
Angry at Arihan

At Darwin mansion,

After dinner with her friends, Alora wanted to go out with them but Livia, her friends and also Freya asked her to rest as she was limping.

Hence she was stuck in the mansion, without disturbing Livia who was with her husband. Limping her way to the library, Alora went through the collection and liked a book.

"Am I allowed to read this book?" Alora asked Mary who was accompanying her.

Mary saw what it could be that Alora was asking for permission. It was the history of Darwins. They normally don't allow just anybody to read, however, Alora was a princess and turning her down means they are hiding something. So she responded in affirmation, "Certainly, Princess Alora. You don't need permission."

Alora chose to return to her chambers so that Mary doesn't have to keep waiting for her. Flipping through the pages, Alora was immersed in the story which was about how Darwins gained recognition centuries ago and climbed the social status.