
The Bottle Cap Popped

...Austin POV...

The day has finally arrived.

Molly has pushed this birth out as far as she can so the birth date can fall on the same as that of her late father. Well, I do not see that happening anymore.

So we all have piled into Billy's truck and are racing to the ranch. Now poor Billy is such a nervous wreck; I think the man is going to pass out. But that is not the problem. The pain is slightly drunk. Now I do not know how well Molly is going to receive that one.

If he is not laughing hysterically, then he is crying. Now, if he is crying because the baby is coming or if he is actually scared of Molly, that I do not know. But poor Summer is sitting next to him, trying to get him to calm down. Then you have Tina trying to calm Tina down. Catalina is on the phone, busy phoning the entire damn town to give the news that Molly has gone into labor.

This is an absolute circus.