
Creation: The Wolves That Are Us (Creation series, Book 1)

The origin of a species and the different families that inherited the power of unknown birth collide in an attempt to settle their ways and solve mysteries, how will they react when the answer to that truth is shown? The first Volume of this book mostly takes the perspective of Percy, a 19 year old member of the Daybreak pack as well as some additional characters' point of view. These packs having their respective abilities that shape their lifestyles, and they've remained inherited throughout the pack's history and bloodline which over time have long lost their origins.  Auxiliary chapter - Main Characters, rules of this fantasy and etc. But they're explained throughout the course of the Novel, so it isn't necessary to read. Vol.1 Completed Vol.2 Completed

ARvern · Fantasie
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123 Chs

Tears Of The Rainmaker

Adam's POV

"Percy!" I scream out to my mate, his body now fully submerged in the lake that just tore him apart. Diving in to try and swim after him but get forced to the surface for my lack of energy in my body...I'm tired and I'm drained. My mate long gone and leaving us with nothing but the rotted carcase of an old lady who tried to kill him. "Athena I can't anymore...I don't want to do anything anymore" I feel my body tightening as I keep my head above the water, the running droplets disguising my tears along my face. Dragging myself to the land and leaning against Athena who continues giving me a pitied look, that's not what I need. That's not what I want.

"THEY KILLED SELENE!" A pack member howls out, attracted by Percy's previous screams after waking up from whatever that was.

"We didn't!" Yasmine abruptly defends us but we technically did, there's nothing more to it. It was self-defence but ultimately we were the cause of her death.

"GATHER BEFORE THEY KILLS US TOO!" He continues blabbering on, kissing my teeth in annoyance.

"Everyone please!" Yue and Melanie come running to us, no longer the subject to my anger I was informed about. "I knew she was going to try something like this, I apologise and I knew the result of it. I do not hold any of you accountable" She explains which only gets on my nerves even more.

"You knew. And you let her almost kill my mate?" I question

"Adam calm down please" Athena tries to tame my emotions much to my displeasure.

"You want me to calm down when she just openly admitted to happily letting my mate get killed?"


"Athena the pain that I feel. I can't describe it. The everlasting burn on my heart that feels like it's going to melt through my chest at any moment."

"You're right, I can't say what it feels like but I can sure as hell try my best to help you"

Another strike of thunder above us shakes the cave, "ALPHA YUE PUNISH THEM!" the pack member continues squawking out like a flightless bird. "I will not, It's my fault that these people suffered and I need to take the blame for It-" The relentless rumbling continues

"ARE WE JUST GOING TO IGNORE THIS!?" Yasmine yells and points towards the ceiling, my eyes widening as I notice cracks forming around the area we came from. Athena continues lifting me towards Yue but the shaking causes us both to fall, everyone who was standing now to their feet and unable to move at the very shockwaves being released.

Our breaths halted as we witness the rocks falling from above and crumbling down on top of the pack houses, "Everyone scatter!" Yue orders to her previously hording pack, everyone doing as they're told and trying to run away from the collapsing earth. Dust rising along with the sink hole increasing in size, Yasmine grabbing Thomas' body and pulling him towards us as we huddle against the tree for some security. "C'mon" Athena chants, praying for it to finally pass. The final fall of rock revealing the space above us, we stand back up to witness the sun blazing into the opening.

"That's...not possible" - Melanie

"What do you mean?" - Athena

"Our home is under the lake...but the two spaces aren't actually connected. This is an entirely closed off place that was made by our Freya" Yue explains while looking between the water and now gaping hole with an expression of sadness.

"It appears I was too slow...this time" An eerily husky voice drags our attention towards the hole, two flaring eyes staring deep into my body. Scanning each home and then lingering onto us for a moment too long. We freeze like prey caught in the gaze of a predator, the same sensation I got back when I entered Percy's dream. "An eye of gold, and an eye of purple" I whisper in disbelief while they shine through the dust clouds, a little twitch coming from Thomas' body as if in response to me. "He found us" Thomas mutters like a child who's just been sobbing for hours.

"Who?" Athena asks but Thomas' mouth sewed shut to himself, keeping silent in fear of something. The stomping of feet breaks our minor conversation, falling quieter as the monstrosity above us walks away like this was an everyday exercise. A feat of tearing up the very ground and caving in homes, one that demonstrated the gap in strength between us all.

