
Creator's End (Old)

*This is my first time writing a story like this. Please bear with me.* --- When all you've known is nothing but a lie, and you're nothing but a plaything, what option do you have? All you can do is climb, climb to a point where you can destroy the one who controlled you, the one who trapped you. Lust #34 had lived a long life, aware of his soon-to-come demise. A simple thought led to another, which led to another, and he happily chased the trail. In the end, he only brought ruin. Reincarnated, he finds that he's been chosen to kill the Creator, to kill God, so he easily accepts. Grey lives his new life as an anomaly, learning about emotions and adapting to the real world. He's haunted by his past, but he doesn't let it get to him. He strives forward to create a life he can enjoy, all with his goal in mind. ------------------------ - Notice: All characters are fictional, and any connotations of religion aren't grounded in any religions from Earth. - 1500-2000 words a chapter. Post 1 chapter a day as consistently as possible. System is sort of a system. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

forener · Fantasie
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76 Chs


The group of five walked through the streets of Novis Sanguis, alert, but acting relaxed.

Although it was probable the enemy was aware that they knew of the assassination, there was always a chance for them not to. Warfare is as much deception as it is espionage, military/monetary might, or any other factor, so pretending is incredibly important.

Grey's eyes wandered the streets, checking the vendors, scanning the roofs and windows, and even watching the manholes. As he walked, he grew increasingly paranoid about the attack. At any point in time, someone would come to try and take Aurora's life.

He couldn't have that. He was sure that he liked her, and he was sure that she liked him at least a little, considering she had kissed him, but until it was all confirmed, he'd ensure nothing would happen. Hell, he'd do his best to ensure nothing happened after too, no matter the response.

At this point, he had fallen head over heels, he just didn't know it. 

He stood next to Aurora, in an attempt to shield her, scouring through the faces of the people they walked by. Some walked too close, causing Grey to ready himself for a fight, his fingers grasping the blade in his pocket, but it was always a false alarm.

'I'm thinking about harming them!' Grey was shocked at himself, as he considered himself a rational, logical person. It didn't help that his demon side, meant to keep his emotions at bay, was glitching for some reason. His emotions weren't dissipating as fast as they were supposed to, and Grey wasn't sure if that was good or not.

Fallen Star listened to Grey's thoughts, proud of his progress. From detached and angry, he had gone to a child who loved his parents, and then to someone who could be considered normal, and now he was experiencing love. When Fallen Star had first seen Grey, a demon who got their race killed for simply asking a question, It had doubted if the demon could change and achieve its goal.

That demon was so full of resentment and anger and sorrow that the only way to hold a conversation was to inundate its mental state and force it to be calm. For something like that, it should have been nigh impossible to grow emotionally and mentally, especially when it was the creature's first time feeling anything.

It had been wrong. Incredibly wrong. The demon had shown inconceivable levels of adaptability, regardless of the traits it had picked up from its past life. The demon quickly learned about complex emotions, grew mentally, and most importantly, enjoyed its life.

Fallen Star had grown with Grey, and the two had forged a bond one could consider best friends. It was proud to be with Grey and was even more proud to have seen him grow.

Hearing the last thoughts on Grey's mind, It was a little concerned, but knew that Grey was just worried for Aurora.

It was only when Grey mentioned that his demon side was acting up that Fallen Star acted.

- Wait, what? - It asked. His demon side had changed? The immovable force that both blocked his path and protected him?

'Hm?' Grey's train of thought was broken by Fallen Star's intervention but he quickly figured out what It was confused about. 'Yeah, my demon side is taking longer to remove my emotions, and it's failing to remove them fully. I hope it's progress, but it might not be.'

- How long has it been like this? When does it get affected? -

'Since Aurora kissed me and when I'm around her.' Grey told him, confuddled by the line of questions. He knew most emotions and had felt them, but some he hadn't. Romantic love was one of those he hadn't felt, and considering how different they were, it wasn't surprising he was perplexed.

