
Crazy adventures

A magician, a troll, and a college student walk into a bar. What could go wrong? Well the college student wants to be a troll hunter, the troll is scared of magic, and the magician despises weak humans. Chaos ensues

Flappywingz · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Idiot, Cheerleader and grumpy

The first to react was the college student. Quickly taking the poster in his hands and running towards the bartender again.

"Mister bartender!"


"Mister, Sir, I just want to. . . ."

The poor college student didn't have time to finish his sentence. A beastly voice rang behind him and before he knew it, toppled him over the counter along with the innocent bystander behind it.

"Troll Hug!" They heard as the troll leaped into the human, frightened little screams escaping his mouth, because. . . . Behind him was "Evil magic."

The troll kept hiding behind the stunned human as the magician finally made his way over.

"Give me the poster." He said calmly

"Hiiii, don't hurt me. . . Magic!"

"Enough of you!"

The magician smacked the troll with his staff, pure annoyance in his eyes. But the troll was unaffected by such attack.

"Tchh whatever. . . Just give me the poster." He repeated, getting more and more irritated.

"I found it first, the reward is mine." The college student suddenly said, having recovered from the "Troll hug."

"No! Troll saw it first! Troll wants the biggest and strongest Monster Cock!"

"You both useless idiots better shut up and give me the poster! The reward is mine alone to take."

The three continued this back and forth until it turned into a brawl again.

Now one would ask. . . Where did the bartender go? Well the poor civilian was getting tossed around like a ragdoll, becoming an unwilling collateral damage, along with his now deserted bar, completely forgotten by those three idiots still fighting each other over a poster.

The college student at last, had his sword reach the damned troll. All proud and confident, he exclaimed loud and clear!

- How is my sword you damned troll!

- Oh what a cute little sword, puny human you are funny! The troll laughed at this display of cuteness from this little human.

The cute little human in question looked confused for a moment, but remembered his lessons from college.

"Oh yes I remember now, this sword will not cut it," thought the college student.

The magician looked at this display of weakness with disgust in his eyes.

"You disgusting weakling!"

"Hey, hey! I just need a better sword that's all."

The magician once again aimed his staff at this weak being and threw fire balls at him.

"Hey chill out dude!" The college student kept running around, avoiding the fire balls in the process, but there was one thing slowing him down.

The troll was clinging to him like a dear in headlights, screaming at him.

"Hiiii, protect me!"

"No. Get the fuck off me!"

"Hiiii, protect me please!"

"You're stronger than me!"

"And you are good at running away!" Said the magician.

"That I am!" Replied the college student.

"Do you not get tired?"

"I have a lot of endurance!"

"Please someone help meeee."

"You shut up!!" They both yelled at the same time, getting annoyed by this incredibly strong wimp.

"Why is this wimp allowed to be this stupid strong. . ." Exclaimed the magician.

"Don't worry! I will kill him. It's my job after all." Said the college student with confidence.

"Are you brain dead, or you have short term memory loss?" The magician berated him.

"There is no way your noodle arms, or your small fry sword can even cut a tree!" He continued.

"What?! You rude bastard! I will have you know. . . I trained for this! And I will kill this troll!"

"You are a WEAKling." The magician emphasized, rolling his eyes at this denial.

"Don't. . . . Say, the W word anymore!"

"I will keep doing so."

"You. Will. Not. Do. So."


"You. . . You B word!"


"You really S word!"

"Childish. . ."

"All this bickering makes me thirsty. . ."

They both turned around, watched as the troll dragged his feet to the counter. Head down, and eyes half closed, signs of exhaustion.

"Monster cock?" He said, but no response.

The bartender slowly stood up from the floor, a tick mark appearing on his forehead. "You. And You. And You. Get out!"

The owner of the bar had finally cracked. He had enough of these crack heads trashing his place, and making all his customers run away. But, most importantly, they messed with his hair! His hair, that he took so much time and effort to fin. . . Arrange for his date. . . Tonight. The bartender finally had it all in his palms, a perfect date in a perfect bar with a perfect lady. He, was finally set for some action in this boring life of his. All ruined by these three deranged psychos. . . . And so he did what any logical rational normal thinking person would do, he lined them up in front of the door and kicked them one by one out of his bar, and threw this cursed poster on the floor with them. He just kicked their butt and instantly, his mood was restored.

"That felt good." He said before locking the door.

- Oww . . . The college student groaned, his body spread on the floor.

"What was that guy's problem anyway. . . And what's up with that abnormal strength? Are all bartenders this strong . . ."

"Hmph. . . It must be his years of dealing with trouble makers. I underestimated him."

"Shut up magician, you underestimate anything that doesn't look strong."

"That is not true," the magician said.

"You instantly assumed I was weak before even seeing my beautiful form!"

"I can simply tell you are weak from a single glance."

"Hahahaha, tiny human threw troll far!" The troll laughed excitedly.

"Still I can't believe this bartender was so rude! How can he treat paying customers like that! If that's how he treats good and innocent customers, I will not be coming back," the college student said firmly while crossing his arms.

"I cannot believe I am saying this, but I agree." Said the magician despite himself.

"Look, look!" The troll said.

They both looked in the direction the troll was pointing.


But before they had time to even move the troll had it in his hands.

"That's the poster that was gonna make me a troll slayer!" The college student made his way over trying to steal it for himself.

"Hmph, I almost forgot about that thing. Now you both can stand aside and give it to me." The magician slowly started making his way over as cool as well, a magician.

