
Countryhumans one shots

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Tired_Reader0 · Andere
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3 Chs

A trip to Europe (ASEAN x EU) - Part 1

A/N -I've never been to Berlin, so I won't describe the area. I didn't know if any other city would fit this chapter to be honest.

~chapter start~

He got off the plane as they landed in the city of Berlin. In ASEAN's mind, it looked like a great city.

He agreed to meet EU there because he needed a vacation, and he could get things done before he could relax.

He walked out and scanned the area, looking for EU. Once he saw him, he walked towards him.

"Hello EU, dear friend. How are you?" ASEAN asked him. EU turned towards him.

"ASEAN! I'm good, thank you. How about you?" EU smiled at him.

"I'm fine as well. So, what did you want to meet for?" ASEAN asked, curious as to why he would be called.

"I wanted to speak to you about some things. But first, how about we walk around the city? You could put your things in my house. My children are probably not going to mess with your things. Although they could be a handful sometimes." EU exclaimed.

"Ok, let's do that."

They walked towards EU's car. EU opened the car door for ASEAN and waited for him to go in.

"Oh thank you." ASEAN blushed a bit.

'That's a weird feeling'

EU took his suitcase and placed it in the trunk.

"Actually, let's just walk through the city first. Well just leave your suitcase in my car, okay?" EU decided.

"Okay. So, where are we going?" ASEAN asked.

"We'll just walk around the center of the city for a bit. Don't worry, I won't have to carry you because we're not going on a hike" EU laughed, looking at ASEAN's expression.

"Don't joke like that, I can walk in my own just fine!" ASEAN said, looking away from EU because the blush was more visible.

EU loved ASEAN. He wished he had the courage to confess, but he'll wait. He didn't think it was an appropriate time.

As EU drove, ASEAN kept glancing at him. He didn't notice how EU saw him glance at him everytime. To EU, he thought it was cute.

Once they reached the place, they got out of the car and started walking.

"It's really pretty here. You should come to Asia some time and I'll give you a tour." ASEAN exclaimed, looking around the city.

Once they were done with the walk, they drove to EU's house. They walked in to chaos.

(insert description of chaos.)

"Children! What are you doing? Didn't I tell you that we have a guest today?" EU shouted. They immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

"Sorry EU, I didn't want to stop them." France said.

"Don't do that again. Can you say hello to ASEAN?"

"Hello!" They said in unison.

"Hello." He turned to EU. "Now I'm glad that I only have 10 children. I already can't imagine your daily life." ASEAN said, shuttering at the thought.

"Haha, it's crazy. But now you can help me since you're here." EU teased, laughing at how terrified ASEAN looked.

"I'll help you a bit. I swear I'm gonna pass out if I have to take care of that many countries. I rather have my peace." ASEAN exclaimed.

"Ok, I'll take your help. I'll lead you to your room ok?" EU took ASEAN's hand and led him to the guest room.

"Thank you EU."

"No problem."

~chapter end~

A/N - If you see a mistake, please inform me. I hope you enjoyed this.