
The text

´Ok, I've given you time. Time to tell me the truth and trust me I'll know when you're lying”.

“He was a friend.”


“He was. He really was”

He pushes me against the wall and says, “Do not lie to me.!”

“Okay, he was more than a friend. Happy?”

“Fine but tell me why he was you were having nightmares about him.”

“Please don't make me do this. I don't want to remember”

“I won't let you lie to me anymore. I want to know all that is about you. I want to know you, Elizabeth.”

“What if I don't want to be known?”

“Tough luck.”

“The last time I was known, I was hurt by him. And I won't let you do the same.”

As he was about to reply. The ring of a cell phone interrupts the conversation.

“I have to take this, but this conversation is not over”

I storm out wiping my tears and I try to act normal as I go downstairs to eat breakfast. The whole family is downstairs. I'm looks to be enjoying breakfast.

“Morning, Elizabeth”. Mrs Monroe says. She's wearing sunglasses early in the morning in the house? Must be because of her hangover.

“Morning”. I reply.

“Today I'm having the ladies over and they would love to meet my sons girlfriend. Wear something nice, please.”

“I was hoping to just stay in”

“Tough luck.”

I am beyond exhausted. These past few weeks have been nothing short of dramatic. I can't wait to go back to my old mundane life. The simplicity is comforting.

“Which ladies? Are you inviting? Mr Manroe asks.

“Jacob’s wife and them, you know.”

“Anna is going to be there?”

“Yes. Why ask?”

“She's one of your few friends that I can actually tolerate.”

“I do not think you're one of the people I can actually tolerate now that I think of it.”

Mrs Monroe says with her finest smile, and walks away.

OK, that was weird and awkward. But I should be used to it staying in this house. Everything is weird and awkward in here. The people, the place, everything. I guess it's a rich people thing.

Maybe I should plan escape again, but they'd just find me. I know people like them.

I go over to the poolside to relax and put my legs in the pool. I remember last night how he helped me. How close we were. I wanted nothing more. Yet, That's the last thing I wanted. I can't wait to get away from him. So, we can just both live our normal lives away from each other.

As I was enjoying the poolside, I get a call. It's from Michelle. What a surprise.

“Hello. Elizabeth. How are you? I just wanted to cheque how you are doing. It's Michelle by the way”

“Hello Michelle, I'm doing great and you?”

“Great, just missing you, even though you only worked at my bakery for a day. And then disappeared slash kidnapped. We both laughed.”

“Still sorry about that. Hope you found a new replacement.”

“I found. replacement alright.”

“A good one?”

“Nope. But he was alright.”


“Fine you got me. He’s name is Barry and he’s slow as Garry. He picks his nose and I have to constantly reprimand him about doing it in the kitchen. I had to throw away a whole cake because of that. Also he lives in his mom’s basement and his girlfriend charry left him when he tried to have a date with her in the basement.”

“Wow and you said he’s alright.”

“I just gave you an earful. I just had to talk to someone about it.”

“It’s alright I enjoyed listening.”

“Oh my gosh a cake is burning. Barry! Ugh he’s gone out to pick his nose I gotta go.”

“Bye” I say laughing.

It felt so nice to have a funny non-serious talk. Sounds like Michelle needs to be looking for another replacement, but I know she doesn’t have the heart to fire him.

I my leg stayed so long in the pool that they would numb. They look like raisins. I was having such a nice conversation with Michelle I almost forgot about my meeting with Mrs Manroe and her friends.

On my way to the garden, I bump into a hard chest and almost fall. When I'm caught halfway. I know this oceanic masculine scent.

“You are the clumsiest person I know.”

“Me too. I mean, I'm the clumsiest person I know. Not you. I don't think you're clumsy”

“I'm not.”

Good to know you can let go of me now.

He looks at me with his bushy eyebrows pushed together and say, “I can’t”

It is almost as if he had this moment of realisation of what he said. And he quickly let's go me. He clears his throat, thinking of saying something, but just walks away.

Getting to the garden is a lot of work. But I made it. You would think such rich people would have golf carts.

Elizabeth's darling, you're bit late, but welcome.

“Sorry, I just got caught up”

“Probably with Jordan, these two love birds. Come sit.” I sat at the beautifully decorated table. The colourful arrangement complementing the green garden.

“Okay. This is Elizabeth everyone. She is my son’s girlfriend.”

I hate being the centre of attention. I hate being the one people are watching.

“Hello. I'm Dorothy.” One of the ladies says.

Then crystal, Camilla, Anne and Hannah Introduce themselves. Not to judge, but they're all look like the typical rich housewives who got way too much plastic surgery done. No hate on plastic surgery do what makes you happy girl but everything about them seems fake I don’t think they like each other. They are the shadiest people ever and their laughs are so fake it’s annoying.

I tried to act like one of them. Overly laugh at dry jokes sipping on dry wine. But I cannot brag about how rich my husband is. But Mrs Monroe does that for me not that, Jordan. Oh. Mr Monroe is my rich husband.

“So, Elizabeth, where do you come from? You do not look like you’re from around here.” Mrs Monroe looks at me with understanding, knowing I would not like to share that and changes the topic.

“Oh, I forgot to show you, ladies. I got a new bracelet well; my husband got it from. Did I tell you about his recent trip to Switzerland?”

They all woo at the bracelet. And all the details of the recent trip. A text coming distracts me. At first, I think it's a Text from Michelle. But I could not be more wrong.