The troll was just laughing, overjoyed at this delicious reward being in his stomach very shortly. He grinned at the tiny human, holding the poster over his head and casually brushing him off while still thinking about his favourite alcohol.

"See, you are pretty pathetic. Not even able to jump with those weak legs ha!" The magician mocked him, shaking his head at this poor excuse of a human.

"Give me that. You both are not eligible for this reward, I don't see anything mentioning a reward for idiots here." The magician snatched the poster from one of the idiots mentioned and started looking it over again, this time with more attention.

"Hold on hold on let's talk about it! We should put it between us and analyze it together!"

"Troll agrees!"

"Fine." The magician rolled his eyes but still agreed.

They all sat on the ground in front of the bar still, as he put the poster between them.


"Stop shouting you imbecile."

"But! It don't even make sense. . . Does this person live in a forest?"

"That is what you were worried about?" The magician shakes his head in annoyance.

"I seem to be doing that a lot around those guys. . ." The magician thought to himself, before he got brought out of his thoughts once again by the idiot and his cheerleader.

"I'm telling you those are important questions to ask!"

"Hahaha tiny human so funny!"

"There are five forests in this world," started the magician.

"Yeah! Mister obvious tell me did you figure that out by yourself? Because that's genius!"

"Hahaha so funny!"

"Do you want fireballs up your asses?"

"Hiii no magic no! We listen to magic now!"

"You coward troll! You supposed to be on my side!"

"Are you not the one trying to kill him?"

"Stop ruining my fun you. . . Stupid drag blondie!"

"Childish. . ." The magician clears his throat, as I was saying. . .

"Yeah yeah, there are 5 forests blah blah blah! What we should really focus on is which forest we start with genius!"

"We start with the first forest . . . "

the college student and the troll are suddenly on the ground laughing their heads off.

"Hahaha this is priceless! Do you see that troll? Look at his face!" The college student continued to laugh unceremoniously.

"Hahaha magic funny! Dead inside!"

The magician stood up, his face devoid of emotions. He started walking towards a direction while the other two continued snickering behind his back, they still followed close behind.

"Hey where are you going man?" Idiot number 1 asked.

"Oh! Oh! Probly to pee stress away!" Idiot number 2 said.

"Oh damn! That's a good one troll!"

They continued to snicker, but still no response from the now dead inside magician.

"You see that troll? That's why we can't have fun anymore in this world! Too many dead people inside."

"Hmm hmm," the troll simply nods along

After some time passes, the troll finally asks the most important question of all.

"What is human name?"

"Oh! That's right we never mentioned our names before, I was starting to get tired of calling you troll all the time, all right I am Dennis! What's yours?"

"Me strong! Me Martha!" The troll said while flexing his muscles.

"Alright alright you show off, so you Martha. . . You female?"

"Silly human! Trolls no have gender!"

"So what, you just spawn out of thin air into the wild?"

"Human really stupid! We have family! We choose name when adult enough!"

"So you do spawn out of thin air huh I knew it!"

"Troll crush!" Martha said suddenly chasing after the human who started running away.

"Hahaha soo, do you have a P or V?" Continued the human, still running for his life.

"Troll rushing crush!" Martha finally caught up to the human clutching his head between the muscles of his arm.

"Aghh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was just messing around honest!"

"Bad human!" Said Martha, releasing his head with a cheeky grin.

Dennis grinned back, his joker side always getting him in trouble.

"Aww crap! We lost the magician!" He shouted abruptly, realization hitting him.

"No problem, Me have magic smell!" Martha said proudly.

"What are you a dog?!" Dennis retorted, as he ran with Martha towards their new acquaintance.

"Why do we have to go back to this ass anyway? We don't need him. . . Always so grumpy and angry!"

"Magic strong, magic smart, not like human!"

"He's human too! After all I did for you and this is what you say? I'll really kill you one day just you wait!"

"Hahahah Martha like big strong man to fight!"

"I'll really shove that sword in your body honest! Who needs a special sword," Dennis said flexing his sword.

When they arrived, they saw the magician staring into the distance where the small time forest was now standing sheepishly in front of them.

"So this is "the first forest" they said, pretty sad!"

The forest, as if hearing them, was feeling sad. Nobody was respecting her! The wind, the humans, even the animals were all ignoring her. The trees were all looking dead, like their soul had been ripped from their body and so the forest did the only sensible thing it could at this moment.

Cry! And cry! And, the skies as if in support of her feelings, rain! And rain!

"I hate rain, my flames extinguished. . ." The magician at long last said his first words in what felt like ages.

"He's alive!" Dennis exclaimed

"He alive!" Martha repeated

"Unfortunately, I still have to hear you two. . . Why did you not stay away, you only hold me back."

"Pfft, funny coming from mister can't do shit in the rain! I bet my sword looking real mighty to you now huh."

"You are still an ant, and your mouth will get you killed someday, weakling."

"Bad human and magic! No fighting, go in forest now!"

The troll was suddenly the most mature person in the group taking charge of the situation, now that magic was gone under the rain he was feeling confident.

- I love the rain! Second favourite after Monster Cock, he thought happily.

"Why should I go in the forest with you two idiots. I will go alone, you stay here."

"Ha! Did you forget already? You are useless right now, blondie just admit you need us," Dennis grinned mischievously.

"Blondie need us!" Martha repeated again, sharing his sentiment.

The magician looked at them in silence for a moment before turning his back, taking his steps into the sad forest first.

And so idiot, cheerleader and grumpy made their way into the forest until. . .