

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


Zion was standing along with Ophis on the southern section of the main base.

She was looking around her Ranger suit in a curious manner.

Zion was looking at the gate that leads to the Six Faced World of Mushoku Tensei.

He had been using this gate to look at the timelines of Mushoku Tesnsei.

Parallel worlds where the Fight Between Hitogami and The Dragon God who is Orsted's father take different turns.

He did so discreetly only to look at the end of the fight.

He is looking for a fight where the dragon God died and had less damage to the heart instead of having a hole on the chest with heart to pieces.

He found one timeline where he sealed Hitogami and died of the poison with his heart damaged and his body blown to shreds.

The wounds may not have killed him as the dragon heart could heal properly.

Buy as there is poison from the Demon God, he will surely die slowly by it.

He has healing Agents that can regenerate the heart and for removing the poison.

He cam use the Blaze dragon that is sealed in Fairytail.

Using it's flame with white magic to get rid of it.

Slowly the X-wing came in the hanger landing beside him.

Ophis looked at the creation in wonder.

Zion: Now Ophis repeat what I said to you earlier about not running around.

Ophis: There is a scary white man who will hurt me if I run around. If I see the white man, I must kill him.

Zion: Exactly do not let him fool you he will try to take your powers or capture you to unseal him. Do not let him probe your mind and not run around lest he catches us.

Zion: We are searching for a dead dragon god so help me find him okay.

Ophis: Can I eat him?

Zion: ...….

Zion: You can't eat him as he is poisoned. Especially not the heart

Ophis: I can remove it.

Zion: No, you can't it is a curse of a Demon God. If you try to siphon it. It will also curse you.

Ophis: Then how will you get the heart.

Zion: I have some sealing spells that can prevent the poison from leaking.

Zion gave a description of the world they will be visiting to ophis. She listened attentively as she looked at the gate that can open portals to different universe.

Maybe he will get some dragon bones and other hearts of dragon generals if the Heart of dragon gods is a lost cause.

Zion got in the X-Wing picking up Ophis on the back seat.

Zion: Alexia jumpstarts the gate and see if it's functional.

Alexia: We have done the test numerous times. I am sure this will be just fine.

Zion: Don't Jinx anything.

Alexia: That's why I didn't.

Zion activated the X-Wing making tt faced to face with the gate.

The gate started swirling making a green portal.

He needs to thank Rick for such genius invention.

Alexia: Tether is online.

Zion: The most important part making sure to make back.

Alexia: Be careful, we are not sure if that god is completely sealed yet.

Zion activated the thruster, pushing the gear to max.

Zion: See you then. Did you put your seat belt ophis.

Zion looked back and saw her tangled in strap of a belt.

Zion moved back and fixed it up taking it sometime removing the tangles.

Zion went back after fixing such mess.

Zion: Let's go.

With a burst of speed Zion entered the dimension of a different realm.

!!!!!Six Faced realm!!!!

Six Faced World.

Made out of Human, Demon, Dragon, Sky, Beast, Ocean.

But there was another one not known my other rulers of this world except the creator of this realm.

The Void World.

A world of nothingness.

A place where Hitogami is sealed.

He was throwing such a Tantrum for being tricked by the dragon god, that he did not notice an intrusion in space, as he was too focused on his tantrums.

Before he even notices it would already be too late.

Such is the face of a sore loser.

!!!!With Ophis and Zion!!!!!

Zion was looking at the battle that took place around the now destroyed dragon world that is a floating Island.

Hitogami sure is a bitch.

That is for sure.

Ophis was looking through the screen of the X-Wing with wonder.

Several Chunks of Earth and Huge mana-crystals floating around.

Dead body of several dragon not of her own world.

Some she recognized as Devils but had different appearance altogether.

A dead body striked the wind-shield causing Zion to feel guilty for grave robbing.

Zion gave a silent apology and prayer as he moved to the largest energy source of the place.

Ophis felt a presence like her as she looked forwards standing up the seat opening the belt.

Zion was doing maneuvers around the asteroid belt of a deceased world.

