
Creator's End (Old)

*This is my first time writing a story like this. Please bear with me.* --- When all you've known is nothing but a lie, and you're nothing but a plaything, what option do you have? All you can do is climb, climb to a point where you can destroy the one who controlled you, the one who trapped you. Lust #34 had lived a long life, aware of his soon-to-come demise. A simple thought led to another, which led to another, and he happily chased the trail. In the end, he only brought ruin. Reincarnated, he finds that he's been chosen to kill the Creator, to kill God, so he easily accepts. Grey lives his new life as an anomaly, learning about emotions and adapting to the real world. He's haunted by his past, but he doesn't let it get to him. He strives forward to create a life he can enjoy, all with his goal in mind. ------------------------ - Notice: All characters are fictional, and any connotations of religion aren't grounded in any religions from Earth. - 1500-2000 words a chapter. Post 1 chapter a day as consistently as possible. System is sort of a system. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

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76 Chs


Grey was now able to walk properly, and although he did not have full functionality, Fallen Star had decided it was time to begin physical training. It did not matter if the body was behind the orders of the brain, for training would minimize that delay.

- Grey, to start your training, you will have to climb onto objects, then climb down. This will increase flexibility and promote critical thinking. Proper PT will have to wait for a bit longer. - 

Following his command, Grey waddled into the living room.

Once Grey had proved that he was fully capable of walking, Samantha and Lucas had given him free rein. They unlocked his cot, not that he needed help with that. He had already figured out the locking mechanism. 

What Grey did not understand though, was why. Sure, he had seen the looks his mother gave him as he talked and walked, but he was sure that she was too much of a doting worrywart to let him be free. After all, he had passed the age of 1. Maternity leave, as Fallen Star called it, was over. She had gone back to work, leaving Grey in the care of the neighbour, an old man that made Grey doubt her sanity for a second. 

It was only a second, of course, for Fallen Star warned him of the old man's capabilities. It seemed that he was actually very strong- Grey could put his faith in him. 


Under the watchful gaze of the man, Grey looked upon the majesty of the living room. It housed a 3-seater couch, made of black and white leather. It was so plump and fluffy looking, that the first time Grey sat on it, he assumed he would simply sink into it. He did not, however, which had made him quite upset. Apparently, he did not weigh enough to even disturb the leather of the couch- something that Fallen Star had told him belonged to a 'Mana Beast'. 

Opposite the couch sat a fireplace that was locked up, presumably for his safety. Attached to its chimney was a panel, about the size of the panels at his old workplace. That made it roughly 100 inches in length and 40 in height. Its width was a measly 1 inch, and the fact it was see-through confused Grey. Fallen Star informed him that it was a TV. Grey did not believe him at first, simply because he had seen a TV before. It was a boxy object just bigger than the size of a basketball.

Before the fireplace sat a rug of white wool; a coffee table made of black wood laid on top. On each side of the table sat a 1-seat chair. The chairs held the same design as the couch, tying into the architecture of the room. The walls were white, the chimney black. 

As Grey took in the view, he was reminded of his old house in Sincia. It was a small building, with 3 rooms: a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom. The kitchen was tied into the living room. Opposite it sat a single chair, and in front of that was a TV. The one Grey was aware of, not the massive panel that decorated this room. His bedroom was small, a single-sized bed of average comfort, and all the bathroom held was a shower, sink and toilet. The walls of the building were black with no decor hanging upon them. 

That house was like home to him. Ironic to their name and origin, demons held no avarice or desire. They simply lived life with what they had, content with it.


Now in front of the 3-seater couch, Grey became daunted by its size. He thought he had grown, if even a little, as he had judged himself from his parents' reactions. He had learned to read their faces quite easily, in fact. Yet, before the couch, he felt he was an ant. Its edge towered over him by at least 10cm.

It was not a lot of distance, he knew, nevertheless, in his infantile eyes, it seemed to be a giant gap. His arms barely reached above his head, how was he supposed to grab the ledge?

Steeling himself, Grey started to grasp for the ridge.

The old man, who had moved to one of the chairs in the room, watched, ready to leap into action at the first sight of danger. 

As Grey's little fingers clenched and unclenched into a fist, he got closer and closer to the corner. Standing on his tiptoes, he reached out once more. Feeling a new texture in his hands he clenched them hard. 

Using the little arm strength he had, he pulled. At first, nothing happened, but, jumping to give himself a boost, he moved a slight bit into the air. Seizing the chance, he pulled harder, digging his toes into the soft leather of the couch's side.

Imitating a seasoned rock climber, Grey moved his feet, getting into a stance that was both stable and comfortable. At this point, he knew that moving his hands came next, so he lifted his left one, placing it over the ledge. Leaving it in a flat pushing position, he moved the other. It joined the first in the same arrangement. From there, he was able to pull down onto the couch's surface, pulling himself up. Walking up the couch, he began tilting his body. Close enough to the edge, he dug his fingers into the couch, lifting his higher leg toward the ledge. Placing the foot over the top of it, he used it to propel himself the rest of the way. 

Grey now sat on top of the couch. He got up, admiring the view, and turned to the old man. Stretching a palm forward, he said, "Name?" in a cute tone. 

