
Crepesculum: The Game to Become Gods

Imagine a world derived from a game system. A world that contains every god, every creature, and every myth known to man. The first volume taking place in Grecos, the main character Kole experiences a tragic loss. He’s left with a mystery about who he truly is and who is the mastermind behind his grief. With nothing to lose, he’s forced into fighting. This story is about a young man who will go to every lengths to discover the secrets that have been hidden since the start of time. And to do so, he will have to involve himself in the cultures of many. Welcome to Crepesculum… The game to become a God.

RexOnEarth · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Prologue: You deserve more…

The blazing fire from the pits of hell scorched the feet of all who walked through it.

Pain became an essence of survival. Hatred was mandatory.

Every sin bred within the denizens of the realm.








Even minor sins, or others known as sub-classes, broke hold in the land.

Not too long, a greater sin was born. A combination of all sins bred to perfection.

Magic was born.

Such a sin gave birth to a new system of life. A system where there was no longer weak. A system where the strong had to continuously grow stronger to stay in power.

Amongst all of this, the first man of hell still remained pure.

Every second, every minute, every year, he condemned his brethrens for tearing each other apart.

Tortured by the beings with wings who promised they were angels despite their sins in large.

All of this evil could only be seen by him. Chained to the volcano of Helvati, he forever endured the torment of death only to be reborn again… chained.

It was not until eternity later he would have his chance to destroy everything he loved so much…

Who is the man chained to the mountain?

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