"THEY DID THIS!" The same fucking pack member comes back to paint us the villain.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE CAN DO THAT!" Athena screams, stepping in front of me to get a better view of the overbearing idiot. Turning back to me once he realised how outclassed he was. "Now ca-" her mouth coughs out blood onto my face, her body falling onto me and a repeated choking on her own blood. "HA! I guess human shit really does come in handy" Another mindless member laughs to himself, a spear lodged through her shoulder sent all the way through.

'Not bad enough to kill her.'

'But bad enough to kill them.' Loch finishes my thought

"Yasmine. Heal her." I order, her hands already hunched over and pressing against Athena's wound before I said anything. "Thank you" I comment before walking off. The water of the lake swiping back and forth with each step I take, I feel my eyes warming up with power. "I'm losing my mate" The once sun bathed opening slowly turning dark with clouds, "I'm losing my sister" A crash of rain starts pouring into the cave. The faces of the ones responsible now drained with colour and fleeing away from me, "And you people...the weakest pack in the world. Want nothing more than to watch me suffer? Me?" I laugh to myself, my words barely hearable with the rain drowning it all out. "The Alpha of the Rainmakers...and you truly want me to feel nothing but pain. Huh?" The water from the lake overflowing and swarming around me, it's all an extension of me. And they're trying to escape it, meritless.

"Adam please calm down" Yue runs up to me, once again trying to diffuse the emotions inside me.

"Your people wanted this, did they not?"

"I'm afraid I can't let you just slaughter them Adam" She holds my hands, her eyes being coloured the same as mine.

"Is that a threat I hear?"

"If you keep going you'll die, do you not want to see Percy again? I'm sure he's still out there!" Melanie holds onto her side, the call of his name and sight of a mate making me feel nothing but guilt swarm up inside me. "You're strong especially for an Alpha. But you not only just recovered from overusing that power but you're also using even more than before, you're becoming a slave to it Adam!" She tries to shake me but I still don't understand why I should stop, if Percy's gone then I have nothing? Those runts in the back now begging for their lives just tried to end a life dear to me, I don't see why I should be the one to stop.

"Adam...I'm fine" Athena sits up, the radiating light still gleaming from where the spear was, Yasmine's stress filled face still pouring all her energy into it. "Please stop, this is what Dad was. Don't become that"

A flash of light along the flooring silences the air, "Boy that power is not yours. Contain it." The eyes from before once again glance inward, my immediate reaction to attack it with the overflowing power I feel in me. But every cell in my body screams "Death". The clouds giving way for the light and the rain subsiding, "I just want my mate" Falling to my knees, sobbing to myself in a water drenched mess of tears. That weakness he sought to break out of me, the never-ending lessons upon lessons simply to whip them out of me. It built up a wall that I needed to keep up...not anymore. 'Percy be safe'.


Athena's POV (10 Years ago)

'You lost to her. Again.' The crunching of bones making me flinch back, the man we call father punching Adam in the stomach like a thief's punishment. No matter how many times me and Adam fought, I'd always be the one to win. Physically he was outclassed, mentally he was outclassed and to our father that was nothing but a mistake. A faulty error in his supposed perfect son, and how did he fix that? Beat it into him until it cures. 'Stop!' I interrupt his insults to Adam, our telepathy needed for the torrential downpour of the cursed zone.

'You stupid bitch, you want some too huh?' His legs prancing towards me with a look of excitement in his eyes. I try blocking it with my hair but he kicks right through it and sends my small frame hurling towards a tree along the wet mud, the impact being softened by Adam catching me.

'All you can do is beat us, is that what satisfies you?' He cries out between each tear, the comment making Rane's flare nose with fury. All Adam can do is sit there and curl, taking each kick and punch with the thought that one may eventually take his life. 'NO!' He shrieks out for the first time, the floor's life growing dead and space of rain around us pausing. I glance up to see our father's leg sliced off and his body tumbled on the floor. His thoughts leaking into our minds, 'This little shit. An idiotic child. The worthless little boy and that thing he calls a sister...an alpha...cannot be female' he falls unconscious. Our remaining energy left to drag him back home with the help of Alex who was forced to observe the whole thing. He never did try that again, that doesn't mean it hasn't done the unrecoverable damage to us both.

No, I didn't forget Alex existed. He's been busy with...paperwork.

ARverncreators' thoughts