
Countdown in a Broken World

The world was never the same after 2044. The illusion of a perfect world shattered, and the pursuit for outer space came to a halt as the planet began to unleash its fury on humanity. The melting of glaciers around the globe led to the release of long-forgotten secrets and a rise in sea levels that claimed several nations. An asteroid, undetected by humans, crash-landed in the Pacific Ocean, sparking global interest and research. For the next decade, life seemed relatively unchanged. But gradually, the world began to experience significant alterations that would eventually impact all living organisms. The Earth's magnetic field was disrupted, and a thick layer of ice formed around the atmosphere, protecting the world from the sun's harmful rays and accelerating climate change. The atmosphere was also strangely enriched with more oxygen and depleted of other gases. The increase in oxygen was a blessing and a curse. It made humans stronger, faster, and their minds were sharpened, leading to brilliant ideas that transformed civilization. But these changes were not limited to humans, as deadly organisms, including creatures from the deep and reptiles, also benefited. Forests thrived and with it came their dangers, as the growth of reptiles was unchecked and the dinosaurs of the past were reborn. Genetically Modified Organisms were the first to go berserk, and soon, all creatures, including humans, followed suit. Civilization slowly crumbled, and humans were forced to fight for survival in a world where only the fittest could survive. Alex was from a happy family living in the slums, who despite their lack of resources, were content. They were unaware of the changes taking place in the world as they already struggled to survive each day. But their normal life was upended when Alex was just 13 years old. The slums where his family lived were near the sea, and they earned a living by fishing. A storm struck, and a huge wave of water consumed everything, including Alex's family and his rights as a human. Forced to live at sea with other landless individuals, known as the scum of the world, Alex set sail alone in a boat that washed ashore during the disaster. This was the start of Alex's journey as the broken man who eventually found solace in a virtual reality game and fought against the world.

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Leviathan

There used to be tales in the olden times of a monster which lived in the waters, a crude and wicked beast, intelligent enough to hunt anything, strong enough that only God could tame it. Among the monsters Alex had hunted so far, this was the strongest and largest monster that he had ever faced, and it was so big that it could capsize the boat easily, but it was slowly moving around the waves churning the waters.

Alex was feeling perplexed, he had nothing on his mind, seeing the strange sight before him. The crooked scales on the back of the monster rose slowly out of the water. Alex knew that his presence was not that important to the monster as he was but a small prey in the big ocean, but still its mere scales which were bigger than the boat could bring the heebie jeebies to anyone.

The last time he escaped narrowly from this beast from somehow getting near an island, luckily it left him alone. But this time the storm was in the way, and he couldn't find a way to steer himself to the nearest land. He didn't know what to do. The only other thing he could do now was steer the boat close to the monster without drawing its attention.

The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the storm didn't seem to end up any time sooner. Alex and Eon were facing the hardest times on the seas. The boat was rising up high and low with every rising waves. 'Bud stay in there don't come out no matter what!', shouted Alex to Eon in the storm, as the bird was trying to come out from the cupboard in which it had its nest. Hours passed by quickly, and it was near the time the sun was about to rise, but the storm had not gone down a bit it was still raging its vitality had not gone down a bit.

Meanwhile, on the country 19, the nearest land from Alex's boat. Alarms were blazing on high, 'Sir we have confirmed the coordinates, it's on the move sir', A young officer wearing navy clothes reported to his commanding officer. The commanding officer showed a grim face looking at the live feed shown by the drones covering the monster from all directions.

This building was built on a huge ship, and this was the naval base of country 19 which was monitoring the seas around country 19. During the great wipe out which happened due to rise in sea level and increase in activities in the tectonic plates. The world lost around seventy-six countries from the total of hundred and ninety-five countries. So only hundred and nineteen countries existed now. The governments in all the countries joined together and created the world government. But some countries didn't like it and stayed out of the Union.

Each country was not known by names now, but they were known with numbers, Numbers which were numbered according to their priority. The country number 1 was the country whose land is going to sink first if the sea levels rise again and so on. So it was important for these countries with high priority numbers to look after the seas around them and also monitor the lands so that there ain't something there which can make the land sink or cause any other trouble to them.

Even though they can monitor continuously, they wouldn't be able to do anything if mother nature wanted to push apart and break down everything. 'Sir, we are awaiting your orders ', officers all around the ship filed themselves in order to wait for the orders of their commanding head.

A detailed image was made by the scientists from the data gathered about the monster by the drones. The Commander was looking at the three-dimensional image of the monster which was moving through their country's waters. The name Leviathan was marked above on the top of the information label, and all the details so far collected were shown on the screen.

'Have you run the data match with the other country's data regarding this creature', The General's question was immediately by a bunch of scientists. 'It rose to the surface with no reason, and it's a perfect match....', The General went into a deep thought, He knew that he will be able to attack the creature but if he doesn't decimate it and ends up in its wrath will he be able to save his country from its wrath? That was the only question that was in his mind so far, so he was waiting to make a decision.

'Sir, we have noticed some movement near the monster, a boat is sailing near the monster and there is a person inside sir, we don't know about the status of the boat sir, should we check on it', The General shook his head, 'It's useless to waste our time on it, it would surely end up destroyed. Just monitor the monster and note its movement and also update our status to the nearby countries.'

Alex was barely holding on, he was in the brink of exhaustion and could pass out any minute, but he still held up without giving in. Everything started to blacken out for Alex, he was going without food and water, and putting all his strength into keeping the boat afloat. Eon was watching Alex, and was clearly worried, even though it was not visible in its crow face.

Sixteen hours passed by, the storm was slowly subsiding, and the monster seemed to have moved a bit far from Alex's boat and out of harm, but Alex's exhaustion was slowly catching up and after two hours the long storm passed away and so did Alex's consciousness.

The boat had also come to a stop, slowly hitting up on a rock which was near a very highly built abandoned lighthouse. Eon didn't disturb Alex as he was sleeping and kept watch looking out for any dangers which may cause harm.