
A Futile Attempt: Main story


Young Master Adoels' POV

I was bored, so I launched myself from the Fourth floor, my butler watched me hurl myself over the balustrade, we met each others' gaze for an abrupt second, smirking as he groaned in annoyance and went back to preparing tea, the aroma mingling with the air, while mumbling something about bothersome teenagers.

In a little over five seconds, I would be nothing but a bloody stain on the face of the earth. 


The sickly sweet but rich scent of Earl Grey.


There was something else wasn't there?, my mouth watered ever so slightly at the familiar smell of whipped cream from the charlotte cake.


This was taking far to long. It seemed as though gravity was slacking off.


One could hear the song of the great reed warbler from half a mile away.



I thought as I anticipated the pain, my eyes glazed over in a euphoric high saturated with maddening lust awaiting the passionate love story between reaper and mortal dancing in an eternal tango to the melodious cadence of breaking bones and bathing in cold blood of past corpses. I felt a smile creep on my face as I anticipated the gratifying pain.


Pain that wasn't to be.

I felt my body twist mid-air according to a will of its own. I watched as though a bystander as I landed on my feet, and in one swift motion shoved my hands in my pocket. Quite an uneventful morning if I did say so myself.