
Creator's End (Old)

*This is my first time writing a story like this. Please bear with me.* --- When all you've known is nothing but a lie, and you're nothing but a plaything, what option do you have? All you can do is climb, climb to a point where you can destroy the one who controlled you, the one who trapped you. Lust #34 had lived a long life, aware of his soon-to-come demise. A simple thought led to another, which led to another, and he happily chased the trail. In the end, he only brought ruin. Reincarnated, he finds that he's been chosen to kill the Creator, to kill God, so he easily accepts. Grey lives his new life as an anomaly, learning about emotions and adapting to the real world. He's haunted by his past, but he doesn't let it get to him. He strives forward to create a life he can enjoy, all with his goal in mind. ------------------------ - Notice: All characters are fictional, and any connotations of religion aren't grounded in any religions from Earth. - 1500-2000 words a chapter. Post 1 chapter a day as consistently as possible. System is sort of a system. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

forener · Fantasie
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76 Chs


- If I'm right, due to your forced emotional numbness, your brain is finding other outlets to help you process it. - Fallen Star started.

'Makes sense.'

- However, if I'm not reading too deeply into it, your subconscious is trying to tell you that relying on your demon side is much worse than simply becoming an empty shell. You'll become a 3rd person spectator to your own life, watching as a droid-like you lives on. -

- That short moment where you saw everything go greyscale, that's what it would be like. You'd feel no emotion, but under the veil, there would lie such profound feelings that every second would be hell. There are no words that can describe it. -

'I see. But, there's no way to remove my emotional control. And, even if I did, wouldn't I drown in anger, hatred, and sorrow? Isn't it what holds my grief back?' Grey asked his partner.

- Maybe, but overreliance on it is a dead end for your ego. The most optimal path is to find something that can quell your pain, and then remove the control. But, we have no way of knowing what will accomplish either of those goals; not even your love for your parents is enough. We're stuck. -

'Damn... I've got no choice, for now. We'll go on living. Now, show me my status, please.' Grey said, eager to see what he knew would be there.

Fallen Star pulled up The Island's AI, using it to access the databanks of the Associations. Since all the institutions fell under the jurisdiction of the Tri-Government, they all shared data-banks. Grey, who had inside access, was able to see anyone's data.


-- Grey Heart (Human, 17)

-- [STR] Strength: (S) E-

-- [AGI] Agility: (S) E-

-- [STA] Stamina: (S) E-

-- [INT] Intelligence: (SSS-) SS-

-- [CHA] Charm: (S) B-

-- Attribute: Light, Poison

-- [EFF] Efficiency: 30.2% (SS+) D

-- [CAP] Capacity: 13,098 (SS+) C-

- Rank Calculated: (SS-) E- (Anomalous [INT] and [CHA] taken into consideration)

- Brackets: Age group, No Brackets: Overall 

-- Confirmed Kills: WF-Bear x1


"Hah," Grey sighed, slumping onto his bed, and facing the ceiling, "When will my values match up? I want to know my total score. Not that [CHA] does anything in a fight."

He was extremely happy seeing that the Mana Beast was on his confirmed kill list, but he felt annoyed at the fact that his [INT] and [CHA] were being removed from the equation.

- Whilst [CHA] may not be useful in a fight, it has its use. Take, for example, haggling, or even deception. People are more likely to listen and agree with you, the more charming you are. -

'I see.'

They both went silent for a minute before Fallen Star spoke up.

- So, what are you going to do today? - It asked most likely planning to suggest something itself.

'Not sure. Could train, I guess.' 

- Well then, why don't you go hang out with your friends? See the city, you know. - Fallen Star suggested.

'Not a bad idea, actually.' Grey said.

- Yes, go spend time with Aurora; deepen your bond and become each other's. - Fallen Star prattled on jokingly, causing Grey to cough.

'Hey, we're not like that! She's a friend that I often find myself next to, uncannily so, and I happen to think that she's pretty. Nothing else.' He replied, only to realize the strangeness of the situation.

'Can you control fate or something, Fallen Star? You like shipping me and Aurora, don't you?'

- Nothing of the sort, Grey. Don't be silly. If I could, I would ship you with someone who could give me a laugh, although I admit that this coupling is already quite funny. Besides, if I could control fate, I'd use that power to kill God. It's probably the only thing that could. - It responded to his jest.

'Sure, sure. Now, let's see if they're up for it.' Grey nodded his head, laughing, whilst sending a message to his friends in their group chat. It had been made with the premise of hanging out after school, yet it was only ever used for studying. Grey's message was the first time the group chat would be used for what it was meant for.

It took a short while, but eventually, Grey received replies from all 8 of them, agreeing to come hang out. He wrote that they should meet at the Hero Association in Arkus City, and they all said they would be there in 20. 