There came forward a giant castle floating in dead space.

Zion looked up at the verdant Kaldescopic hue of the space surrounding him.

Zion: Up along with his generals who worn him down to stop his rampage.

Ophis looked up and felt a strong presence dying out with divinity seeping away, still she can see the vast power possessed by such individual.

Zion pulled the lever and went up towards it opening the hatch of the ship's subspace.

At the back a antenna went up giving laser precision guiding.

A shot with the hook to attach to the dragon God of this realm.

As he went closer, he saw how massive the Dragon God was.

A guy who can destroy several worlds.

A huge white dragon with eight wings on it's back with some torn out.

Huge hole on the head and neck bleeding out by gallons.

Massive horns on the head with a tail with spikes.

He would take the blood if it was not poisoned by the demon god.

Poetic death with his comrades dead by his side.

Zion shot the hook at the body chest area that had been blown clean off.

A cloud of blood on the side of the body carried by the current of spatial fluctuations.

Zion looked forward and saw the huge heart intact but damaged badly with several holes in it. A huge whole in the middle with small ones.

Still better than nothing.

It was already crystalizing with the immense mana production stopping.

With to balance of entropy to be maintained the huge storage of mana crystallized.

He heard a thud on the back as ophis was glueing her face to the top of the screen.

Ophis: Strong very Strong. Who defeated him.

Zion: It took six gods together to defeat him. The one who gave the finishing blow player dirty but failed to come out on top.

Ophis: Is that person who defeated the dragon strong?

Zion: Hmm not as great red. He is tricky opponent that is for sure. It is better if you don't meet him as you will die for sure.

Ophis: Hmph! I am not weak!

Zion: I know but you see the God who is sealed plays dirty.

Zion: Now let's get the heart and bodies of the general and bolt.

Ophis: How?

Zion: You'll see.

Zion opened the hatch with pressure of the surrounding being harmonized.

A huge ruby came out from the back of the X- WING.

Zion along with Ophis slowly using their magic went towards it.

Zion slapped his palms together and make some finger signs with rune sequence going out of his hands ophis who was looking at the dead dragon god came to a decision.

She will transform to get a better look.

"Also maybe extract the poison against great red"

Ophis Jumped off towards the dragon as she started glowing.

The Morpher transformation came off and fell on the X-Wing.

Zion already knew this would happen.

Zion made a magic circle and contacted ophis.

Zion: Don't Chomp on it or the poison will affect you.

Ophis: It won't affect me as long as I don't let it touch me. I need to separate it from its body with my power in a separate place. I will have the body and poison and you the heart. Deal?

Zion: Haa deal.

Slowly but surely the brightness turned into a pitch-black darkness with Ophis letting her presence known in her dimension.

A huge snake with wings was floating in space as it made an infinity with its body.

Zion was in awe looking at it.

Hotogami who felt this presence was not shivering in fear.

If the dragon God lived, he is as good as dead.

He quickly made preparations in his domain for an assault.

Ophis looked at the dead body with a curious gaze.

Looking at it she could see half of the face missing.

She opened her mouth and released huge amount of magic she had been growing inside her.

Her dragon aura and the power of infinity.

The Dead dragon god had his body covered in a black sphere as it took over his body.

Slowly a bubble rose from the back of the dragon as a purple miasma was inside it.

The Demon Gods poison.

Ophis was using all her power to restrain it as she siphons the poison from the dead dragon God.

She is also taking in the divinity that has not been corrupted to strengthen her own powers as she is gulping it down in droves.

Better eat it before it scatters in the space.

Zion was looking and contemplating what will happen if Ophis eats the dead dragon god.

She might be able to fight great red for dominance.

A huge bubble was now there in the size of a small moon.

Ophis now compresses it with her power of infinity creating a subspace like it is a walk in the park.

She dislodges the damaged heart away from the body towards Zion.

Who was casting the subspace spell into completion.

He can only look at ophis feats with envy.

Does she know how much he trained to do it.

She is doing it like it is no one's business.

Zion unleashed the spell and took the heart in the jewel subspace of the X-Wing.

