
Creator Of The Highest Peaks: Unique Path to Transcendence!

"As I look behind me, I see worlds on the brink of destruction, destruction that you caused, all because of the suffering you’ve endured.” “The only word that I can use to describe it, is pathetic. That word alone truly describes the nature of all those living under my foot, and even now, they claw onto hope, and struggle desperately to survive." "Hah.” “But even if I am a being that has witnessed death many times, yet I still cannot fathom the raw emotion that comes after, that alone proves that I cannot escape my true nature.” “I cannot fathom that a near-omnipotent being such as I would feel so hopeless in front of you. I didn’t expect I would meet such a fate.” "All because you are a calamity that couldn’t have been stopped.” “..Because of one feeble human.. a pitiful, lonely insignificant human, one who’s born of one of the most lowly species in the universe, fate itself has been undone, and those who have been named as “wicked” will suffer.” “It was long known to me long ago that your existence itself was a threat, but I had a eerie feeling that I could not stop what was about to happen, not in a million, or even a billion years.”

SeekFlame · Fantasie
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15 Chs

A Gift From The Supreme Authority

"I have decided."

"With permission granted by my [Supreme Authority].."

"I shall give you the [Bracelet of the Golden Promise], a relic of my past, a relic that symbolised the end of the Destruction Era, and soon foretold the coming of the Rebuilding Era."

Another glowing golden hand descended from above, and on the tip of the middle finger, was a bracelet made of shiny, golden beads.

"This bracelet.. a jewel precious to me, will help you in many ways, but it won't help you get instantly stronger like most would expect."

"The relic will grow stronger with the owner, which is why is sought out even amongst those vile gods, just so that they can give it to their followers."

"You'll have to work hard to get stronger, like all others, and as long as you do that, you'll be able to shake entire galaxies to their cores one day."

"Huh, I don't want to get stronger just yet, but this might be the thing that I need.."

"How do I use this?"

"You must use your willpower, alongside your gifted Divine Essence, more commonly known amongst you humans as, your inner core energies, to wield the power of creation."

"Creation.." He whispered out of amazement, "I'll take it."

"Haha, human, you have no say in the matter, for I am the one who decides."

Before he was able to thank the divine being, she interrupted.

"There is no reason to thank me, after all, this was set in stone from the very beginning."

"You will know much more about this in due time."

Astrayla's second hand lifted up, and with her index finger, she tapped his head, and a sound resonated from within his body, it seemed like his very soul was being empowered with the great strength of a Celestial.

The voice started to fade, and in a few moments, everything had returned back to normal, but now..

"What the.."

The crowd watched as a strange golden energy started to move around Nathan, this was the power of the bracelet relic, [Absolute Creation].

"That's impossible, I thought he had a disability that meant he couldn't use his inner core energies! Somehow, he's using his inner core energies to bring out the power of creation!"

The crowd started to murmur, as the glowing golden drops started to surround Nathan, and his colour of his eyes changed into a nice, golden colour.

He could feel it.

Even though he still couldn't control his inner core energies naturally due to his body's disability, the bracelet allowed him to control the flow of his inner core energies through force.

He didn't even know what it actually does, but he decided to take advantage of this and use it in any way he could to escape this situation.

But, that also meant he couldn't control the flow and power of his inner core energies for long, as it was unstable.

"This power that I wield is now my own power, and I shall use it, to fight and defeat you!"

He winced, the pain was slowly becoming more and more unbearable, and he had a gut feeling that his power involved [creating things], so, the next thing he did was envisioning a sword appearing in his hand.

Then, the golden drops of liquid started to form in his hands, and a burning hot sensation enveloped his entire body, and within a few seconds, it was done, a sword had actually appeared in his hands, although it appeared to be quite weak.

"How… this is impossible… to wield the power of creation.. this is proof that he made a contract with evil..!"

"But, isn't that the power of a Celestial, though?"

"Really? Isn't that the power of Creation? I've never seen anyone wield that kind of power before with my own eyes, and also, he had a disability that stopped him from using his inner core energies as well."

"Nathan.." Dean whispered, "What an interesting guy."

"Nathan!" Aiden yelled out in pure rage, his eyes had turned completely bloodstricken, and he clawed and himself, as an attempt to hold in his anger, "You dare try to embarrass me again..?!"

He was angry as he knew that the crowd was turning on him, and due to his anger, his ability had soon started to spiral out of control.


Aiden bit his hand hard enough so that it bled plenty onto the floor, and while containing his pain, he manipulated all the blood that had dripped onto the stone-cold floor and shaped the puddle of blood into spears and swords.

Aiden launched all the blood spears at Nathan, but with a single swing of his sword, Nathan managed to deflect most of them.

"Woah..! It's so powerful, even though it's so weak..! Why is it so heavy and hard to swing though.."

"But still, I didn't think that would actually work…! the power I have in my hands.. is immense!"

"..I guess.. I have no choice but to get serious," Aiden said, gritting his teeth trying to stop himself before he got consumed by his own ability, "You've always been lucky, especially when we fought before, but now.."

He grinned, and unleashed a powerful inhuman screech.

Not so soon after, all the blood that he had bled from his body started to flow and condense, forming a large, solid body, and this body could almost reach up to the ceiling of the training hall.

"Haha! You're dead now!" He shouted in glee, "You won't be able to survive a blood golem!" He exclaimed.

He cut his hand and let the blood slowly drip, and used that blood to create four more arms that attached to his body, and each of them held blood spears.

"What the hell…"

"How am I going to defeat that..!"

Nathan had no experience in having powers in the first place, and Aiden, on the contrary, trained almost every single day and fought as many battles as he could, just so that he could beat everyone who dared challenge him.

That meant, even if he somehow managed to gain the abilities of a powerful being, Aiden had also connected with a Celestial before, and that was the reason why he still had the upper hand.

It was a fact that he couldn't overcome an experienced opponent like him with just his inexperienced abilities alone.


"Stop all of this right now!" A voice yelled, fury was present in their voice.

Everything slowed down, to the point where if you wanted to turn your head around it would take at least a few minutes.

Only Aiden, Dean, Luna and Nathan were the only ones that weren't affected.

They turned around only to see someone pushing through the crowd, and she also wasn't wearing uniform that the rest of them had.

Nathan's eyes had turned back to their original colour, as he was no longer using the relic.

"You're..! Instructor Stephanie!"

He was fearful of this instructor, particularly because she was chosen to become one of King Eyria's merchants, who are beings that holds partial control over time and death, and even before that, she is known for being a once-in-a-lifetime genius throughout the entire galaxy.

"Tell me what's going on right this instant, or else!"

She seemed to have been quite young, somewhere in her twenties, and she had long, black hair and strange blue eyes with star-shaped pupils, and other than that, she looked absolutely entrancing, but her cold gaze could make everyone around her afraid and unable to look her in the eyes at the same time.

"They were-"

"We were battling." Aiden replied, obviously nervous as sweat poured down his face, but also maintaining an unreadable expression.

"Why in the training hall? Don't you know that there's a time and place for that??"

"But, instructor..! Just look at Nathan, can't you of all people see through him? He's obviously a follower of one of those evil Cosmic Gods, how else could he have gained such power."

"That is a very wild conclusion, and, there's nothing that seems wrong about him, other than "that", but we've already reached a conclusion about that."

For a split second, Nathan thought she noticed the bracelet on his arm, and made the mental note to hide it whenever he's talking to others.

"..But still, I ought to report this to the Principal, so you two should come with me."

She snapped her fingers, and everything when back to normal in an instant.

"The rest of you, stay still, I'll sort up this situation soon enough."

They went out the door, and it closed shut.