- Grey! Clearly, due to you evolving as a person, past a certain point and in a certain direction, your demon side is evolving to accommodate the change. It's just like how the only emotion so far that isn't affected by your demon side is your love for your family. I believe that at the moment, Aurora may be being added to the list, just romantically instead. - Fallen Star informed him.

'Really!? That's massive!' Grey looked over at Aurora, watching her as she walked. She soon felt his gaze and turned to look at him.


Grey heard his heartbeat in his chest, each palpitation coming sooner than the rest. She smiled at him, causing his heart rate to rise.

'I think you're right.' He turned away, a smile on his face.

- Not only that, but it may lead to other emotions not being blocked. Potentially, you may soon start feeling emotion fully. - Fallen Star was elated for Its friend, Its partner, and for Grey's future. Soon enough, they'd part ways, and Grey would have something to go back to. That was the best part of this revelation.

Fallen Star and Grey continued to converse, and they soon arrived at the first destination of the day. The movie theater.

"...ey? ...rey! ...Grey!" Aurora's voice came into earshot, bringing Grey out of his conversation.

'Later, Fallen Star.'

"Yeah, Aurora?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"We're here. At the movies. Are you okay? I mean, I called for you several times and got no response." Aurora had a worried look on her face, more concerned for Grey than for her own safety.

"Yeah, don't worry. It was my fault, I got lost in my thoughts. I shouldn't have, I know, but I was thinking about something too important." Grey replied, a mischievous smile on his face.

At this point, Anette had gone to check the inside of the theater, and the King and Queen endorsed the two of them, so Grey saw no problem with what was about to happen.

"Oh, what were you thinking about?" Aurora asked, intrigued. What could be so important that it would drag him to the depths of his mind when he was supposed to be on his toes?

Grey leaned in, his face turning red, moving his face closer to hers. 'Come on Grey, you can do it!' He psyched himself up. Just because he knew his feelings didn't mean they were any easier to express.

He brought his mouth next to his ear, whispering, "You."

After that, he immediately ran into the theater, too embarrassed to stay behind. "I'll go help Anette check out the area!" He yelled.

Aurora's face flushed, turning a shade akin to a tomato. Her breath stunted and her heart beat loudly, creating a sound that both Matteo and Tyana could hear from just over a meter away, using their superior senses.

She entered the movie theater seconds after, bewildered yet incredibly happy.

Tyana turned to look at Matteo, a smile on her face that just screamed 'What did I tell you?'

He nodded, admitting that his wife was right, and then led her inside. Anette would be done with her search by now.


Grey sat next to Aurora in the theater, her parents a few rows behind, and Anette on standby at the entrance to the room.

After entering the theater, Tyana quickly chose a movie to watch and pushed the duo into the viewing room. Matteo spoke to the clerk, ordering them to empty the building.

The clerk complied immediately, making sure the viewing room was vacated, and then removed himself. He was a little confused, the Royals preferring to watch movies in the castle, and Aurora preferring not to disrupt any operations in the capital, but he wouldn't dare disobey. It was not his place to ask.

The movie turned on soon after, heading straight to the start. There were no ad placements, nor were there any introductions, getting straight into the first second of the movie.

The movie plot progressed quickly, a story about a commoner and a royal who fell in love, and both Grey and Aurora quickly drew parallels.

"Who chose this?" Grey whispered to her.

"My Mom," Aurora responded.

"Makes sense." Grey nodded. "Are we gonna continue to watch this?"

"Up to you. What do you want to do?" 

"Play a game? Our hologram might have one." 


its been 3 months since I started this, and I'm starting to stall when it comes to filler; hence, for both the story and my schoolwork, I'll be taking a break for a month. I'll write chapters during that, but I won't post them.

rn, I'm at the point where school is important, so I want to make sure I'm putting in the necessary effort.

also, deadlines and I are terrible friends, so it'll be nice to step back from having to deal with them outside of school.

forenercreators' thoughts