"Well, then. I'd best hurry." Grey said as he put a jacket on and headed downstairs, toward the hallway.

"Mom! I'm going to hang out with my friends from The Island." He yelled to his mother, hoping that she would hear.

Seconds went by with no response and suddenly Samantha appeared out of thin air, hugging him.

"Ooh, Grey! Even after your slightly questionable childhood, you made friends and are going to hang out! I'm so proud of you! " Samantha squealed. "Off you go then! Can't keep them waiting!"

She released him from the hug before saying one last thing. "And you'd best tell me all about them. You hear?"

"Of course, Mom. But for now, ask Dad." Grey replied.

"Mhm, Mhm. Sure." She nodded, trodding back into the living room. Grey watched as she left, and then turned around to leave. As he turned, he happened to glimpse Samantha jumping onto Lucas, arms, and legs wide, wrapping around him as she bothered his news time, asking to hear about Grey's friends.

Grey chuckled at her antics before stepping outside.


The drive to the Association was peaceful, and Grey arrived with 10 minutes to spare.

'Maybe I should have left later.' He thought as he walked inside.

'Nope, nope, not doing that!' He shouted in his mind, exiting the building before anyone inside could lay eyes on him. 'Fallen Star! Explain. NOW!'

Grey had entered the building only to spot a certain elven girl, one with black hair, green tips, and orange eyes. Aurora.

- Again, Grey. How would I know? If you two keep meeting, then it's a clear sign from the universe itself. - Fallen Star teased

'Argh! You're useless.' Grey chided. 'Well, I guess I'll say hi.'

Grey stepped into the Association and headed toward Aurora. She was looking away from him, facing a portal —the one that led to The Island— and she seemed to not hear his steps.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked from behind.

"!" Aurora jumped slightly, which made Grey laugh, and then responded.

"I'm good, how are you?" She was as 'cold' as ever, Grey noted, and since that behavior was normal, he refrained from mentioning it.

"Good. I uh... became a Hunter, as you may have guessed. But I'll leave the rest until the group gets here." He said, before moving to an important question.

"So... why are you here so early?"

"I came early because I got ready the fastest, and they all agreed that I should go on ahead to rendezvous with you, in the case that you were here." Her response was swift, and if Grey had heard her thoughts, he would have smirked, for it was something he was already aware of.

'Can't let him know that I came early so I could be alone with him. I will find out your secrets, Grey.' She resolved in her mind.

"I see. In that case, we'll have to wait."


Grey sat in a cafe with the group, all 8 of them at one, circular booth. They had ordered drinks and were just waiting for them to arrive.

"So, you killed a Beast, huh." Elijah started.

"That's right. I killed an E- Ranked WF-Bear." Grey said. He had told them about his exploit in the car drive.

The drive had taken them to a cafe in a large shopping complex —the very same that Samantha took him shopping in.

"Hold up, hold up." Var butted in. "We're skipping an important step here. YOU CAN DRIVE NOW!"

Grey snickered. "Why are you so focused on that?"

"Because that means that you're now a full-fledged member of society. You have a job, kind, of, a house, kind of, and can drive. What more do you need!?"

"Responsibilities." Darren said. The slightly dwarven boy was as dull and emotionless as ever, something Grey found was the most important trait to awaken the Dark Element, yet his tone didn't dampen the mood.

"Oh yeah. But still!" Var was as hyperactive as usual, eliciting laughs from all the ladies, except Aurora, whose eyes were fixated on Grey, and he, of course, took notice of that fact.

"OOH, it seems that Aurora has a crush! So, Aurora, my fair lady, tell me. What part of that boy do you like?!" Var teased.

Aurora flinched, before knocking Var on the back of the head. "I have no crush; I'm just studying him to learn how he can be around you without killing himself or strangling you."

At her remark, Var acted offended and then tried to get into a heated debate.

The whole thing spiraled from that point, and Grey sat in silence, watching the group laugh at each other while mock-arguing with one another.

"I've only been gone one and a half weeks. What happened?" Grey asked the person next to him.

"Honestly, I've no clue." Elijah said.

"Ahem." A sound came from next to them, and as Elijah and Grey turned, they saw a man holding a tray with their drinks.

The two shared a look, and Grey nodded his head toward the group whilst Elijah did the same toward the waiter. After that, the duo split up.

Grey moved to stop the group, calming them down so they could receive their drinks like civilized people.

Elijah, on the other hand, helped the server give out the drinks.

The two had developed a sort of code amongst themselves, one devised to be used when Var dragged things out of control, like in that instance, for example.

'It's going to be a long day.' They both thought, a smile on their faces.