
Count Duke The Fat (J.P. Japhet)

Meet Vivian, a powerless Princess who was sold off in an auction the new Emperor sugarcoated as a ball. Sadly for Vivian, the one who got her was Duke the Fat, a lowly count known for being weak and fat. On the night of their consummation, she no longer could hide her misery and burst into tears. But instead of getting a hard slap as she expected for showing her disgust of him, Duke instead started to cry with her?! And instead of forcing himself on her, they TALK instead?! Now meet Duke called by many as The Fat. Duke was never lucky in life as everyone he knew mocked and belittled him. But it wasn't all bad as at least he still had a loving grandpa. And Duke was content with that. Having someone, even if it was just one person who believed in him. Until he didn't. One day his grandpa died and Duke was alone. He wanted to make his grandpa proud, but it was just too hard for him to fight the world alone. That is until he caught sight of Vivian. Read as Vivian becomes Duke's inspiration and how Duke becomes Vivian's pillar. Watch love sprout from a misunderstanding between a fat Count and a lonely Princess. And don't worry! Duke won't be The Fat forever! No. For this is not the story of some countryside Count and his wife. This is the story of Gailasfall, The legendary World Conqueror, The Berserk Dragon, and Eater of Gods. Or as he is known by those close to him, Duke Pendragon, ridiculed during his youth as "The Fat" But now even the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars dare not offend his whose name inspires fear and awe. And his mysterious wife. The enigmatic figure who would one day secretly run the world's politics and economy. "The Phantom Pillar" they named her and those who saw her beauty called her "The Hidden Rose Thorn" But Duke called her by a different name. He called her Vivian. Hello~! Japhet here, I hope you give this story a chance. And if you already have and you loved it: GIVE IT A REVIEW! And share it with your friends! Also, read my other novel "Space Janitor Bop" If you enjoyed how I write comedy and interesting characters, I'm sure you'll also love Space Janitor Bop. I hope you have a nice day and ENJOY! Follow me on Twitter: @JPJaphet Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XEeFvbZ Original Art "Princess and Dragon" by Nikita Volobuev from ArtStation. Check out his art!

JPJaphet · Fantasie
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110 Chs

(IN) Chapter 071 - Maine's Military Might!

"Duke! What did I tell you about kicking down doors?" Vivian scolded Duke with a strict tone.

"U-Uh don't kick the door, ma'am!" Duke immediately took up a militaristic position.

"Do it again" Vivian angrily ordered as Duke went through the process of opening the Study's doors.

*Knock Knock* "Why, kind sirs, ladies, and gentlemen, may this poor lowly fellow enter the o so sanctified study room?"

[Wait! Why are you entering like a servant?! Aren't you supposed to be the Lord!?" Anna asked herself, hearing Duke's over the top respectfulness...

"Good! Next time you enter, make sure to now three times instead of two!" Vivian, not realizing the errors of what had just happened, haphazardly continued to teach Duke, overly humble manners.

[Haha, she's more like a mother than a wife...] Annie laughed to herself thinking Duke and Vivian's relationship was quite peculiar, while Benjamin, the man with previous marriage experience, on the other hand, remembered his past relationship with his wife that was exactly like Duke and Vivian's.

[Ahh, yes... The stereotypical 'boys will be boys' attitude of the husband, and the ever nagging wife, haha... Seems like the two's relationship is quite nice... quite nice...] Benjamin looked back to a time when he was still young.

He was quite the opposite of his currently refined and gentlemanly stature back then, and in fact, he was a lot much like Duke in the sense that he too lacked manners like the young Count, and was often scolded by his headstrong wife...

Benjamin slightly laughed as he remembered how annoyed he would get when his wife started to bicker non-stop...

[I miss my wife]

A lingering sentiment passed through the wind, thinking himself the fool to ignore his wife's incessantly repeating words... Oh how much the current Benjamin would give just to hear 5 minutes of his wife's nagging again.

"What did you need Duke?" Vivian asked as she continued working through the tall mountain of paperwork in front of her.

"Hmm, I just thought maybe you three might be tired from all the work and would like to go out for a bit?" Duke asked the three undead looking office workers. But of course, no matter how haggard Vivian looked to Duke, she was still the cutest in his eyes!

"Haa... I can't... There's just too much work" Vivian explained as the eyes of Benjamin and Anna drooped, realizing their moment of opportunity for a break was denied by their boss.

"He he... I knew you'd say that! So I prepared something... What if I tell you, that me and Galleo found a new way to make money? Hmmm?" Duke insisted finally catching Vivian's attention, and of course, winning over the tired Benjamin and Anna's gratitude/adoration.

Duke held Vivian's hand as he dragged her towards the place he wanted to show her. Bouncing along the road.

Normally Vivian would've immediately unhanded herself from Duke's grasps, but strangely, this time both parties kept quiet. Who knows? Maybe this time both of them wanted to stay like this...

As Duke and Vivian were walking towards their destination, they passed through the training fields where the experienced Knights were sparring with 3-5 Civilian Trainees along with the new Professional Recruits. All sparrers wore padded clothing suggested by Duke learning about Galleo's Three Laws of Motion from Galleo... Duke thought the padded cloth could stop some of the injuries sustained by the sparrer so they could spar longer without rest.

But the most intriguing thing about the training area was it's structural and almost conveyor-belt like efficiency.

The Civilians and New Recruits rotated around the experienced Knights, while the Knights who were too tired also changed places with Knights who were resting or were hitting the training dummies on the edges of the training field.

The rested sparred, the tired rested for 5-10 minutes, and after resting they go to the dummy area at the edges of the field where they would, later on, be called on to replace tired sparrers.

