
Chapter 29 : The Rise of the Shadow King

Regulus’ POV

“This is bullshit and you know it,” I spat, rolling into the opposite corner as Metzger slammed both fists down leaving an indent in the stage tile. Oh yeah, there was no way in hell this son of a bitch was human. Humans couldn’t crush stone with their bare hands!

“Quit hopping around like a scared rabbit and fight me like a man!” Metzger roared.

And then, the strongman dug his fingers into the ring, picked up some of the loose tiles, and hurled it at me with such strength and accuracy, I knew I’d be knocked out. Thank the Gods he missed, otherwise I might have broken one of the only two rules Ahura had mentioned and expired on the spot. I vaulted over the thick rope caging us in, to land on one of the spokes they were attached to.