quite the contrary, in fact.

"W-What are you even doing, Medrauta...? Geez..." Viviane's gaze slid away from Medrauta's, her cheeks dyed crimson.

Medrauta laughed, setting Viviane down. "That's revenge for ditching me in the training hall earlier."

"...I won't d-do it again, you know..."

"Even if I kiss you?"

Viviane's head jerked up. She definitely hadn't been expecting such a blunt question, but Medrauta seemed to be serious. It was clear that the knight had no interest in beating around the bush anymore and was now charging straight for her heart.

Truthfully, she loved this forceful side of Medrauta. She loved how her knight seemingly knew what she wanted and dived headfirst into obtaining it. But at the same time, Viviane's heart wasn't ready yet. She was hopelessly in love with Medrauta, that much was true.

But at the same time, she was also a noble. She didn't have the luxury of ignoring high society like a knight. Worse, she was the sole daughter and heir of House Castellia, and it was an unspoken rule that she would be responsible for carrying on their bloodline.

Viviane noticed that Medrauta wasn't waiting for an answer, as if she hadn't even expected one. Instead, the knight just returned her gaze with a warm smile and tugged her arm, leading her toward the mezzanine where the princess was due to give her speech.

It's unfair... Viviane thought bitterly as she followed Medrauta's lead. I can't keep leading her on like this...

Despite her intentions, she still couldn't come up with a proper answer even as the princess' speech concluded and a fanfare of applause rang from the audience. The princess continued to speak, but no words reached Viviane's ears. She devoted everything she had into solving this conundrum.

...There's no way around it, huh? I'll just have to tell her my feelings head on! Viviane gathered her courage. She turned to Medrauta, her eyes filled with resolve. But at that very moment...

"...and our special guest tonight will be Duke Cyrus Verana di Castellia! Please welcome him with a warm round of applause!"

The princess' words reverberated in Viviane's ears. Her eyes widened as she looked up at the mezzanine.

A broad-shouldered man had now taken the princess' place as the pink-haired imperial stepped back. His brilliant blonde hair gleamed in the light like thousands upon thousands of thin golden swords. His white military uniform was spotless, and a plethora of medals adorned his left breast. Though he wasn't a knight, he gave off a powerful aura of command, and his piercing golden eyes only added to that effect.

Despite his age, he was exceptionally handsome, and the rigors of the north had seen his physique built into that of a powerful warrior's. A lone scar blemished his otherwise perfect complexion, adding a sort of rugged charm to his well-chiseled features.

Viviane couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her jaw slackened, but her grip on Medrauta's arm only tightened.
