

Autor: Asayake
Romansa Fantasi
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Lesen Sie den Roman CRAZY RICH MAN TEST 2 des Autors Asayake, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Semua orang selalu menganggapnya pria gila. Julian Giedon, pria yang pandai menghasilkan uang dengan kegilaannya yang menjadikannya salah satu pria terkaya di dunia.Julian suka pesta dan seks, dia ad...


Semua orang selalu menganggapnya pria gila. Julian Giedon, pria yang pandai menghasilkan uang dengan kegilaannya yang menjadikannya salah satu pria terkaya di dunia. Julian suka pesta dan seks, dia adalah bad boy terpavorit di Neydish. Semua orang hormat dan bertekuk lutut pada Julian yang di gadang-gadang akan menjadi presiden di usia ke tiga puluhnya. Namun di balik semua kesempurnaan yang di milikinya, Julian hanyalah pria tampan yang kekanak-kanakan dan tidak bisa berkelahi. Dengan segudang rahasia di balik topengnya. Julian jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis yang jelas-jelas menolaknya. Akankah Julian memperjuangkan perasaannya, dan mengabaikan harga dirinya.

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She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · Fantasie
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46 Chs
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Volumen 1 :1


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