
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Bücher und Literatur
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104 Chs

How Much Do You Think I'm Worth?


She grasped her hair tightly, her eyes squeezed shut, letting out a series of almost uncontrollable, excited screams. She began to speak incoherently! She couldn't even begin to articulate the mix of complex and heightened emotions she felt at that moment.

Lynne blinked, standing still, staring at the woman who suddenly seemed as though she'd lost her mind.

"System, is the curse really gone?"

"It's gone."

"Then why does she seem crazier than before?"


After shouting incoherently for what felt like an eternity, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit, as if in a daze, slumped onto the floor, covering her face, murmuring, "I'm sorry, can you please leave for a bit? I need some time to calm down. My emotions are all over the place right now..."

Lynne blinked, nodding in understanding. He swiftly picked up the child and hurriedly pushed the door open, leaving the room.

After Lynne's departure, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit sat listlessly on the floor, continuously staring at her beautiful reflection in the mirror.


[Ding! You've completed the first stage task: Resolve the Blood-clad Evil Spirit's resentment. You've received 500 Skull Coins, 500 Experiences, and a special reward: Spirit Lamp x1]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +10]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +10]

Downstairs at the table, Lynne sat anxiously, holding the child in his arms, his scalp tingling periodically. He had been waiting there for nearly half an hour. And ever since the completion of the task,, he would hear a [Favorability +10] Ding every minute. Just a few minutes ago, the favorability score had already surpassed the 300 mark!

He wasn't sure about the psychological changes the Blood-clad Evil Spirit had undergone upstairs. However, with such an accumulation of favorability points, he was confident he would safely get through the night.

"Surely she won't try to kill me anymore." Lynne pondered. The journey had been fraught with twists and turns. But the end result seemed to be evolving in a favorable direction. And once he got through tonight, once his teacher returned tomorrow, he wouldn't need to be on tenterhooks anymore. After all, the strength of his teacher was unparalleled!

At that very moment, a pale hand gently pushed the door open. Soon after, a sweet and seductive voice echoed from within.

"I've kept you waiting."

Lynne immediately lifted his gaze towards the entrance. Under the dim candlelight, a woman in a red dress emerged, her wavy hair flowing down her back. A mature blush graced her features as she stepped forward.

Upon seeing her, Lynne couldn't help but internally commend her appearance. Because, compared to her previous facade, after the curse was lifted, she had become even more strikingly beautiful and real.

Under Lynne's watchful eye, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit, with a hint of blush on her face, took a seat across from him. In stark contrast to her previous cold and sarcastic demeanor, she now appeared like a gentle and charming woman from next door.

"I'm sorry." She lowered her head towards Lynne, her hand covering her flushed cheeks, her voice tinged with embarrassment: "I apologize for my previous rude behavior towards you. And for a while, I harbored great malice towards you... I feel utterly ashamed!"

She's like a completely different person!

Lynne exclaimed in his mind.

"It's alright, it's alright," Lynne cleared his throat, stating, "We're neighbors. Shouldn't we be harmonious and understanding towards one another?"

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +20]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +20]

This is not looking good…

The Blood-clad Evil Spirit's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as she confessed, "Even though you say that, I still feel incredibly guilty. And... and I never imagined that you could actually remove the evil spirit curse from within me..."

Upon raising a finger, Lynne intoned with earnest solemnity, "I must clarify, what I've done is only a temporary removal of the curse. It isn't permanent. The removal lasts roughly 24 hours. If it isn't renewed within that time frame, you will revert to your prior state."

As a physician, integrity was paramount. Naturally, the most pressing concern was to avoid future misunderstandings. Without preemptive clarity, she might wrongly feel deceived and retaliate if she reverted after a day.

The Blood-clad Evil Spirit blinked, asking, "Only twenty-four hours?"

Truth be told, after being relieved of the tormenting curse, she felt an unprecedented relaxation in those brief thirty minutes. Thinking back on the torment of over a hundred years made her shudder uncontrollably. The last thing she wished for was to return to her previous grotesque form.

Lynne nodded gravely. Yet, catching a glimpse of impending despair on the Blood-clad Evil Spirit's face, he swiftly pivoted, "However, while this is the case, every 12 hours, I can reapply the treatment. In other words, there's a possibility of permanence."

"Is that true?" The Blood-clad Evil Spirit's eyes sparkled with hope.

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +20]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability toward you +20]

"Indeed," Lynne replied with a faint grin, giving her a thumbs up, "And since we're neighbors, living so close by, if you wish to maintain this appearance indefinitely, all you need to do is visit me daily for treatment. As neighbors, I'll even offer you a twenty percent discount!"

Such a proposition was undeniably foolproof. By merely expanding his curse-removal ability daily, he could ensure his safety and secure a consistent clientele and revenue stream. No matter how he saw it, this was a surefire win-win situation. He truly was devilishly clever!

"Twenty percent discount?" The Blood-clad Evil Spirit propped her chin with a hand, gazing at Lynne with a playful glint in her eyes, "Is there a fee involved?"

Suddenly, Lynne began massaging his shoulders, a hint of weariness evident on his face. He replied with a wry smile, "To be honest, while the process of removing the curse seemed simple to you, it's quite taxing on me. Given our neighborly relationship, I might waive the fee a few times, but there will be a charge eventually. After all, I'm operating on a tight budget."

Expecting a freebie? Not on my watch!

The Blood-clad Evil Spirit's eyes danced with mischief, "How much? Or rather, what kind of compensation are you expecting?"

Lynne paused briefly, then lifted a finger with a smile, "One treatment costs 1000 skull coins. With your discount, it's 800 skull coins. That's quite a reasonable price, don't you think?"

Regarding such an advanced spirit as hers, Lynne couldn't believe she was broke. After all, entities like the black knight and demon hunter used black skull coins, clearly indicating they hailed from affluent backgrounds.

However, Lynne hadn't set the price too steep. He was looking for a sustainable, long-term business and couldn't afford to be too ambitious.

To his surprise, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit playfully twirled a strand of her hair, "I don't have any money."

Lynne blinked, "You're jesting, right?" He laughed, slightly nervous, "Such a formidable entity as yourself can't possibly be penniless. You're pulling my leg."

Propping her chin, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit chuckled, "I truly don't. Whenever I desired something in the past, I would simply consume the other party, saving me the trouble of trade. So, I never needed money."

A shiver ran down Lynne's spine.

No way! Her favorability level was already so high. She wouldn't consider harming him, would she?

Sweating bullets, Lynne replied, "No money... well, there are other forms of payment. As long as the price is right, anything can be negotiated..."

"Really?" The Blood-clad Evil Spirit arched her eyebrow enticingly.

Crossing his arms, Lynne affirmed with eyes shut, "Indeed. Whether it's body parts, herbs, cursed items, or corpses, I'm open to negotiation. As long as the price is..."

However, before he could finish, he was overwhelmed by a tantalizing aroma. His eyes snapped open, and a string of "!!!" appeared above his head. To his shock, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit had leaned across the table, her nose mere inches from his. Her lips parted, releasing a seductive scent. Her sultry eyes locked onto his, her fragrant breath wafting over him as she whispered, "How much do you think I'm worth?"