

Erza (P.O.V)

As I looked at my father.. he was crying... I ran towards him and hugged him.

Erza (getting emotional): "Just my speech made you cry... What would happen if I had left you, dad..."

Oliver (Quickly controlled himself before his daughter makes up another excuse): "Daughter, you are not the only stubborn person here... If you try to play any other trick.. I'll beat your butt in front of everyone."

Erza (hugs him tightly): "How could you do this to your daughter, dad!! I'm not a five years old child whom you punished by spanking her butt."

Oliver (chuckled lightly and pats her head): "Come on, be a good girl and enjoy the party."

Erza (looks at my father with puppy eyes): "Are you sure, dad ?"

Oliver (pushes her): "Go now and find a son-in-law for me."

I just rolled my eyes and stood aside.

Host (with excitement): "Well that's a pretty emotional moment. So, let's not make this night boring and start the dance for tonight.

Wait... Wait...Wait... Today, you can't choose a partner of your own choice.

We'll play a game... My assistant will distribute cards with numbers to all of you.

I kindly ask for the gentleman and the ladies to come forward and stand in front of each other. My assistant will distribute the cards now."

My father pushes me too. Well, I can't do anything now.

After the card distribution, the host starts shouting on the mike again...

Erza (looks at the host with annoyance and thought): "With his shouting skill I'm sure he won't be able to find a girl.. obviously ladies don't like it if the man's voice is higher than theirs..hahaha.."

Host: "Finally, find the partner according to your numbers card.."

I hide my number and tried to hide in this crowd to skip the dance... But I think my luck is not with me today...

When a gentleman came in front of me and asked me about my number... I had no choice but to show my card to him... It's number 32...

Gentleman (got disappointed): "Ohh mine is 31..!! I missed by one number.."

(Started speaking again cheerfully): "Well, by the way, my name is Vincent.. nice to meet you, and congratulations on your achievement..."

Erza (being polite and with a light smile): "Thanks ️."


Alexander (P.O.V)

Even though I'm invited to today's event I'm not in the mood to be present and see her showing off her victory... but for my plan, I've to compromise a little..!!

In a bad mood... I picked up a suitable outfit for tonight's event and went to the washroom.

After getting ready, I grabbed the car's key from the driver and told him that I'd be driving tonight.

We both arrived at the hotel at the same time.. she was looking confusedly around and asked her father why he had invited everyone from their society.

That's great! It was a big slap on my face that she didn't want to invite us in the first place..!!

I stood near them and started listening to the talk between father and daughter...

After listening to them... I finally caught some of her weaknesses...

Weakness one: "Her emotional attachment to her father."

Weakness two: "She is easy to fool. Her little brain only works for business.. she is just an emotional fool.."

I'm sure you'll get seduced by me tonight.. otherwise, I have got a plan two for you...!!


Characters Detail

Erza: Female Lead

Alexander: Male Lead

Oliver: Erza Father

Vincent: Side Character

Sam: Alexander's assistant

Musa: Coming Soon Female Lead