

A story that can be summed up in a single book is Crazy Obsession, a miniseries that begins with a story about the passionate, sensual memories of first love. There was also a moving story about a poor woman who becomes a surrogate mother, and there was even a family story that was rife with strife and infidelity. Then there was the tale of the girl who wed seven husbands. How did the girl deal with her seven husbands? Romance, lust, the first kiss, infidelity, and melancholy are all covered in full in this mini-book series. Crazy Obsession, a miniseries book, contains this collection of tales. Adults who read

KimNia · Urban
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163 Chs

story 1: a surrogate mother

start: surrogate mother


Rossie, a beautiful 22-year-old woman who loves a man named Bryan, must feel immense pain when she finds out that the baby she has just born has been sold by her boyfriend, Bryan,

Bryan, who at that time was entangled in loan shark debt and a gambling addict, was desperate to sell the baby and made Rossi almost depressed.

until one day, one of the young billionaires who already had a baby, desperately needed a breast milk donor because the baby's mother had died during childbirth.

what will happen after they meet by fate?


Angelina maternity home,

Los Angeles.

A 22-year-old woman is screaming and rocking a man's body while sobbing,

she didn't think that the baby she had just born had already been sold by the husband, sorry.. to be exact, the future husband.

Bryan's infatuation with gambling leaves him in debt to moneylenders and he is forced to sell Rossi's baby without his prior consent.

"How much did you sell my baby for?" she growled while hitting the shoulder of the man who was standing with a flat look

Bryan immediately grabbed Rossi's shoulders and glared at her

"Listen, honey, you can still get pregnant, can't you sell the child so I could have money and marry you as soon as possible" Bryan said defensively

Rossi was crying while screaming hysterically she had not even breastfed the baby at all and she didn't even know the gender.

Rossi couldn't believe it, how could a father sell his baby to someone else just for a few hundred thousand dollars?

Isn't that crazy?

Again Rossi screamed and made Bryan slap her on the cheek, making the woman widen and silent for a moment.

"This is a hospital don't embarrass me, you know how much the hospital cost you to give birth to that child? I can't afford it. That's why I better sell it and give the child a decent life." Bryan said reassuringly.

Rossi endured tremendous sadness and made her almost depressed, because of the loss.

she didn't think that the people she trusted and loved the most could do such a cruel thing.

even Rossi had to fight with her parents just to maintain their love, but see what happened?

Now that reality has overcome everything, Rossi was increasingly convinced that what his parents said is true that Bryan is an irresponsible man.

and stupid again Rossi loves him.

How can she stop loving him? she loves Brian too much.

"You sold the baby to pay off a loan shark, didn't you? Don't blame me for the hospital fees." Say, Rossi

Bryan held Rossi's hand tightly and kissed his wrist,

"I'm not selling the baby to pay off loan sharks. I swear, I just want a better life for our daughter, think about it..can your job pay for our daughter?. You're just a waiter and I'm a casual worker." said the man trying to convince Rossi's feelings so that he wouldn't keep blaming himself.

Rossi pulled her wrist slowly, her eyes reddened and tears dripping from her eyelids, she looked at Bryan with a frustrated look.

"You must be lying," she said

Bryan was silent, he even swore in the name of God...

Bryan looked at Rossi, actually what Rossi said was true if he was in debt by a lot of moneylenders because he was crazy about gambling.

but he didn't want to lose Rossi because Rossi was the only money field for him,

The handsome but lazy man always forces Rossi to work and make money for him all the time.

Rossi's mother often told her daughters to leave the man but again Rossi seemed to lose consciousness and she loved the man so much that it made her crazy

Bryan came out of the hospital door leaving Rossi still crying, he knew if brian was still there Rossi would continue to bombard him with unanswered questions

So the lazy guy chose to go and leave the girl

while Rossi was still engulfed in grief at the loss of a newborn baby, the woman sighed heavily.

Even she has never seen what her face looks like is he handsome or beautiful

ahead of the other hand, her heart says to leave Bryan but on the other hand, her heart tries to stay and give him a chance to change

Where should she be?


While elsewhere

Logan looked at the blue-eyed baby with a soft look,

he caresses her white cheeks and kisses her forehead

Irish was the baby's name, she was very beautiful and beautiful like an Irish flower

The name her wife gave just before she died

Logan had tears in her eyes, she lost so much Caroline..the beautiful woman, he married six years ago

Caroline longs for a child in her married life, but the cancer she suffers from didn't allow her to get pregnant because it will interfere with the treatment process.

The beautiful and gentle girl smiled and stroked Logan's cheek in front of the obstetrician

"I've been waiting for this for six years, I want to have a baby and this is the time. I beg you to let me go," she asked with a soft look

Maybe for nine months, Caroline will feel excruciating pain because she stopped taking medicines from her doctor

Until finally Irish was born by Caesar's method, Caroline smiled with pale lips

"Take care of my daughter.. please take good care of her" she pleaded

Logan kisses Caroline's wrist and cries in front of his wife for the first time

"Name her Irish Smith," she said with a smile

The blue eyes began to close, her smile faded .. the beautiful woman lost consciousness before being declared by the doctor that she died after a cesarean section

Logan's world has been destroyed, a handsome man who has everything but he can't help his wife to stay alive

Even Logan can give so much money to the hospital to keep his wife alive but all was left to the almighty

Caroline was more loved by Him, that's why God called her first

Logan still remembers how Caroline smiled when she found out she was 2 months pregnant, but it's all just a memory now and most importantly looking for a substitute mother for her beautiful baby.

Irish didn't like formula, the beautiful baby vomits her formula many times, even logan has to often go back and forth to the hospital just to pick up donor milk

she was getting tired of all this and can't help but have to hire a woman who has given birth to breastfeeding her daughter for 2 years

Age was not an obstacle, the most important thing is that his daughter can grow up healthy


the handsome man called the hospital where he used to pick up donor breast milk

"How can the doctor if I ask one of the breastfeeding mothers to work in my house for 2 years? I have a lot of work I can't walk around just to take breast milk" said Logan

You can hear the sound of breathing from the other side

"I haven't found it yet but if there was a woman who often comes to give her breast milk donation, I will immediately try to offer the job," said the doctor.

Logan can breathe a sigh of relief at least if the woman stays at home she didn't have to come to the hospital tired

The most important thing now is the daughter's growth and development and what price must be paid to the breast milk substitute she will not mind it

Now Logan's eyes were on the beautiful sleeping baby, she's smiling

"Hopefully your surrogate mother will come soon" whispered Logan softly.