The old man who watched the whole process got up from the chair, moving to Grey. Placing his wrinkled hand in Grey's palm, he lightly shook it before saying, "Adam. It's Adam, boy." His face proceeded to crack into a smile, and then he left to sit back on the chair.

After Grey had made his introduction, he peered over the ledge he had climbed. It was a small gap, but the only emotions that filled his face were pride and shock. He was proud that he had climbed the distance, yet shocked that the small drop could look so intimidating.

He backed away, for he was scared to go near it, and took another look at the room. His eyes paused on an object. Next to the doorway, where he had first admired the room, sat a mirror. Ornate silver designs encapsulated it, but that was not what had caught his attention. 

In the mirror stood a boy, with silver hair and red eyes. A circular face, cheeks full of fat and two oddly shaped ears. As Grey looked at his reflection, his eyes kept coming back to his ears. He knew them, of course, for they were the ears of a demon. He was shocked that he had them, for he was human now. 

'Why do I have demon ears, Fallen Star?' He asked, wanting to know the reason.

- Since your soul had its memories restored, it was a demon soul, not a blank soul. This will cause minor changes to your appearance. Had it been a blank soul, when placed in a human body, it would have become a human soul. -

- The only changes you should have are your ears and your canines. The ears have a human shape and an elf's point, whilst the canines are a bit longer, similar to a vampire's. - 

Grey, upon hearing Fallen Star's explanation, had a smile bloom on his face. 

'That's great,' he thought, 'I can keep some of my heritage. I wonder what God will think when He sees these features of mine. I'll have to point them out.'

Fallen Star, reading his thoughts, laughed. Grey's training had been going great, but in 9 months, his efficiency had increased by a measly 0.6%. At that rate, Grey would be 6 feet under before he could even reach God's toes.

- Get back to training Grey. You can admire your face later. -

Upon hearing Its words, Grey grimaced. He would have to face the formidable ledge once more.


Grey had succeeded in climbing down the couch, although he landed on his bottom.

He moved from object to object, climbing up and then climbing down. His babysitter, Adam, grew confused, but pushed it aside, calling it, 'The impulse of an explorer'.

Lunchtime came, and Grey ate a meal with Adam. His was of course baby food, but it was so full of mana that he gulped it down, ignoring the grating taste of the odd mixture.

After that, he set back to climbing objects, moving over the house. He could always do with a bit more exercise. 


Samantha came home first, and after conversing with Adam, said hello. It involved a flurry of kisses, but Grey didn't mind because the feeling of happiness outweighed the embarrassment. Adam had left shortly after the talk, so he was not witness to the greeting, to Grey's relief.

Grey hugged her in response, and said, "Speak." Now that someone aware of his greatness was here, he did not have to hide too much. Although he had been picking up bits and pieces of the spoken language, he wanted to learn more. So, seeking the chance to improve, he decided to ask Samantha. His thought process was, 'Mom has watched me all this time, mistaking me for a genius. She wouldn't deny me a chance to learn.'

Not to his surprise, Samantha immediately agreed. She had been holding him in a clasp, one hand round the back and the other under the bottom. Instead of placing him on the ground as she had planned to, she suddenly threw the boy up slightly, readjusting her grip and getting a laugh in response. Grey may have been an adult in a child's body, but this was still new to him.

She strode to the living room, gently placing the boy down on the rug, in front of the table. She left him there for a few minutes, presumably to grab something to write with.

Grey's assumption had been on the mark as she re-entered, a tablet of the same design as the TV in arm. 

She sat on the other side of the coffee table, placing the transparent rectangle on the sleek black wood. Putting her hand on the centre of it, a handprint appeared on the screen. It was a bright neon blue in a grid. A few seconds later, lifting her hand off the tablet, the screen changed.

It was no longer transparent, but translucent. The black of the table helped Grey to see a wallpaper of flowers, and many icons dotted over it. Clicking on the image of a paintbrush, Samantha moved the tablet so the bottom was facing Grey.

She began to draw, her finger dragging lightly on the top of the screen. As she moved from one letter to the next, she lightly mumbled, "We need to get an upgrade soon." 

Grey who was unceasingly focused on the tablet, heard her words and pondered on them. 'You mean to say that there is better tech than this?' He thought. 'Impossible!'

Samantha, who was done with drawing, coughed in an attempt to gather her son's focus. His vision moved up the match hers, and she grabbed the tablet, placing it in front of her chest. 

"Here is the alphabet. You don't understand what I'm saying, so we have to start here. There are 26 letters. A, pronounced 'a'. Say 'a'!" She began to go through the letters, guiding Grey through the pronunciation.

Utilising his prior knowledge, the letters were not hard to learn. He struggled to move his voice how he wanted to, however. This had caused something he would have accomplished immediately to take a lot longer. They had now been sitting on the floor for over an hour.

Abruptly, the door opened with a creak, the hinge in clear need of a little cleaning. 


The door closed shut, an influx of wind pulling it towards the frame. Grey heard footsteps, a rustle or two, and then a soft pattering. At the sounds, he knew who had come home.

"Daddy!" Grey yelled, jumping up from his cross-legged position and running to the door. Any other reincarnated person might have been ashamed of acting like a child, yet Grey, who had no childhood, thought that it might be beneficial to experience one as one, not as an old man.