
Creation King

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What is Creation King

Lesen Sie den Roman Creation King des Autors RagCharsade, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Eons ago, a prophet of the four horned demon sailed into the land of Alibod. He was once a scholar that hailed from a mighty empire, but fallen long ago. As he spread his teachings, his worshippers be...


Eons ago, a prophet of the four horned demon sailed into the land of Alibod. He was once a scholar that hailed from a mighty empire, but fallen long ago. As he spread his teachings, his worshippers begin to linger throughout the feudalistic tribes, hiding among the shadows. When the day struck noon, the moon enveloped the world into darkness, where they’ve begin their assault. Each and every demonic worshipers became the foul beast which preyed upon humanity, losing their minds to the dark lord. The world of man tried to resist against the encroaching darkness, but none lived to tell the tale. When all of hope was lost, the twelve crusaders arise from the shadows of war. Each of them carried divine artifacts bestowed to them by the gods. They began to liberate city after city, bolstering their numbers wherever they went. Upon the final battle between the prophet and the crusaders, the dark army were quickly annihilated as the soldiers who joined the crusaders quest to rid the demons from the land. In the final words of the prophet, he said: “Thou won for Gaia’s bounty! Upon thy death, cometh the twelve plagues be ‘flicted! Tenebris shall take my place, to bring forth the four horns of doom!” He then deteriorated into a skeleton, with his ashes scatter throughout the world. With the War of Faith concluded, the twelve begin to settle the ruins of the land, establishing their own kingdoms to restore peace. Each of the crusaders were awarded by their gods with the saints blood, bestowing them divine blessings, should they ever need to use the divine gift against the demon lord. Centuries later, Duine, the bastard of a mere baron, had stolen a divine gift after defying his fate. From where could his life be lead?

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