
The Terrified Of Preparing

…Summer POV…

This morning Tina decided to pop in her head for a visit. So Austin was all glad and happy to have her here and even went as far as to go and squeeze her some fresh fruit juice. He has been making me drink an enormous amount of the stuff, for he believe it is going to make the baby healthy and strong. Let me not even go to all the damn carrots he is making me eat. Well, I don't know what the man is reading, but I think he is rather reading some comic book underneath those books he is so dug into.

So as he came back and casually joined in the conversation, he caught the last bit of what we were discussing. Well, what he heard, now directly from Tina's mouth, "Summer, we need to start planning for the babies' arrival."

Well, rather shocked, he replied, "But that is still a little over six months away. What on earth do you need to plan so soon."

Now he should not have even asked that question in the first place.