Such a simple system designed by Duke and tweaked a little by Byran and trial and error had been going on every day on a daily basis since Duke had returned from the bandit subjugation and thought up of such a system.

At first, it was just the 75 official soldiers stationed at Maine under Duke's command. Then when the Mandatory Civilian Training was initiated two weeks ago, the Civilians and Trainees also came and trained with the Knights.

Since the Knights trained every day the whole day with 3-5 sparring partners each, the old men's sharp battle instincts rekindled and even sharpened even more at frighteningly quick paces.

Of course, the Civilians/Recruits too were developing quickly. In fact, they developed so fast that more than a fourth of the 5000 could be considered real Soldiers now. Although it was still a little bit slow due to their large numbers, they are rotated in days so their growth wasn't as fast as the Knights.

Duke too joined them in this grueling training where masses of people attacked him all at once. If it was a Civilian attacking, Duke acted as a punching bag, while if it's a Knight attacking, he either dodged or counter-attacked.

Duke was indeed developing quite fast, Byran was even being forced to use 50% of his power now!

*Sssk! Ssk! Ssk!" Three silent arrows hit their mark and a hunter wearing a leather tunic and a wolf's head triumphantly stood, smiling.

This was Rudon, a skilled local hunter along with his fellow hunters from the many Villages around Maine who had joined Duke after Grain prices dropped, making the need for supplementary hunted meat unnecessary...

Next to him was a familiar woman who suddenly smacked the wolf-head wearing archer, probably after he said something inappropriate...

Cynthia, also wearing a leather tunic greeted Duke and Vivian's arrival along with her husband.

The newly formed Hunters group also formed a conveyer-belt-like system where the Archers that were training archery continuously fired their bows, practicing bow speed and accuracy, while the Runners training their running speed went off to quickly fetch arrows after a brief pause systematically made by the Archers to give the Runners time to fetch arrows.

Cynthia too was part of the Runners group, helping her husband train...

What surprised Duke here were the 10 Bandits Duke spared had also joined the Runners group of Hunters.

It looked like since the 10 Past-Bandits were just 9 youths and 1 old man forced by their 'comrades' to be meat shields, Cynthia, Rudon, and the other Village-Hunters quickly forgave the young boys...

But not all was fine and dandy within the Hunter group as Waxer, the former Bandit leader was also part of the group, tutoring some in Archery...

Apparently Waxer's vast knowledge as a previous bandit gave him a lot of skill when it came to the scouting and archery. And so Byran felt it would be best if he was sent there under the supervision of Rudon to train the new recruits/civilian trainees...

Thanks to this the Hunters were constantly on edge with one another.

Waxer bowed lightly when he saw Duke but immediately went back to the job he was doing making Cynthia storm away, unable to take his impudent behavior, and also probably unable to take in her hatred for the murderer, Rudon soon followed to comfort his wife making Duke sigh on the side...

Duke hoped this wouldn't lead to further trouble...

[Maybe I should remove Waxer from the Hunter Squadron after we get more trained Archers in the future... hmmm] Duke thought to himself.

"Ah! Bran~! You there!" Duke pointed to a slightly dashing and robust young man who had improved quite a bit since joining Duke and getting enough food to eat.

This young man was Brandus or simply called Bran, he became quite a good friend of Duke during their siege against Waxer's gang...

And so he called the man over and introduced him to Vivian:

"Vivian, this bloke right here's my good buddy Bran, were quite close, aren't we bro?!" Duke elbowed Bran, making the young man blush a little bit as he replied:

"Y-Yeah... Friends..." Bran happily accepted his new title as 'friend'... Before this, he had thought they were only comrade at arms at most. Bran liked the feeling of having a friend since his family died.

"He's going ta be your personal bodyguard from now on!" Duke confidently stated as he thought Bardis and Dan might have to join in the expedition along with Byran, next time a treat appeared once again.

"Nice to meet you sir Bran" Vivian smiled as she shook Bran's hand.

"A-Ah, yes ma'am! Likewise" Still slightly blushing, Bran shook back, fumbling his words a bit due to his nervousness...

Vivian giggled at the fumbling youth their age... She thought he was a little bit cute.

Dun Dun Dunnnn~!

Ohohhh, I added some romantic drama into the story. Oh~ Noe~

What do you think Bran's role will be in this story?

a.) He is actually the real hero/main character of the story, making Duke's fears of being the gay sidekick actually true! And getting cucked by one of Gaiseric's descendants... Later on, he would win Vivian's heart while saving Duke from a near-death experience as Duke graciously gives the title of Count and his wife to his savior! Of course later on we also learn that Duke is actually a whaman! OMG! And joins Bran's harem! The Real Hero Bran!

b.) He and the current Emperor (Vivi's bro) become bitter gay rivals fighting over Duke's big fat... stature. Overtime their rivalry turns to mutual respect, and mutual respect turns to love as the gay couple fights social norms as ancients LGBT activists! Real activists, not SJWs... And not just that! In the end, Brandon becomes a first-order Paladin, later becoming the Pope, thus starting the Pope and the Emperor's hot and spicy night time escapades not mentions in any of the holy books, gehehe... The Holy Warrior Brandon!

c.) He dies... But not really, as he is reborn as a Thanatos (A God of Death), the avatar of Death, and thanks to his great love for Vivian, and his unbending respect for Duke. When once after Vivian succumbs to a deadly poison and dies.

Bran sacrifices his life to save her, dying as a hero... but not THE hero. The Heroic Enough Bran!

d.) He's Duke's mom in disguise... He's also Vivian's mom in disguise... Heck, he's ur mom! He's everyone's mom! The Big Mom Brandon!

Comment down below your thoughts and theories lolz...

JPJaphetcreators' thoughts