
Chapter 7

Yet Keri was the one leaning over the blueprints when Dayla arrived. I thought she was just looking them over, checking behind the workers, making sure the all I’s were dotted and T’s were crossed.

When she said, “I only got the shallow end mapped out,” I didn’t think she really meant she did it herself!

“So you’re the contractor,” Dayla says. Now how stupid does she look? But how was I supposed to know this wasn’t her house?

“I’m installing the pool,” Keri corrects.

Still slow on the uptake, Dayla says, “You said you have your own business.”

“Meredith Aquatics.” Frowning at her, Keri asks, “You didn’t see the van out front?”

“I didn’t know to look. Wow.” Dayla rocks back on one heel, impressed. “I would’ve never thought…I mean, I honestly believed—let’s just say I thought you lived here and leave it at that. I didn’t know when you said you were putting in the pool that you were actually the one putting in the pool.”