
Crazy Billionaire Couples

Rose Mangan,a lady that could make any man crave for a taste of her. She got everything a man could ever dream of in a lady. Because they are all after one thing in her and that is her body not her love. An incident happened at the steakhouse she work at which almost got her rape.

DivinePeace · LGBT+
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17 Chs

Body And Soul


"Why did you ask?"Simon asked.

"It looks familiar to me,I actually bought one for Elena before"Ryan replied.

"Ohh! This one belongs to the bitch I brought home last night,"Simon said.

"I thinks she forget it here after she left this morning"

"I hope you're using protection,so you won't impregnate any of them,"Ryan said.


"Bye"Ryan said and left the room.

Simon sighs as he quickly runs to open his closet.

"Is he gone?"Elena asked.

"Yes babe"Simon carried the naked Elena and dropped her on the bed.

"I didn't know he can show up like that"

"Yeah,"Simon said and started kissing her.


Ryan was about to enter his car when he realized he was still holding the red pantie.

He walked back into the house and opened Simon's room door.

"Simon,I'm here to return the red pan…"

The rest of the words stopped in his mouth when he saw Elena riding Simon's dick.

"Elena, Simon"Ryan called in shock.

Elena's eyes widened.

"Ryan is not what you think"Elena said with Simon's dick in her.

"So this red pantie actually belongs to you"He threw the pantie on the floor.

Elena's mouth went mute.

"Simon I trust you so much and you have the guts to fuck my fiancée"Ryan yelled looking furious.

"I'm done with you Elena for good this time,I'm tired of catching you cheating on me"He removed his ring from his finger.

"You"He pointed at Simon.

"How could you do this to me,you're my best friend for crying out loud Simon,how could you"Ryan yelled.

"Ryan please don't break up with me"Elena got down from Simon's dick.

She kneels down in front of Ryan.

Simon couldn't say anything.

"You two can get engaged to each other"He dropped the ring on the floor.

"Don't you ever think of coming to my house or coming near me,I won't mind killing the both of you with my bare hand"Ryan yelled and left the house.

"Simon"Elens screamed and slapped him.

"What was that for"

"It's all your fault!"She yelled.

"How is it my fault?"He yelled back.

"You said he was gone,how did he come back?"She said.

"I don't know either"

"If it wasn't because you always threw my panties anywhere you like when you're are horny,he wouldn't have found out,"Elena said.

"What should we do now it's seems like our plan has been burst"

"We will come up with a new one,"Simon said.


"I don't know yet"

"I'm sure he's really gonna hate us both"She said.


"Let's continue,"Simon said.

"Continue what"

"The sex"

"I'm no longer interested,I'm still worried about Ryan,"Elena said.

"Forget about him"

"I'm pretty sure it was your girlfriend that told him that 's why he came here today"Elena said.

"My girlfriend Rose"



"She is working as a maid in Ryan's mansion,"Elena said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me"Simon asked.

"I thought there was no need,"She said.

"She also made my life a living hell in the mansion, that's the reason why I came here"Elena said.

"Rose,"Simon muttered.

"I'm going to get back at her,"Elena said.



"Bye"Andrew said.

" Bye-bye"Daniella waved.

"Bye see you guys tomorrow"Ariella said and drove off.

"I'm really exhausted after reading,"Andrew said as they walked back inside.


"I'm going to be the one to cook dinner tonight,"Andrew said.

"No,I'm the one"

"Ella I'm tired of eating poison everyday you haven't improved at all"Andrew said.

"You have to eat or else you won't eat any for dinner tonight and I won't allow you to order any food"Daniella said.

"Why Ella"



"Mom, how did father change his mind so easily?"Chris asked.

"I had used Ryan to make him change his mind,"Amanda said.


"I use his mom's death against him,"Amanda smiled.

"Wow! Mom you are so clever"Chris smiled.


"Mom, I got to go now,"Chris said.

"Okay I will wait behind for your father"

"Bye"He said and left.





"I haven't seen my brother since I came back,"Ariella said as she laid down on her bed.

"He will be here soon,"Rose smiled.

"Okay,good night"She slept off.

Rose went back to the sitting room.

"Where could he be?"Rose muttered while walking around.


Ryan is busy drinking alcohol like there is no tomorrow.

"How could they do this to me?"Ryan said.

He was drunk already because he was not used to alcohol.

"He's my best friend"

"How could he be fucking my fiancée"He stood up.

He started walking toward the bar entrance to leave.

He staggered and fell down heavily on someone's table.

He stood up and tried to leave but he was pulled back.

"Hey punk, where did you think you were going?"A guy said.

"Jerk let go of me,"Ryan said.

"You think you can ruin my drink and go scot free"The guy punched him.

" Darn you"Ryan said and punched him back.

The guy wiped the little blood on his face.

"You think you're tough,"The guy said.

"Boys beat him up"The guy said and three huge guys came close to them.

"You mean him, boss?"One of them said.

"Yes,"The guy replied.

The huge guys carried Ryan out of the bar and dropped him outside.

Ryan staggered to stand up.

One of them punched him and he fell down.

Ryan stood up again.

"Darn you bastard,"Ryan yelled angrily.

He tried to punch one of them but they blocked it.

"This guy is really acting tough"One of them grabbed Ryan's arm and flipped him across his shoulder.

"Arrgghh"Ryan screamed, unable to stand up.

"Let's leave him this way"The first one said.

"I haven't had my share,I haven't punched him yet"Another one said and they all left.

Ryan struggled to get up,he was bleeding badly,he managed to stand up and walked toward his car.

He staggered into the car and drove off.



"Dinner is ready,"Daniella said.

"I hope it doesn't taste really bad,"Daisy said.

"Trust me sis,"Daniella smiled.

"Andrew "Daisy called.

"She cooked it very well while I was with her in the kitchen,"Andrew said and ate the rice.

"How is it?"Daisy asked as take a spoon into her mouth.

They both spit out the rice.

"What's wrong with it this time?"Daniella asked.

"It's too salty"They chorused.

"When did you later add this much salt?"Andrew asked.

"I want to make it more delicious so I add more salt inside the rice when you leave the kitchen to take something,"Daniella replied.

"God,"Andrew muttered.

"You guys have to eat it like that,"Daniella said and started eating it.

"Arrrgh,"Daisy screamed.

"Don't ever cook dinner again,I can't keep up with this anymore"Daisy said.

"I'm cooking tomorrow night and it will be super delicious,"Daniella said.

"I think you mean super bad,"Andrew laughed.

"Whatttt,"Daniella yelled.


Rose is still pacing around looking at the clock.

The door opened and Ryan walked in looking half dead.

"What's wrong with you?"Rose rushed toward him.

"What are you doing here?"Ryan grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.

"Ryan"Rose called in shock.

"How could you do this to me?"Ryan grabbed her neck, squeezing it really tight.

"Ryann…wh..what…did..you .. think you're doing"Rose said unable to breathe well.

"I told I'm going to kill you with my bare hand if I see you here"Ryan said and squeezed it more tightly.

Rose could feel her soul leaving her body slowly.