
Creator Of The Highest Peaks: Unique Path to Transcendence!

"As I look behind me, I see worlds on the brink of destruction, destruction that you caused, all because of the suffering you’ve endured.” “The only word that I can use to describe it, is pathetic. That word alone truly describes the nature of all those living under my foot, and even now, they claw onto hope, and struggle desperately to survive." "Hah.” “But even if I am a being that has witnessed death many times, yet I still cannot fathom the raw emotion that comes after, that alone proves that I cannot escape my true nature.” “I cannot fathom that a near-omnipotent being such as I would feel so hopeless in front of you. I didn’t expect I would meet such a fate.” "All because you are a calamity that couldn’t have been stopped.” “..Because of one feeble human.. a pitiful, lonely insignificant human, one who’s born of one of the most lowly species in the universe, fate itself has been undone, and those who have been named as “wicked” will suffer.” “It was long known to me long ago that your existence itself was a threat, but I had a eerie feeling that I could not stop what was about to happen, not in a million, or even a billion years.”

SeekFlame · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Entering The Planetary Space Checkpoint

"Maintenance Check?" Nathan wondered, what does that mean exactly?

"Oh, I think I know what it is!" Athena said, "Every spaceship or spacecraft that enters a Space Checkpoint has to receive a Maintenance Check by the Cosmic Safety Inspection Agency. At least, that's what I know, I'm not that sure."

"Huh.. interesting."

"Yeah, I guess that also means that we have to head down to the planet that the Space Checkpoint's placed at. Thankfully, that also means that we don't have to attend any lectures for a while."

"Guys, over here!" Luna yelled, loud enough so that they could hear from the other side of the room.

The entire lecture hall was almost empty by now, as most of the students were rushed out the door into the corridor.

"Come on, let's go!"

The five of them followed after the large group of students, and walked out the room.

They then hurriedly followed the crowd that was carefully guided by the Instructors, eventually leading them to the exit of the spaceship.

"Everyone! We'll have to keep you all here until the spaceship has landed for your safety."

"Until then, please remain calm as we make sure each and every one of you are here."

The exit was a large, fortified metal door, which seemed to be very secure and the way it was designed made it almost seem like it was built to be indestructible.

Everyone had gotten into their individual friend-groups, and Nathan obviously joined up with Luna, Dean, Athena and Thomas.

"I can't wait to imagine the things we'll get to see on this planet, I don't think I've ever been to other planets much often, and especially not in the Khermvoz Galaxy, the Celestial Azure Lord's section of the universe." Luna said, she was excited, but that was pretty much guaranteed.

"..Me too." Nathan said, as excited as he was, he was also worried. What if something goes wrong, since you wouldn't know what to expect in a new world.

Due to the words Luna had spoken, Nathan suddenly remembered something and had a thought.

Before he came to this body, he was known as a lunatic, so then how was he able to qualify for a school that's supposedly in the top hundred ranks?

"There's too many missing pieces of information that I don't know about. I need to gather up as much information about the past of this body as soon as possible."

A few moments later, everyone had been accounted for, and the spaceship had finally landed.

There was a loud bang and they heard many creaks and groans from the lower levels of the spaceship underneath them, and then they found themselves hovering over the ground for a second.

"We're here!"

The metal door slowly opened, and they were revealed to an entirely new sight.

They had landed in what seemed to be a city, however this city was very peculiar, as even the houses were fancy and exquisitely decorated, a truly futuristic version of Earth was what they could use to describe it.

The weather was odd, as it was a colour that he had never seen before, and the air felt like it was slowly choking him to death.

Somehow, the others were completely fine.

There were all kinds of strange devices everywhere, which were probably either for making the whole city look much more beautiful, or to improve their quality of life.

Not only that, but the people there were also peculiar.

"They're the..!" Luna was shocked, and even a mysterious someone like Dean was intrigued by this planet.


"I will be your instructor for the time you're on this planet, so you must follow my orders from now on! Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

Moments after, Nathan caught a glimpse of someone, who he didn't know, but he was a student just like him.

He seemed to be trembling in anger at just the sight of this place.

"Is he linked to this planet somehow? Hm.."

A metal ramp had descended from the exit of the spaceship, and they used it to make their way down, and they were met with a person.

"I'm glad all of were able to make it here safely. We all welcome you with open arms." A person, who looked like a young adult said.

There was something unusual about him. With the way that his skin looked normal from afar, but was actually hard and scaly, and his eyes were snakelike.

"We thank you, the almighty Spirit Hunters that rule over this planet, for welcoming us so dearly." The instructor said, he regarded them so highly as they were the ones who sealed the [Spirit Demon] many millennia ago.

"There's no need to thank me, I am merely a vassal of the Great Spirit Lord, you should be thanking the almighty lord instead."

"Why do they look.. like that?"

"They're a sub-species of the ancient draconic species, and because of that, their ancient royal bloodline is still considered important by the Great Barrier Alliance, made up of a variety of groups that oversee most of the affairs of most parts of the universe."

"They can also see evil spirits, which is why they are known as Spirit Hunters, as they are what keep those foul evil spirits in check, but their actual name is, Draconic Humans."

"Huh.." He said, he found it very interesting that there were human hybrids alongside other species and sub-species that couldn't exist back in his world.

"I hope that our students will get the chance to stay here for a bit, and perhaps we could get the chance to see the [factory] that managed to build so many war machines."

"..I'm sorry, but that is far beyond our capabilities in the current."

"In order for you to gain access to the [factory], you must speak with either the great almighty lord, or his three Fire-wielding commandeering generals, who are currently busy fighting off a feared Wraith Demon in the western region."

Even the instructor was very interested by this planet, and this strange factory especially, but the vassal quickly shut down their interest in this [factory] of theirs.

"The feared Wraith Demon?!"

"A subordinate of the Demon Dragon General, one of the four generals that rank the top amongst one of the highest Gods, the God of Fighting's Grand Army and just below the rank of a Prophet, eternal servants that carry out the will of their gods..!"

Even the instructor couldn't control his mild shock.

"Even a subordinate is a being that can destroy cities with ease! Even a Stage Three would have a hard time stopping it, are the generals really enough to stop it?"

"And, the students barely even managed to reach Stage One, how are we supposed to survive on this planet with those kind of beasts running around?"

Some of the students started to tremble out of fear and slight anxiety.

"Rest assured, they will be able to complete erase the creature by tomorrow, they are highly regarded as strong warriors across the galaxy."


"Now come, let me introduce you to our Lord's Advisor who is currently in the Great Lord's Official Residence."

The vassal walked along, with the large group of students following after him.

All the classes had to go separately, as they had protocols in place that had to be followed, which was also the reason why Nathan was wondering why he didn't see any of the other classes as well.

"I wonder what the sights I'm going to best witness to on this planet on this planet are going to be."