Four more to go.

A sudden glow came from upwards and Zion looked up as he was stunned.

Ophis Transformed to something else now.

She compressed the poison in a bead and took it in her personal subspace as it disappears.

Her body now has four wings with white outline going through her body.

The body of the dragon God surely fuses with ophis as it gets converted to pure energy.

Zion read about dragon as they are pure unstable energy.

The dragon God who died recently was becoming energy as dissipating as it can no longer maintain consciousness as it's life seeps away.

He better get other dragons before Ophis completes her transformations.

Zion looked over and saw the four Dragon generals which are much smaller.

Laplace is in another place so he can't get him.

Zion casted another spell with runes going off around him in circles

Chains came out grabbing onto the generals that was circling the dragon god because of his huge mass in orbit.

He is using the chains of Cyttorak to seal up the dragon before it dissipates.

In this space with no maintenance of time around things would decay faster.

As soon as the four was sealed he teleported them to the subspace which he painstakingly made to expand.

Even they were smaller they were huge as a country with dragon god as a continent.

As their body parts were blown off they size decreased much more with only heart intact with the upper body part.

The Dragon tried to incapicate them from the looks of the damage.

But in his rampage, he gave terrible wounds to their body not striking at their heart.

Even so the battle was devastating as all of them had their head blown off with their lower body part.

It seems as an execution had occurred for treason.

After Zion packed the corpses with preservation runes and time runes.

Ophis at the same time has finished getting the body as a sack.

Ophis body slowly tuned into that of a python having sic wings with white outline through her body.

With a flash of light, she transformed into her human form but now into that of a teenager.

Wearing a white dress.

Zion let her have the snack for the reason of the war that is coming.

She needs all the power she can get.

Her appearance had surely changed.

Black hair with white lines mixed in it.

Purple Jaz berry Eyes.

A body of a girl who is growing from her youth.

She is now his height.

There were black and white horns on either side of the head.

She now possessed an aura of wisdom.

Ophis opened and clicked her hands.

Ophis had a big smile on her face.

Ophis: Now I can defeat red.

Ophis looked at Zion and gave a charming smile.

Ophis: Thank you Zion I feel much stronger. You will get stronger too after you eat the heart this is my gift to you.

Zion just shook his head.

Zion: Let's go I have all that I need.

Ophis: Oh, I forgot to mention the heart has some poison crystalized with it. What will you do to remove it.

Zion: I have a plan which is the next trip we are going on.

Ophis: Another trip!

Ophis was elated with a blush on her face.

Zion: Yes, for an experiment I would do with the hearts.

Ophis: Then let's Go!

Ophis was high on power showing much more emotion.

Zion made the huge jewel go down to the storage as he closed the hatch.

Ophis took the morpher she abandoned and transformed with it to the pink ranger outfit enjoying the look.

She got in the X-Wing asking Zion to come quickly.

Zion ran towards her with a chuckle as he got in the pilot's seat with his magic floating In it.

{Alexia: All done boss}

He saw the hologram pop in his seat.

Zion: Yes next stop fairy tail. Give me the coordinates.

{Alexia: Time dilation was a few days outside your home which in your case was hours.}

Zion: Well, I didn't notice.

{Alexia: Are you sure you don't want to stop to recalibrate?}

Zion: Cannot stop now this miss has caused me to accelerate my plans. It was my lax attitude that got me in this mess.

{Alexia: Getting caught by the factions and pantheons. Surely miss Ophis has bought trouble for you}

Ophis: Trouble? If anyone troubles Zion I will beat them up!

Zion: Sure, sure let's go out Alexia. I am not sure that sore loser noticed yet.

{Alexia: I am sure he did. Commencing Jump. Goodluck}

A portal opened infront of X-Wing as Zion accelerated out of it going inside.

Hotgami who can only watch can curse and throw a tantrum.

He could have used his power to create a hole in his dimension using that gate as a node.

Hotgami can only scream like a dog after this loss.

He will find them when he gets out.

He will take the riches which were his.

With this the pieces of puzzle is already being gathered by Zion.